5 posts tagged with elections by snakey.
Displaying 1 through 5 of 5.
Wouldn't it be awesome
Wouldn't it be awesome if there were a web site where you could see the actual voting records of elected officials?
Democrats: Al Gore lost because he was a raving lefty.
Democrats: Al Gore lost because he was a raving lefty. *sigh* I guess the dems will run an even more conservative candidate next time. At least they've stopped blaming Ralph Nader.
You gotta love that Tom Tomorrow. . .
I just got polled for the presidential election
I just got polled for the presidential election. . .and they didn't even mention Nader's name as a choice for president! I had to tell them 'I am voting for Ralph Nader." Ralph is pulling 6% in recent national polls. This really gets me steamed that they don't include his name in the %#@*!! polls.
Mastercard Wants to Silence Nader
Mastercard Wants to Silence Nader If you thought Ralph Nader's views on too much corporate power were too far out -- click this one. The corporate thugs are trying to shut him down.