ImageJFX is an open source software and interface based on ImageJ. ImageJFX was developed by Cyril MONGIS in the KnopLab, group lead by Michael Knop, at the Molecular Biology Institute of Heidelberg University (ZMBH), Germany.
ImageJ is being developed at the National Institutes of Health by an employee of the Federal Government in the course of his official duties. Pursuant to Title 17, Section 105 of the United States Code, this software is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. ImageJ is an experimental system. NIH assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties, and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality, reliability, or any other characteristic.
The ImageJFX Project aims to create a new user interface for the software ImageJ in order to ease scientific image analysis. While keeping the core components of ImageJ, ImageJFX brings scientists closer to their goal by making the interface clearer for beginners and more practical for advanced users.
ImageJFX is an interface on top of ImageJ that brings new UI features. Since ImageJ2 is the core, most of ImageJ plugins and ImageJ2 plugins should be compatible with ImageJFX.
You can separate channels, isolate a portion of Z-Stack, do time projection and other multidimensional related operations by accessing the new quick menu.
Have the control of the color or contrast whenever you need it.
Drag and drop a image folder in the Explorer and ImageJFX will reference all your scientific images. Filter files on any metadata available for further processing, or segmentation.
When exploring a folder, you can go into "Plane Mode" where you have access to each individual plane. Filter them the same way you filter.
You can chain plugins that pre-process and segment your image. When segmenting, the objects are saved in a separated file which can be loaded at any time. These segmentation workflow can also be saved and shared.
Apply your segmentation workflow to multiple images. It will save all the detected objects. Later on, these objects be accessed and filtered from the explorer and exported via CSV.
Hints and mini tutorials appears once in a while to help you finding your way in the sofware. And if you missed it, you can always try the "Explain me" button.
ImageJ-FX now acts as a standalone ImageJ2/Fiji plugin. In order
to install, you must first add its update site by following
Installation instructions
Yes, ImageJFX is free and open source. The KnopLab is a non-profit organization funded by the Heidelberg University (Germany).
ImageJFX is still in the development stage. To access the beta version, you can register and become an Enthusiast User and get access today to the early version.
ImageJFX is an interface on top of Fiji. The goal of the project is to offer ImageJ and Fiji a efficient user interaction. The backbone is the same as ImageJ and Fiji.
ImageJFX is not about appearance. ImageJFX is about User Experience. It means the software tries to make things as easy as possible for the user by employing different layouts. In other words, it’s not just about a visually appealing display, but about organizing the functions in an intuitive and accessible manner in order to raise user productivity.
The tools scientists use should be as easy as possible in order to save them spending hours on figuring
out how to analyze their data.
If 10 000 biologists complete a task in 10h instead of 20h, with an average salary of $10/h, it
saves $1,000,000 of research funds. User Experience matters.