5 posts tagged with news by sheauga.
Displaying 1 through 5 of 5.

20-year-old draws the line

Intern : I was told to mislead the FBI. Yet another good looking young woman finds her beauty has landed her in a tough spot. How many young people working as interns will be forced to suffer embarrassment as a result of the misconduct of their employers?
posted by sheauga on Jan 23, 2003 - 32 comments

Good news for the new year

Ring in a New Year with good news from the web: Infamous Ugandan rebel ends years of reclusion to call for talks. Peace may be coming to Sumatra, Sri Lanka, Congo and Cyprus. Bill Gates, Sr. wants his kid to preserve the estate tax. Sudanese women launch sex strike to end civil war. Sentimental, choked-up politician says, "If at the end of my mandate all Brazilians have the possibility to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, I will have fulfilled the mission of my life" -- and is honest enough to admit this won't be easy.
posted by sheauga on Jan 1, 2003 - 8 comments

The unofficial Islaam News Page.

The unofficial Islaam News Page. Suddenly, everyone's a journalist- but are they credible? What's "unofficial Islam" anyway? Depends who you ask.
posted by sheauga on Aug 12, 2002 - 5 comments

Five stars for BEST NEWS SOURCES SITE: FWJC - floating wreckage - jettisoned cargo. Who says design can't be simple. Looks like just another little news blog? Look again. Neat little pulldown menus conceal 26,000 links to beautifully organized lists of news and reference sources.
posted by sheauga on Jun 27, 2002 - 18 comments

"The NewsInsider - Daily source for under-reported news and analysis" is even better than its name! Hit "global links" for country-by-country listings of news agencies, alternative press outlets, policy-related publications, and selected newspapers. Conservatives, your official .gov World News Connection is "down for maintenance." What gives? For news in all formats, including broadcasts and webcasts, hit Gary Price's List of Lists, the unofficial front page for the web. Top portals for subject-related info and in-depth fact checking are SLA Toronto and the Librarian's Index to the Internet.
posted by sheauga on Feb 2, 2002 - 7 comments

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