9 posts tagged with children by mathowie.
Displaying 1 through 9 of 9.

But what about the children! Oh, they have an opinion?

Shocked and Awed: A gallery of Iraq schoolchildren art. Interesting galleries of crayon works, some obviously have high opinions of the occupation while others may not. [via Dangerousmeta]
posted by mathowie on Oct 17, 2003 - 14 comments

Strategery for Kids!

Strategery for Kids! Just like the real white house website, except done in fingerpaint. Come learn about Ofelia, who loves great american authors almost as much as she loves daydreaming. Beware of the cat, 'cause she's got a mean line of questions waiting for you. There's also some well-developed questions and answers with W, Cheney is shown exercising, and hey! put a coaster under those things!
posted by mathowie on Aug 31, 2001 - 16 comments

What's it like to be born a sellout?

What's it like to be born a sellout? Two parents not only expecting a new child, but expecting a corporate donor to give them half a million dollars for the naming rights to their son. Their ebay listing claims it's for the child's education, though the article says they're looking to buy a new home. And if you actually think naming your offspring "Aaa-Oh-El" is a good idea and would like to copy it, too late, the imitators have already sprung up. (via NextDraft)
posted by mathowie on Jul 26, 2001 - 20 comments

Sony's latest ad campaign

Sony's latest ad campaign has been pulled from the networks for being too edgy. It's certainly got an edge that I doubt children would understand, but they're still pretty funny (part 2 and part 3). Is this what happens when we have to protect everyone from anything remotely racy? Do you agree with the decision to pull them off the air?
posted by mathowie on Dec 5, 2000 - 35 comments

Is it time to be scared of seven year olds now?

Is it time to be scared of seven year olds now? Muderous plot? From children? Sounds like a reporter using strong words for some playground craziness, and everyone overreacting. Reminds me of a certain show I saw last night...
posted by mathowie on Apr 13, 2000 - 7 comments

Show an R-rated film to kids, go to jail.

Show an R-rated film to kids, go to jail. Of course Channel 2 selects the raciest scene for their screengrab in the story, talk about your unbiased news reporting...
posted by mathowie on Mar 9, 2000 - 0 comments

Southpark makes waves overseas.

Southpark makes waves overseas. "The U.S.-made adult cartoon show was responsible for a rise in swearing and misbehavior" said the student council. Lets all sing together: "Blame America! Blame America!" (hopefully you've seen the Southpark movie and heard this)
posted by mathowie on Feb 10, 2000 - 1 comment

What to get the 4-8 year old Linux hacker that has everything? How about this book?
posted by mathowie on Dec 18, 1999 - 0 comments

Jeez, these people need to get a clue. Children should be encouraged to read anything they want, and as much as they please. So what if Harry Potter books have wizards and witches in them? Even kids can tell fact from fiction...when are the adults going to figure that out?
posted by mathowie on Oct 13, 1999 - 0 comments

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