Exemplary convenience wrappers for some of the System.
Posted: 1 month ago by Cody
Just use the concat
0 people like thisPosted: 3 months ago by Tuomas Hietanen
Higher-order functions for working with nested lists that reimplement various useful List module functions, but work on nested lists, preserving the original nesting strucutre when possible.
4 people like thisPosted: 4 months ago by Tomas Petricek
Uses StringBuilder to achieve performance.
2 people like thisPosted: 5 months ago by shazmodan
Pseudoword generator based on code from Evan Fosmark circa 2009.
0 people like thisPosted: 5 months ago by Phillip Trelford
Interactive computation that asks the user questions
9 people like thisPosted: 9 months ago by Tomas Petricek
F# implementation of RO_ref from the "Effective ML" talk.
90 people like thisPosted: 14 years ago by fholm
Two/Three/Four-element generic tuples implemented as a value types for writing more efficient F# code.
76 people like thisPosted: 14 years ago by fholm
Demonstrates how to implement the dynamic operator (?) using .NET Reflection. The implementation supports calling constructors, propreties and methods using simple overload resolution (based on parameter count). It handles instance as well as static members.
71 people like thisPosted: 14 years ago by Tomas Petricek
version 1 is http://fssnip.net/62. This new version support convert from any existing function to a converter function by using composition and pipeline. The convert function is to make the function signature agree to the IValueConverter interface. You can add new functions in the FunctionLibrary module and reuse the class definition to reduce the coding effort. The first sample is to show how to make the converter pipeline work, the second one is a debugger converter used to debug the data binding problem.
90 people like thisPosted: 13 years ago by Tao Liu
Three functions showing how to implement projection for functional lists. First version uses naive recursion and the second one is tail-recursive using the accumulator parameter. The third version extends this with continuation passing.
73 people like thisPosted: 14 years ago by Tomas Petricek
Classical "Hello world" example that prints a message to the console output. This version uses F# printfn function to do the printing.
185 people like thisPosted: 14 years ago by Tomas Petricek
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Database contains 3198 snippets out of which 1713 is public.