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Information about financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit.
Main Page: financial advisor, credit, inventory, stock trading, inventory control, tax advisor, business, money, Also see related: condo, home insurance, credit, first time homebuyer, insurance, homebuying, homes, home financing, buy home, |
Financial Terms Main PageThis site contains comprehensive definitions for a wide range of terms that cover topics such as financial, finance, business, accounting, payroll, inventory, investment, money, inventory control, stock trading, financial advisor, tax advisor, credit...
Our proprietary algorithm provides many related definitions for each term, helping you better understand the subject.
Monthly Financial Term Picks:Dividend clienteleA group of shareholders who prefer that the firm follow a particular dividend policy. For Fixed-dollar obligationsConventional bonds for which the coupon rate is set as a fixed percentage of the par value. International Depository Receipt (IDR)A receipt issued by a bank as evidence of ownership of one or more Repurchase agreementAn agreement with a commitment by the seller (dealer) to buy a security back from Target zone arrangementA monetary system under which countries pledge to maintain their exchange rates raidera firm or individual that specializes in taking over other firms Standard & Poor’s Composite IndexIndex of the investment performance of a portfolio of 500 large stocks. Also called the Aggregate SupplyTotal quantity of goods and services supplied. AppreciationIncrease in the value of a currency. Reserve CurrencyA currency, frequently the U.S. dollar, that is used by other countries to denominate the assets they hold as international reserves. UnderwriterThis could be the person (broker or agent) who helps you choose the proper type of life insurance or disability insurance and the insurance company for your particular needs. This could also be the person at the insurance company's head office who reviews your application for coverage to determine whether or not the insurance company will issue a policy to you. DepreciationAmortization of fixed assets, such as plant and equipment, so as to allocate the cost over their depreciable life. Seed CapitalEquity and loan capital provided for a new and/or existing business undertaking by persons other than the proprietors. earned incomeEarned income is generally an individual's salary or wages from employment. It also includes some taxable benefits. Earned income also includes business income if the individual is self-employed. Earned income is used as the basis for calculating RRSP maximum contribution limits. Death BenefitAmount paid on death of an insured. |