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Production Build #27.7.X13

Last-modified: 2017-06-08 (木) 22:37:28


日本時間で 2017/4/14


  • 新ダンジョン: Mountain Temple
  • イースターイベント開始
    • イースターエッグハンティング開始: Realmに発生する卵 Easter Egg? をすべて破壊すると巨大な卵 Mysterious Egg? が発生する。
    • ペット卵のドロップ率が2倍
  • ゲーム内メッセージボード(左上のscroll-ui.png)を追加。パッチノートなどを表示する。
  • 聖パトリックイベント終了
  • エイプリルフールイベント終了
  • 新スキン・ペットストーン
    Mystic Emeritus.pngMystic Emeritus (Mystic) by Poshun
    (Silver Ninja.pngSilver Ninja (Ninja) by Kingged)
    Woodland Huntress.pngWoodland Huntress (Huntress) by Poshun
    Bunny Trickster.pngBunny Trickster (Trickster) by Poshun
    Shrine Priestess.pngShrine Priestess (Priest) by Poshun
    Red Outlaw.pngRed Outlaw (Rogue) by Poshun
    Shadow Mage.pngShadow Mage (Necromancer) by Poshun
    Shield Maiden.pngShield Maiden (Knight) by Beige
    Mini Sphinx.png Mini Crystal Steed.png (Carnivorous Plant.png) Mr Cactus Jr..png Mr Cactus.png

    Mystic Emeritus.gifSilver Ninja.gifWoodland Huntress.gifBunny Trickster.gifShrine Priestess.gifRed Outlaw.gifShadow Mage.gifShield Maiden.gif

    • スキン・染料マスクの修正: Ascended Sorcerer, BB Wolf, Dark Elf Huntress, Demon Spawn, Hunchback, Jack the Ripper, Lil’ Red, Mischievous Imp, Nexus no Miko, Poltergeist, Slime Skins, Stanley the Spring Bunny, Vampiress, Zombie Nurse
  • サーバの再起動時刻を各地域の午前3時に変更
  • 鍵アイテムの価格を恒久的に値下げ
  • 新アカウントを作成し課金アイテムを大量購入してチャージバックする取り込み詐欺への対策
    • 鍵アイテムの購入・使用にはRank10が必要
    • 装備アイテムの購入はRank2が必要


  • Soulbound版スキンアイテムを追加: Shoveguy Skin, B.B. Wolf Skin, Agent Skin, Brigand Skin, Sorceress Skin, Iceman Skin, Scarlett Skin, Lil Red Skin, Platinum Warrior Skin, Ranger Skin, Huntsman Skin, Holy Avenger Skin, Hunchback Skin, Witch Doctor Skin, Nun Skin, Witch Skin, Artemis Skin, Bashing Bride Skin, Eligible Bachelor Skin, Dark Elf Huntress Skin, Drow Trickster Skin, Ascended Sorcerer Skin, King Knifeula Skin, Platinum Knight Skin, Platinum Rogue Skin, Deadly Vixen Skin


Patch Notes 27.7.X.13

Hey there people! Hope you all had your fair share of fun with April’s Fools content, because we’re back with a brand new dungeon as promised! Enter the first wing of the hidden Mountain Temple and defeat the High Monk Daichi to prevent the arrival of the Demon Lord Xil!


  • The First Wing of the Mountain Temple is now live! Thanks to thq32df & Beige for the Art!
  • Easter Egg Hunt has started! Eggs will spawn around the Realm, destroying all of them will spawn a Giant Egg! Be careful about destroying this one though, someone might get angry...
  • Pet Eggs drop rate are doubled for Easter!
  • Added In-Game Message Board (Scroll Icon on the top left of the screen)


  • After being constantly exterminated by adventures, the Leprechaun community have decided to move out of Realm of the Mad God. The Leprechaun Chase Event is over.
  • April’s Fools Reskins have been removed.
  • Oryx Chicken will no longer spawn.


  • Added a new batch of Skins and Pet Stones
  • Made fixes to the following Skins / Dye Masks: Ascended Sorcerer, BB Wolf, Dark Elf Huntress, Demon Spawn, Hunchback, Jack the Ripper, Lil’ Red, Mischievous Imp, Nexus no Miko, Poltergeist, Slime Skins, Stanley the Spring Bunny, Vampiress, Zombie Nurse.

Servers daily restart time have been changed depending on their cluster:

  • USW Cluster: 3am PST (UTC -7) / 10am UTC
  • USE Cluster: 3am EST (UTC -4) / 7am UTC
  • EU Cluster: 3am UTC
  • Asia Cluster: 3am PHT (UTC +8) / 7pm UTC

Shops & Items

  • Keys can no longer be purchased in the Nexus Shop by players under 10 Stars.
  • Keys can no longer be used by players under 10 Stars.
  • Keys’ price have been permanently lowered (Note: Will need a few minutes to apply to all servers)
  • Equipment can no longer be purchased in the Nexus Shop by players under 2 Stars.

Oy! What does that mean? To put it simply, the restrictions have been implemented to combat fraudsters, who create new accounts and buy / use large amounts of keys before charging back.
At the same time, we believe that a lot of items are currently too expensive. One of our goal is to make players feel good about spending a few bucks in the Nexus, without feeling forced to gamble with Mystery Boxes or having to spend more to afford expensive packages. We have permanently lowered the price of most keys, and are looking into repricing other items in future patches

That’s it for now! If you have questions, remarks or suggestions, fire away!

Build 27.7.X13.1

日本時間で 2017/4/28


  • Mountain Templeのイベントチェストを追加、イベント開始(5/3 11時まで)
    • 敵の殲滅が必要
    • 植樹祭イベントとしてWoodland Huntressスキンがドロップ
  • イースターイベント終了
  • Mountain Templeのバランス調整
    • Daichi the Fallenの強化 HP20万→30万、Def50→65、EXP0→153900(1000)
      • 無敵フェイズ追加
      • プレイヤー貫通: Fire Elemental missiles, Air Elemental missiles, Water Elemental missiles, Earth Elemental missiles, Fire Power, Earth Power, Water Power, Air Power
      • 確定ドロップ: Potion of Defense×1、ステータスポーション×1
    • モンスター数増加
    • Mini Corrupted Armor: EXP125→0
    • Corrupted Armor: EXP1000(195)→2000(390)
    • Corrupted Spearman: EXP250(195)→192(150)
    • Corrupted Bowman: EXP175→134
    • Corrupted Caster: EXP0→288(150)
    • Corrupted Monk: EXP500(195)→385(150)
    • プレイヤー数制限15人
  • スペルミスやバグの修正
  • 鍵アイテムのFeed Powerをすべて200に変更(餌アイテムとの価格逆転の修正)
  • スキンアイテムを一律青袋に変更(オートルートチート対策)
  • Mini Rosen と Rosen Skins のクレジット追加
  • 不正防止のためギルド作成とランク変更に処理遅延を追加
    One rank changing operation is in progress, please wait a few minutes and try again!
  • Ivory Wyvernへのポータルが消えなくなった


  • 鍵アイテムを茶袋から青袋に変更
  • Woodland Huntress, Bunny Trickster, Red Outlawスキンの微調整
  • Mystic Emeritusスキンの染料を暗くしないように調整


Patch Notes 27.7.X.13.1

Hey there people! Did you get to enjoy Easter and get smashed by Biff the Buffed Bunny? Here’s a small patch in preparation of the next one.


  • Mountain Temple Event Chest! Come one come all to get plenty of loot, including the exclusive Woodland Huntress in celebration of Arbor Day. As per usual, remember that the Chest will only spawn once all the enemies in the dungeon have been eliminated. The Event will end on Tuesday May 2nd at 6pm CET.


  • Biff the Buffed Bunny and his eggs has finally left the Realm. The Easter Event is over.
    Balance - Mountain Temple
  • Increased Daichi HP by 25%
  • Added Invincibility Phases
  • Added Pierce to Elemental Shots
  • Increased the number of monsters
  • Added guaranteed Def Pot + 1 additional Random Pot drop (per dungeon not per player)
  • Added 15 players limit
  • Fixed a few typos and bugs

Fix & Tweaks

  • All Keys should now have 200 FP.
  • All Skins should now drop in SB Bags (to avoid bot looters).
  • Mini Rosen & Rosen Skins should now be properly credited to their respective artist (thanks Lovens & Univoid)
  • Added Time Restriction on Creating Guild / Changing Guild Rank to fix an exploit.
  • The portal to the Ivory Wyvern in the Lair of Draconis no longer despawns.

Event Chest Content

  • Wand of the Fallen
  • Kageboshi
  • Woodland Huntress Skin
  • Nun Skin
  • Ranger Skin
  • T11 Weapons
  • T12 Armor
  • Stat Potions (SB)

That’s it for now! If you have questions, remarks or suggestions, fire away!

Build 27.7.X14

日本時間で 2017/5/19


  • Djinnがごく稀にCave of A Thousand Treasuresポータルをドロップ
  • ギルドホールにNPC「Guill」を配置
  • Account In Useのタイムアウトを10分→2分に減少
  • アイテム数の多いアカウントのプレイヤー一覧読み込みを高速化
    Muledumpは muleDump=true をURLパラメータに渡すと今まで通り取得できる
       31 function realmAPI(path, opts, extraopts, callback) {
       32     opts.ignore = Math.floor(1e3 + 9e3 * Math.random())
    +         opts.muleDump = 'true';
       33     var url = BASEURL + path + '?' + $.param(opts)
  • ニュースをホイールでスクロールしてもミニマップがズームしなくなった
  • Cave of A Thousand Treasuresで切断(dc)する問題を修正し炎トラップを再デザイン
  • Lair of DraconisPyyrのしもべが壁にめり込む問題を修正
  • Char Slot UnlockerVault Chest UnlockerVault外で使用できなくなった
  • Mysterious Crystal, Dragon Egg, Sumo Masterの発生時に地形タイルを変更し障害物を除去
  • Hermit God討伐時に中央部の水深を浅くした(クエスト重複時にlootが拾えない問題修正)
  • Bow of Fey Magicの弾の色を紫に変更し他の弓矢と一貫性を持たせた
  • Green Satelliteが移動時に障害物を貫通する
  • スキンアイテムの説明に職業欄を追加
  • ペットストーンの説明にファミリーの変更の注意を追加
  • Avatar of the Forgotten KingKiller Pillar?アナウンスをAvatarがするようになった
  • アイテムの説明やOryxトーント(討伐アナウンス)のtypo修正
  • キャラ一覧の変更
    • ステータスのカンスト数(x/8)を表示
    • 連れているペットを表示
    • マウスを載せるとバックパックの中身とステータスを表示(HP/MPは設定に関わらず数字を表示)
  • ミニマップやロックリストのツールチップで名前を省略しない
  • ミニマップのツールチップやメニューで文字が背景領域からはみ出ていたのを修正
  • ミニマップで敵の赤点を他より上に描画
  • クエスト表示を即座に更新
  • OptionsのExperimentalタブを最初から有効にした (decamenu)
Toggle Pots To Max Text
Toggle New Mini Map Colors
  • 新カーソルの追加と既存カーソルの修正 (thanks to Chvzto!)
  • 新スキンとペットストーン
    Ancient Sorcerer.pngAncient Sorcerer (Sorcerer) by Poshun
    Cunning Sorcerer.pngCunning Sorcerer (Sorcerer) by BLOODQWEN
    Dark Elf Assassin.pngDark Elf Assassin (Assassin) by BLOODQWEN
    Elf Archers.pngElf Archers (Archer) by Thq32df (アイテム名は単数形)
    Heroic Knight.pngHeroic Knight (Knight) by Poshun
    Markswoman Huntress.pngMarkswoman Huntress (Huntress) by DG
    Ordinary Magician.pngOrdinary Magician (Wizard) by Poshun

    Ancient Sorcerer.gifCunning Sorcerer.gifDark Elf Assassin.gifElf Archers.gifHeroic Knight.gifMarkswoman Huntress.gifOrdinary Magician.gif

    Mini Limon.png
    • Slime Rogueスキンの染料マスクを修正


  • Daichi the FallenのHPを30万→25万に変更
  • Phylactery Mystic Setの攻撃音の変更
  • 前リリースでのToxic Sewers KeyのFeed Powerとバッグ色変更漏れを修正
  • Rooster of Good FortuneをRare→Divineに変更


Patch Notes 27.7.X.14 (2017/05/18)

Hey everyone!
This month, we decided to invest time on necessary backend changes to improve the game’s stability and performance. This is an ongoing effort that we think most of you will agree to prioritize over always pumping in new content all the time. That being said, we’re not leaving you dry! We added a slightly reworked Cave of a Thousand Treasure as drop in Godlands, and you can meet your new best buddy in your Guild Hall: Friendly Guill, the Guild Guy.
We also allocated a significant amount of time in fixing some legacy bugs and adding a bunch of UI improvements that we hope you will enjoy and give constructive feedback on.
You can discover the changes below, in the Patch Note details:


  • Djinns in Godlands now have a low chance to drop a portal to the Cave of a Thousand Treasures!
  • Guill the friendly guild NPC is now ready and eager to serve! Don’t be shy, say hello to him. You’ll find him in your Guild Hall.

Tweaks & Fixes

  • Disconnect Timeout has been lowered from 10 minutes to 2 minutes
  • Optimized character list loading time for players with a large amount of items
  • Scrolling through the In-game news using the mouse wheel no longer activates zooming on the minimap
  • Fixed a disconnect issue in the Cave of a Thousand Treasures and re-designed flame trap room
  • Lair of Draconis minions needed for progression no longer get stuck in walls
  • Character Slot Unlocker and Vault Unlocker items are now only usable in the vault
  • Mysterious Crystals, Dragon Eggs and Sumo Masters will now spawn with their own tile to remove obstacles
  • After the Hermit God dies, the deep water will turn into normal water after a short while (no more lost loot!)
  • Arrow feathers from Bow of Fey Magic should now be purple to be consistent with other bows
  • Green Satellite (monster) no longer loses a piece of itself when flying around
  • Skins now always display the Skin Class in the item description
  • Pet Stones now always display the Family Change warning message in the item description
  • Reduced Avatar of the Forgotten King spam, Killer Pillar phase is now only announced by the Avatar itself
  • Fixed a few typos in item descriptions and Oryx taunts

UI Update

  • Character selection screen now displays how maxed a character is (x/8)
  • Character selection screen now displays the current pet of the character
  • Character selection screen hover now displays backpack content
  • Character selection screen hover now displays stats (also forces numeric text on hp/mp bar)
  • Disabled shortening player names (mini map and lock list tool tips)
  • Mini map: group tool tip and teleport menu background should now scale correctly with the text
  • Mini map: enemies will always render on top
  • Quest arrow/portrait now updates immediately
  • The experimental “decamenu” is now active by default
  • Added experimental toggle option to display how many potions of a certain stat are still needed to max it, applies to both selection screen hover and in game stats panel (only when level 20, disabled by default)
  • Added experimental mini-map toggle option for slightly different colors for locked/unlocked players, locked/unlocked guild mates and locked/unlocked white names (disabled by default)
  • Added a new cursor and fixed existing ones (thanks to Chvzto!)


That’s it for now! Big thanks to all our testers out there, you know who you are! Please note that we welcome feedback on the UI changes, such as the minimap colors - so don’t hesitate to drop a word. As usual if you have questions, remarks or suggestions, fire away!
And don’t worry, Muledump will still be usable with the changes, simply add &muleDump=true to the URL parameters.

Build 27.7.X14.1

日本時間で 2017/5/25



May Hotfix (2017/05/24)

May Hotfix (2017/05/24) (ゲーム内の告知より)


  • Fixed an issue with the Friendlist not loading properly
  • Fixed Oryx Suit of Armor's*1 aim being completely off
  • Added Portal of Cowardice in the Mountain Temple
  • Increased Moutain Temple Portal drop rate
  • MotMGについて (6/3)
    Month of the Mad Godの計画はあります(そして大々的なものになります!)。内容をまだ告知したくない理由の一部がそれです。約束をするならば果たしたいので、MotMG中にできるものを念入りに確認しています。
    MotMGを忘れているって? そうしたら今年の間ずっとRedditは糞スレで埋まってしまいます。

Re: MotMG hasn't been scheduled

Hello there,

Just to give you guys a little heads up - Menichko unfortunately worded that quite poorly - what he meant is that we haven't announced a schedule yet.

We do have plans for Month of the Mad God (and fairly large ones at that!), which is partially why we don't want to announce the content quite yet. We want to be able to deliver on the promises we make, so we're making extra sure about what will or will not be going live during Month of the Mad God.

And come on, forget about MotMG? We'd have RotMG Reddit shitposting us for the rest of the year if we did that.

It won't be this month no, we're prioritizing getting the good stuff ready. We don't want MotMG to be just us throwing a few free items and calling it a day.

Be patient. You'll understand when you see it!



  • アートコンテストの参加方法等の詳細翻訳求む -- 2017-05-26 (金) 14:58:12
  • 書いた→Official Events/DECA Art Contest 2017 -- 2017-05-26 (金) 23:05:46
  • ↑マジ感謝 -- 2017-05-27 (土) 10:27:27
  • お疲れ様です -- 2017-05-27 (土) 15:00:00