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I’m cur­ren­tly respon­si­ble for 3+1 courses:

Title Degree Level Language
Algorithms and Data Structures ASD Computer Science, Mathematics Bachelor Italian
Distributed Systems 2 (Suspended) DS2 Computer Science Master English
Laboratory of Computer Science Education LCSE Computer Science Master Italian
The Social Power of Algorithms TSPOA School of Innovation Master English

ASD has beco­me a clas­sic for me sin­ce I began tea­ching it in 2005/2006. The 2022/23 edi­tion will be the 18th ite­ra­tion of the cour­se. What distin­gui­shes ASD from other cour­ses is its annual sche­du­le, which runs from September to May.

DS2, DS2, which is cur­ren­tly suspen­ded whi­le I ser­ve as an aca­de­mic sena­tor, has under­go­ne seve­ral name chan­ges throu­ghout its histo­ry. It was pre­viou­sly cal­led “Sistemi distri­bui­ti: teo­ria,” then “Distributed Systems,” and later “Distributed Algorithms.” The cour­se’s cur­rent name reflec­ts its pla­ce in a two-part series, with DS1 taught by Prof. Gian Pietro Picco and DS2 taught by me. DS1 covers the basic con­cep­ts rela­ted to distri­bu­ted systems and is inten­ded for 1st-year stu­den­ts in the 2nd seme­ster. DS2 del­ves into more advan­ced con­cep­ts, with a focus on distri­bu­ted algo­ri­thms, and is desi­gned for 2nd-year stu­den­ts in the 1st semester.

LCSE is a new cour­se that began in the second seme­ster of 2019/20. Initially, it was inclu­ded as part of the “24 cre­dit path” requi­red for tho­se see­king to beco­me com­pu­ter scien­ce tea­chers at the high-school level. We are now hope­ful that the cour­se will be added to the upco­ming “60 cre­dit path.”

TSPOA was a brief, discus­sion-based cour­se offe­red by the School of Innovation.

Until 2018/19, I was the main tea­cher of the Scientific Programming cour­se. The cour­se is offe­red in two dif­fe­rent Master degrees:

  • Quantitative and Computational Biology
  • Data Science

I was tea­ching the main part of the cour­se, and the stu­den­ts of the two masters were split­ted in two dif­fe­rent lab ses­sions spe­cia­li­zed for their respec­ti­ve masters.

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