4 posts tagged with bush by Xurando.
Displaying 1 through 4 of 4.
We Don't Need No Steekin Manual
For your perusal: The New FBI Operations Manual. "Agents may begin such assessments against a target without a particular factual justification. The basis for such an inquiry “cannot be arbitrary or groundless speculation,” the manual says, but the standard is “difficult to define.”
2668 Days Without an Attack, I'm Having One Now
After the Obama party, the Bush team continues to spin. "Whether Barack Obama is standing on the Capitol steps to be sworn in a second time depends on whether he succeeds in replicating Bush's achievement." "If Obama weakens any of the defenses Bush put in place and terrorists strike our country again, Americans will hold Obama responsible -- and the Democratic Party could find itself unelectable for a generation."
Hello Barack, Goodbye Shrub
It's only 73 days before Inauguration Day 2009. Planning has been going on for a while. Beyonce wants to perform and the Boss plans to release an album on the day. Be sure to call your Congressperson to get your tickets. Make your plans right away, everybody wants to go.
If you go, don't forget to say a rousing good-bye to you know who.
Perhaps We Should Rename the Song "George's Monkey"