日本時間で 2013/2/8
Build 10.0.0 との違い。
- Build 11.0.0a (test) の正式採用。
- リリース当初、予定になかったと思われる新ダンジョンの鍵がアイテム売り場で販売されていた。サーバーダウンの後、再リリースとなりアイテム売り場からは新ダンジョンの鍵は撤去された。
Release 11:のってるか~い?Are you ready to rock?
(直訳だとRockへの準備はいいか? - で Rock Dragon と掛けてる)
RotMGチームは新イベントボス: Rock Dragon の出現を案内できて光栄です。ちょうど中国の新年(2/10,旧正月,春節)で巳年です。この新イベントボスはきっと絶好の相手である冒険者たちに挑んでくるだろう。
[マイクの現実世界の追記: まもなく新リリースをプロダクション版として公開します。実に素晴らしい Rock Dragonの他に、クライアントとサーバーの内部インフラ部分の変更から成っています。もっとたくさんのいいものについてはもう少し待って。]
Release 11: Are you ready to rock?
The Realm of the Mad God team is proud to introduce the launch of the new Rock Dragon boss encounter. Just in time for Chinese New Year and the Year of the Snake, this new encounter is sure to challenge even the worthiest adventurers.
Hibernating for a millennia deep beneath the surface of the Realm, legends tell that the beast would awaken at the dawning of the new age. Those adventurers brave enough to have the rare opportunity of encountering this monstrosity had better have their wits about them. To defeat the beast, adventurers are going to have to ensure its complete obliteration; just going for the throat on this one might prove... futile.
[Mike's mundane additions: we'll be pushing a new release to production shortly. Other than the truly awesome Rock Dragon, this consists of infrastructural changes internal to the client and server. Even more good stuff coming soon.]
Build still coming
Yeah, not so much "30 minutes." That was based on our estimates from the deployment process (not just "compiling code," fwiw).
We've hit some machine issues. We're on it.
Sorry for the delay -- but it beats being in a dungeon right when the game goes down.
P.S. Just the encounter and some internal reporting changes in this build. No dungeon, no changes to Fame. No undead apocalypse (oh wait - were we saving that for later?).
Build 11.1.0
日本時間で 2013/2/9
リリース 11 Hotfix 2/8/2013
開発陣がHotfixを公開しました。Draconis Key は Consolation Key に置き換えられます。Consolation Keyはランダムなステータスポットを見つけられる小部屋へのポータルを開きます。
Our Developers are now pushing a hotfix, that will replace any Lair of Draconis Keys with the newly coined Consolation of Draconis keys. Consolation of Draconis Keys will open a portal to a small room where you can find a random Stat Potion. Thank you all for your patience.
日本時間で 2013/3/13
- 公式アナウンスにない変更点
- 手裏剣のダメージ増加、Fame Bonus 削除。
射程変更: Basic Star 15>10、Wind Circle 15>17
- 手裏剣のダメージ増加、Fame Bonus 削除。
アップデート: Dupe対策 - 実行中
加えて、この修正で、Lair of Draconisダンジョンの未完成リリース時に流出したT14アイテムはガラクタに変えられます。これらのアイテムはリリース予定ではなかったので、ゲームバランス全体に脅威となっています。
Dupe解決の完了までのみなさんの忍耐にほんとうに感謝いたします、新ペット機能も同様です! プレイしてくれてありがとう!
誤ってリリースされたLair of Draconisのアイテムは別アイテムに差し替えられました。Draconisの鎧は以下のものになっています。
Update: Duping Hotfix - Live
Hello everyone,
In the effort to fix the recent duping exploit, the team has decided to temporarily Soulbind all items. Items will remain Soulbound until we are able to complete a long-term fix.
Additionally, in this hotfix, the Tier 14 items that were leaked when the Lair of Draconis Dungeon was prematurely released will be rendered useless. As these items were not intended for release, they pose a threat to the overall balance of the game.
We understand that these measures will temporarily impact the in-game player economy, but it must be done if we want to help minimize the long-term effects of the duping exploit.
We truly appreciate your patience while we finalize the solution to duping, as well as the new Pets feature! Thanks for playing!
Bug Fixes:
Everything will be soulbound temporarily
The accidentally released Lair of Draconis items have been swapped for different items. Draconis armor is now:
A couple of panels have been cleaned up.
A conditional has been added to ensure the package button not appear in inappropriate locations.
Hey Folks,
We're getting a lot questions regarding when items will be un-soulbound and available for trading. While we can confirm that this change is only temporary, we don't currently have a date set to unbind items.
Ideally, items will be unbound when the team has worked out a permanent solution to duping. Please know that fixing the duping exploit is a top priority for us, and we are working to make items trade-able again as quickly as possible.
Thank you everyone for your patience, while we continue working to fix duping once and for all.
- Release 11: Are you ready to rock? | Wild Shadow Forums
- Release 11 Hotfix 2/8/2013 | Wild Shadow Forums
- Update: Duping Hotfix - Live | Wild Shadow Forums
- はやくSB解除してほしい。倉庫がぱんぱんだよ(´・ω・`) -- 2013-03-19 (火) 23:13:28
- ↑同感です、まずはRotmgチームを信じるしかありません -- 2013-03-26 (火) 09:17:08