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I recei­ved my Ph.D. from the University of Bologna in 2000 and wor­ked the­re as a Research Assistant from 2002 to 2005. I am cur­ren­tly a full pro­fes­sor at the University of Trento, whe­re I joi­ned as an asso­cia­te pro­fes­sor in 2005. My areas of tea­ching exper­ti­se inclu­de algo­ri­thms and data struc­tu­res, distri­bu­ted systems, and com­pu­ter scien­ce education.

My research ini­tial­ly focu­sed on lar­ge-sca­le decen­tra­li­zed systems, but my recent work has cen­te­red on cen­tra­li­zed algo­ri­thms for gra­ph ana­ly­sis, thanks to the impres­si­ve con­tri­bu­tions of my Ph.D. students.

More recen­tly, I have beco­me inte­re­sted in com­pu­ter scien­ce edu­ca­tion. As a result, I fir­st ser­ved as a liai­son bet­ween local schools and my depart­ment, and now I do so for the enti­re uni­ver­si­ty. In addi­tion, my inte­re­st in this area has led to my appoint­ment as the pro-rec­tor for the uni­ver­si­ty’s outreach program.

Research Statement

My research inte­rests inclu­de distri­bu­ted com­pu­ting, fault-tole­ran­ce, peer-to-peer, gos­sip pro­to­cols and algo­ri­thms for the ana­ly­sis of very lar­ge gra­phs. My main goal is to deve­lop pro­to­cols and algo­ri­thms that are capa­ble to sca­le to mas­si­ve sizes and are able to sur­vi­ve to fai­lu­res and to dynamism.

Phd Students (Past)

Francesca Fiore (Post-doc @ UniTrento)
Cristian Consonni (Joint Research Centre, European Commission)
Zekarias Kefato (AstraZeneca, UK)
Sheikh Nasrullah (IBM Almaden, USA)
Alessio Guerrieri (SpazioDati, Italy)
Hanna Kavalionak (ISTI-CNR, Italy)
Giuliano Mega (Window Finance, Brasil)
Marco Biazzini (Amadeus, France)

Phd Students (now)


Peersim is a fra­mework for simu­la­ting lar­ge-sca­le distri­bu­ted systems, aka peer-to-peer systems, writ­ten in coo­pe­ra­tion with Mark Jelasity, Spyros Voulgaris, Gian Paolo Jesi.  We are not acti­ve­ly deve­lo­ping it any more; ver­sion 1.0.5 has been relea­sed on September 29th, 2009.

  • Based on SourceForge sta­ti­stics, it has been down­loa­ded 38,000+ times! (Feb. 2024)
  • Based on Google Scholar, 1100+ papers cite it

Jgroup/Arm com­bi­nes Jgroup, an inte­gra­tion of group tech­no­lo­gy with distri­bu­ted objec­ts, and ARM, the auto­no­mous repli­ca­tion mana­ge­ment system. It has been writ­ten in coo­pe­ra­tion with Hein Meling. This pro­ject was the out­put of our Ph.D. theses.


  • 2023–2025: PI of the PRIN Project “Learning infor­ma­tics”, September 2023-September 2025
  • 2023–2026: Local coor­di­na­tor of the EU’s Horizon Research and Innovation Programme “Cloudstars”, January 2023-December 2026.
  • 2022- : Delegate of the rec­tor for Relationship with schools, November 2022-.
  • 2022- : Delegate of the rec­tor for Third Mission, November 2022-
  • 2022- : Member of the Implementation com­mit­tee for the stra­te­gic plan of the University of Trento, June 2022-
  • 2022–2023: New books — this time for high schools: Hashtag 1, March 2022; Hashtag 2, April 2023 (kudos to Maurizio Boscaini who is the main author)
  • 2022–2024: Local coor­di­na­tor of the Erasmus+ KA2 Project “Computational Thinking Academy”, March 2022-September 2024
  • 2022–2023: Scientific Coordinator of the MURSTEM-KIT” Project, January 2022-February 2023
  • 2021–2025: Member of the Academic Senate @ UniTN, April 2021-March 2025
  • 2020–2023: Included in the Stanford’s University “World’s Top 2%” Ranking
  • 2020: Full pro­fes­sor, April 2020
  • 2020–2023: Started a career in thea­tre (kin­da): La bel­lez­za com­pu­ta­zio­na­le del­la natu­ra @ Il tea­tro del­la mera­vi­glia 2020, Trento, February 2020; Ostia, June 2021; Sofia, September 2021;  Coimbra, November 2021; Milano, February 2023; Trento, March 2023. L’informatico incon­sa­pe­vo­le @ Teatro del­la mera­vi­glia, September 2022.
  • 2019–2022: Delegate of the rec­tor for ICT Services, September 2019-October 2022.
  • 2018: General co-chair of SASO’18, Trento, Italy, September 2018
  • 2016: Tutorial spea­ker at Middleware’16, Trento, Italy, December 2016
  • 2016: Tutorial spea­ker at ICDCS’16, Nara, Japan, June 2016.
  • 2012: Keynote spea­ker at ACM CompArch’12, Bertinoro, Forli’, June 2012
  • 2012: Editor, Special Issue on “Extreme Distributed Systems: From Large Scale to Complexity”, Springer Computing, September 2012.
  • 2012–2015: Coordinator of the Computer Science and Engineering degrees, DISI, University of Trento.
  • 2011: Best paper award at P2P’11 for the paper “Cloudy Weather for P2P, with a Chance of Gossip”
  • 2011–2021: Associate Editor of Springer Computing Journal
  • 2010–2014: My fir­st book about Algorithms and Data Structures (in Italian) has been publi­shed in 2010; a new edi­tion has been publi­shed in 2014.
  • 2010–2013: Steering com­mit­tee chair: Peer-to-Peer Computing Conference
  • 2010–2012: Coordinator of the Autonomic Security pro­ject, finan­ced by the Italian PRIN Programme
  • 2010–2012: Member of the Nucleo di Valutazione (Evaluation Committee) of the University of Trento
  • 2007–2012: Coordinator of the ATLAS pro­ject, finan­ced by the EU-US ATLANTIS Programme
  • 2007–2009: Steering com­mit­tee mem­ber, DAIS Conference
  • 2006–2009: Coordinator of the Computer Science Degrees, Faculty of Science, University of Trento
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