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Dumouchel, Paul

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  ◆年度別業績  2018201720112010200920082007


◇Le sacrifice inutile essai sur la violence politique Paris: Flammarion, p. 323, 2011.
◇Economia dell'invidia antropologia mimetica del capitalismo moderno, Massa: Transeuropa edizioni, p.208, 2011.
◇(with Jean-Pierre Dupuy) L'Enfer des choses Paris, Seuil, 1979. Japanese translation 1990, German translation, 1999.
 =199002 織田 年和・富永 茂樹 訳 『物の地獄―ルネ・ジラールと経済の論理』,法政大学出版,307p, [amazon]
◇Emotions. Essai sur le corps et le social Paris, Synthelabo, 1995. Second edition 1999
◇Tableaux de Kyoto Presses de l'Université Laval, 2005.


◇(with Luisa Damiano) Living with Robots ,Harvard University Press, pp.262,2017.
◇(with Jean-Pierre Dupuy) L'Auto-organisation de la physique au politique Paris, Seuil, 1983.
◇Violence et verite Paris, Grasset, 1985. English translation 1989.
◇(with Bjarne Melkevik) Tolerance, pluralisme et histoire Paris, L'Harmattan, 1998
◇Violences, victimes et vengeance Quebec, Presses de l'universite Laval, 2000
◇Canadian Journal of Law and Society " Exceptions, excuses, norms " (Guest editor Paul Dumouchel) Vol 21, No1, 2006.
◇Multiculturalisme et nationalisme en Asie, Paris: L'Harmattan, (forthcoming September, 2007).
後藤 玲子P.デュムシェル編著 後藤 玲子 監訳 2011/09/10 『正義への挑戦――セン経済学の新地平』 晃洋書房,310p. ISBN-10: 4771022712 ISBN-13:978-4771022713 2900+ [amazon][kinokuniya]


◇July 2011 "Artificial Empathy and Imitation" [日本語版]


◆Proceedings of Scientific Conferences
・(2018) “Violence, Religion and the Sacred” in Does Religion Cause Violence? (S. Cowdell, C. Fleming, J. Hodge & C. Osborn, eds), New York: Bloomsbury, p. 167-172.

・March 2018, “Fenelon: Les aventures de Telemaques ≫, Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Montreal, Canada.
・March 2018, ≪ Le terrorisme ou la fin de la guerre contenue par le politique ≫ in Achevez Clausewitz, dix ans apres, Universite de Paris II Pantheon ? Assas, Paris, France.


◆Article in scientific journal : (refereed)
・Paul Dumouchel 2017 “L’aide sociale punitive”in Etudes 4242 (Octobre 2017), pp.15-21.
・Paul Dumouchel 2017 “Robots: Technical Individuals and Systems” in NatureCulture 4(2017):76-89.
・Paul Dumouchel 2017 “The Practices of Feeling with the World: Towards and Anthropology of Affect, Senses and Materiality ? Introduction” (with A. De Antoni) in Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology 18.1:91-98.
・Paul Dumouchel 2017 “Of Objects and Affect: Artificial Empathy, Pure Sociality, and Affective Coordination” in Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology 18.1:99-113.
・Paul Dumouchel 2017 “Acting Together in Dis-Harmony. Cooperating to Conflict and Cooperation in Conflict” in Studi di Sociologia 4(2017):303-318.

◆Book chapters
・(2017a) ≪ Catastrophe ≫ in O. Beauvallet, ed. Dictionnaire Encyclopedique de la justice penale internationale (Boulogne-Billancourt : Berger Levrault, 2017), pp. 139-141.
・(2017b) ≪ Violence ≫ in O. Beauvallet, ed. Dictionnaire Encyclopedique de la justice penale internationale (Boulogne-Billancourt : Berger Levrault, 2017), pp. 997-999.
・(2017c) ≪ Le choix du traitre ≫ in C. Fourel & A. Caille, eds. Le Moment Gorz (Lormont : Le Bord de l’eau, pp. 63 ? 72.
・(2017d) “An Essay on Hominization” in The Palgrave Handbook on Mimetic Theory and Religion (J. Alison & W. Palaver, eds), New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, p. 13-20.
・(2017e) “The Barren Sacrifice” in The Palgrave Handbook on Mimetic Theory and Religion (J. Alison & W. Palaver, eds), New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, p. 279 ? 286.
・(2017f) “A Theory of Everything? A Methodological Tale” in The Palgrave Handbook on Mimetic Theory and Religion (J. Alison & W. Palaver, eds), New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, p. 463-470.

・April 2017, “Robotique et philosophie de l’esprit”, Universite de Luxembourg. Luxembourg.
・June 2017, ≪ Vivre avec les robots ≫, Les Rencontres philosophiques de Monaco, Monaco.
・June 2017, ≪ Au-dela du sacrifice inutile : Rene Girard et Joseph Wresenski ≫ in Ce que la misere nous donne a penser, Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-la-salle, France.
・June 2017, ≪ Weird objects that are not quite there… Plane walkers, crossovers and analytic agents ≫, Tokyo Agricultural and Technical University, Tokyo, Japan.


◆Articles and book chapters
・Paul Dumouchel 2012 ≪Political Violence and Democracy≫ in Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture, 23-4:117-123,
・Paul Dumouchel 2012 “Revenge or Justice? Obama gets Osama” in Contagion, 19:9-17.
・Paul Dumouchel 2012 “Rhetorique et passions chez Hobbes” in Penser les passions a l’age classique (L. Desjardins & D. Dumouchel, eds.) (Paris : Hermann) pp. 53- 66.
・Paul Dumouchel 2012 “Should Empathic Social Robots have Interiority?” (with L. Damiano & H. Lehmann) in Social Robotics (Shuzhi Sam Ge, Oussama Khatib, John-John Cabibihan, Reid Simmons & Mary-Anne Williams, Eds), (Springer-Verlag: Berlin-Heidelberg), pp. 268-277.

◆Papers given at conferences
・Paul Dumouchel 2012/06 “The Modern State and the Myth of‘Political Violence’” in The European Wars of Religion An Interdisciplinary Reassessment of Sources, Myths and Interpretation, University of Innsbruck, Austria.

・Paul Dumouchel 2012/06 “Violence politique et verite” in La guerre d’Algerie 50 ans apres, Espace Culturel du Judaisme, Toulouse, France

・Paul Dumouchel 2012/07 ≪Heterogeneity and time≫ in International Symposium Contemporary Psychopathologies and Civilization, Kyoto University, Japan.

・Paul Dumouchel 2012/07 “Lynching in Literature, The Oxbow Incident” in Apocalypse Revisited: Japan,Hiroshima and the Place of Mimesis, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan.
・Paul Dumouchel 2012/07 “Response to my critics, Round table on Paul Dumouchel’s Le Sacrifice Inutile” in Apocalypse Revisited: Japan, Hiroshima and the Place of Mimesis, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan.
・Paul Dumouchel 2012/08 “La catastrophe entre vie et justice” in Le Moment du vivant, Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-la-Salle, France.
・Paul Dumouchel 2012/10 “Should Empathic Social Robots Have Interiority?” in International Conference on Social Robotics 2012 (ICSR2012), Chengdu, Republic of China.


◆Articles and book chapters
・ "De la Meconnaissance" in Lebenswelt 1 :93-106 (2011)
・ "Schaarste en de financiele crisis" in Rond de Crisis Reflecties vanuit de Girard Studiekring (M. Elias & A. Lascaris, eds.) (Almere : Parthenon, 2011), pp. 75-85.
・"Messianisme et mecanique" in Figures du Messie (B. Chantre, ed.) (Pais : Le Pommier, 2011), pp.62-72.
・" Emotions and Mimesis" in Mimesis and Science Empirical Research on Imitation and the Mimetic Theory of Culture and Religion (S. Garrels, ed.) (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2011), pp. 75-86.
・"Reinventing Homo Economicus?" Review essay on: Maurice Lagueux, Rationality and Explanation in Economics in Oeconomia at http://weboeconomia.org/consulter_bro.html

・"Economia dell’invida crisi e scarsita" in Communitas 55: 60 -67 (2011)
・"La genese de l’origine ou l’origine de la genese" Prefazione, in E. Antonelli La Creativita degli eventi Rene Girard e Jacques Derrida (Torino: L’Harmattan Italia, 2011) pp. 11-14.
・"Le temps de l’alienation" in i.e.a. paris 2011 yearbook, p. 18.

◆Research Activity
・"Justice and Catastrophe" research project a series of workshop to prepare the March international conference “Catastrophe and Justice”.

・2010-2011 "Artificial Empathy and Imitation" a 2 years research project in collaboration with Dr. Luisa Damiano funded by the IMITATIO Foundation, Total funding 10,000 American dollars.

◆Papers given at conferences
・ May, 2011 ≪ The Barren Sacrifice ≫, Department of French and Italian, Stanford University, California, USA.

・ May, 2011 “Naturalizing Ethics” in International Conference Surviving our Origins, St-John College, Cambridge University, UK.
・ June, 2011 “Revenge or Justice?” in the Annual Conference of the Colloquium on Violence & Religion Order and Disorder in History and Politics, University of Messina (Salina), Italy
・ July, 2011 “Mimesis, creativite et conversion chez Girard”, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan.
・ July 2011, “Emotions and the Extended mind”, International Society for Research on Emotions 2011 AnnualMeeting, Kyoto, Japan.
・October 2011, “Aux sources du juste”, in 2e Rencontres philosophiques d’Uriage, Uriage, France.
・ October 2011, ≪ Mimetic Theory and Jalousy ≫ in Imitatio Jalousy Workshop, Arsenal de
Paris, France.
・October 2011, “La morale ouverte et la notion de catastrophe morale” in Bergson et le desastre, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan.
・ November, 2011, ≪ Intercultural Relations and Translator Liability ≫ (with Mary Baker), First Tsinghua Asian-Pacific Forum on Translation & Intercultural Studies, Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, Hangzhou, China.
・January 2012, “Extreme Poverty is Violence” in International Colloquium Breaking the Silence, Searching for Peace, Paris (France) Maison de l’UNESCO
・ January 2012, “De la Meconaissance” in Imitatio Misrecognition Workshop, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France.
・ January 2012, ≪ Le Sacrifice et la chasse aux tetes ≫ in Le Sacrifice Aujourd’hui, Girard et Levi-Strauss, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France.
・ March 2012, “Justice and Catastrophe” in International Symposium Catastrophe and Justice, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan.

◆Organisation of Scientific Meetings
・Organizes, with Professor R. Gotoh the Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences’ 8 th international conference Catastrophe and Justice held in Ritsumeikan University, on March 21 and
22, 2012.


◆Books (Editor)s
・ Le sacrifice inutile essai sur la violence politique Paris: Flammarion, 2011, p. 323.
・ Economia dell'invidia antropologia mimetica del capitalismo moderno, Massa: Transeuropa edizioni, 2011, p. 208.

◆Articles, book chapters
・ Octobre 2010 "Faut-il interdire la burqa? Vu d'ailleurs, vu de loin " in Esprit, No 368, pp.14-24.
・ Junuary 2011 " Mim?tisme et Massacres" in Les cahiers de la justice, pp. 29-43.

・ Interview with Erno Eskens "On political violence" at http://www.isvw.nl/
・ "Le sacrifice inutile" in Newletter RFIEA, No4 janvier-mars 2011, p. 5
・ "Messianisme et m?canique" in Programme Der Messiah 14, 16, 17, 19 et 20 mars 2011, ?ditions du Th??tre du Chatelet, Paris, pp. 23-25.

◆Research Activity
・ 2007-2011 "Multiculturalism and Social Justice" a 4 years research grant funded by the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), total funding 13,380,000 yens. Other research members: Jeremy Eades (APU), Reiko Gotoh (Ritsumeikan), Lillian Terumi Hatano (Konan Women's University), Nagao Nishikawa (Ritsumeikan), (Kyoto), Shigeki Tominaga (Kyoto).
・ 2010-2011 "Artificial Empathy and Imitation" a 2 years research project in collaboration with Dr. Luisa Damiano funded by the IMITATIO Foundation, Total funding 10,000 American dollars.

・ Professor at the First European Summer School on Mimetic Theory "Crisis and Truth", July 2010, International School for Philosophy, Leusdem, Netherlands.
・ Researcher at the Institut des ?tudes Avanc?es de Paris, January 16 to March 31, 2011, research on the early history of French psychiatry, title of the project: "Le temps de l'ali?nation".

◆Papers given at conferences
・ September 2010 "Mimesis and Imitation" (with Luisa Damiano), II Workshop on the Mechanization of Empathy, Bergamo University, Bergamo, Italy
・ October 2010 "Mim?tisme et Massacre" in Le droit contre la barbarie, ?cole de la magistrature, Paris, France.
・ November 2010 "Mimesis theory and cultural evolution", in Becoming Human, Stanford University, USA.
・ December 2010, "Robots and Imitation", meeting of the Japan Girard Society, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan.
・ January 2011 "Political violence and the idea of justice" in Democracy and Globalization, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan.
・ January 2011 "Homo mimeticus as an economic agent" in Mimetic Theory and the logic of economics: Economic Agent 2.0, Tilburg University, Tilburg, Netherlands.
・ January 2011 "The Barren Sacrifice", Girard Studiekring, Amsterdam Free University, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
・ January, 2011 "On Political Violence", International School for Philosophy, Leusdem, Netherlands.
・ February, 2011 "Une t?che infinie et le sacrifice inutile", Maison Suger, Paris, France.
・ February, 2011 " Pr?sentation de Le sacrifice inutile ", CREA, Paris, France.
・ March, 2011 " La sacrifice et le chasseur de t?te ", Mus?e des Premi?res Civilisations, Paris, France.
・ March, 2011 " Mim?tisme et m?canicisme " in Le messianisme aujourd'hui, Th??tre du Chatelet, Paris, France.
・ March, 2011 " Violence and Politics " Universita Catolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, Italia.
・ March, 2011 "Le temps de l'ali?nation", Maison des sciences de l'homme, Paris, France.
・ March, 2011 " Pinel et Esquirol ali?niste ", S?minaire d'histoire de la psychiatrie, ?cole Normale Sup?rieure, Paris, France
・ March, 2011 " Violence politique, sacrifice et catastrophe ", Groupe 2040, ?cole Normale Sup?rieure, Paris, France

◆Organisation of Scientific Meetings
・ Organizes with Professor Y. Matsubara and Dr. L. Damiano the second workshop on "The Mechanization of Empathy" held at the University of Bergamo, Italy in September 2010.
・ Organizes with Professor R. Gotoh the 7th international conference "Multiculturalism and Social Justice", Democracy and Globalization held in Ritsumeikan University, on January 8 and 9, 2011


Gotoh, Reiko & Dumouchel, Paul November 2009 Against Injustice: The New Economics of Amartya Sen, Cambridge University Press, 344p ISBN-10: 0521899591 ISBN-13: 978-0521899598 [amazon]




・(2008a) "Ethics and Economics - Of Value and Values" in Zfwu Journal for Business, Economics and Ethics, Vol. 9, No. 1 pp. 28-40.
・(2008b) "Sul modo d'esistenza degli strumenti scientifici: la conoscenza oggetto" in Il Protagora, V, 12:327-332.
・(2008c) ≪ La technique et la banalité du mal ≫ in Mark Anspach (ed.) Dans l'œil du cyclone, Colloque de Cerisy (Paris : Carnets nord, 2008) pp. 67-101.
・(2008d) ≪ Social Emotions ≫ in Canamero L., Aylett R. (eds), Animating Expressive Characters for Social Interaction, John Benjamin Publishing Company, Amsterdam/Philadelphia 2008, pp. 1-19 ・(2008e) ≪ Mimétisme et genocides ≫ in L'Herne Girard (Mark Anspach, ed.) Paris : Edition de l'Herne, pp. 247-254.[PDF]
・Dumouchel, Paul 2008/03/** Equality and Recognition 『立命館言語文化研究』19-4: 117-126 立命館大学国際言語文化研究所
・Dumouchel, Paul 2008/**/** Two concepts of equality, Multiculturalism and Social Justice, Working Paper Series, No.5.
・Dumouchel, Paul 2008/**/** Economy as Ethics: Of value and values, Multiculturalism and Social Justice, Working Paper Series, No.6.


・2007-2011 "Multiculturalism and Social Justice" a 4 years research grant funded by the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), total funding 13,380,000 yens. Other research members: Jeremy Eades (APU), Reiko Gotoh (Ritsumeikan), Lillian Terumi Hatano (Konan Women's University), Nagao Nishikawa (Ritsumeikan), Masachi Osawa (Kyoto), Shigeki Tominaga (Kyoto).
・2007-2009 "Artificial Empathy" a 2 years research project in collaboration with Luisa Damiano (JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow) funded by Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science. Total funding 2,900.000 yens

◆Papers Given at Conferences

・June 2008 ≪ Inside Out: Political Violence in the Age of Globalization ≫ in International Conference Catastrophe and Conversion: Political Thinking for the New Millennium, University of California Riverside, USA.
・October 2008 "The Priority of Expression: affective expression as social exchange", University of Parma, department of neuroscience, Parma, Italy.
・October 2008 "Emotions in Relation" in International Conference Emotions & Systems, systemic therapy and emotional relationships, Instituto Avogadro, Torino, Italy.
・December 2008 "Emotions and Mimesis" in Mimesis and Mirror Neurons, Paris École Normale Supérieure.
・February 2009 "Two Concepts of Equality" in Human Inequality, Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumunster, Luxembourg.
・March 2009 "Borders and Boundaries", (abstract: English Japanese) 5th International Conference on Multiculturalism and Social Justice(先端研HPにリンク), Ritsumeikan University, Japan.
・March 2009 "Genocide et Rationalité" in Chaire René Girard 2009, Colleges des Bernardins, Paris.
・March 2009 "Emotions an essay on the body and the social", University of Bergamo, Italy.

◆Organization of Scientific Meetings

・With Reiko Gotoh organizes the 5th International conference on Multiculturalism and Social Justice, Justice Without Borders held at Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, on March 22 and 23, 2009.




・(2008a) "Equality and Recognition" in Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture, Vol 19, No.4, 117-127.
・(2008b) "Biological Modules and Emotions" in The Modularity of Emotions (Luc Faucher & Christine Tappolet, eds.) Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary volume 32, pp. 115-134.[PDF]
・(2007a) Liberalism and Multiculturalism in Canada in Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture, Vol 18, No 2, (2007), pp. 95-106.
・(2007b) Du reproche, a propos de Évolution et Rationalité de Ronald de Sousa in Dialogue, Vol 46, No. 1 (2007) pp. 173-177.
・(2007c) "Guerre et histoire dans l'œuvre de Raymond Aron" in La Philosophie de l' Histoire. Hommages offerts à Maurice Lagueux (Ch. Nadeau & A. Lapointe, eds.) Québec: Presses de l' Université Laval, pp. 301-318.


・2007-2011 "Multiculturalism and Social Justice" a 4 years research grant funded by the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), total funding 13,380,000 yens. Other research members: Jeremy Eades (APU), Reiko Gotoh (Ritsumeikan), Lillian Terumi Hatano (Konan Women's University), Nagao Nishikawa (Ritsumeikan), Masachi Osawa (Kyoto), Shigeki Tominaga (Kyoto).
・2007-2009 "Artificial Empathy" a 2 years research project in collaboration with Luisa Damiano (JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow) funded by Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science. Total funding 2,900.000 yens.

◆Papers given at conferences:

・April 2007 "Emotions and mirror neurons" in Imitation, Mimetic Theory and Religious and Cultural Evolution an international workshop organized at Stanford University, Stanford USA
・September 2007 Economics as Ethics in International conference European Values in Business and Economic Ethics, Heidelberg, Germany.
・October 2007 "History of the Canadian Multicultural Policy", Konan University, Kobe, Japan.
・November 2007 Suicide et Terreur in Colloque International les terrorismes contre la guerre, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
・February 2008 Public Emotions Universita Cattolica, Milano, Italy
・February 2008 "Networks and Outside Spaces: Terror, Territory and Globalization" in International Conference Heroes and Victims of Globalization Bergamo University, Bergamo, Italy.
・March 2008 Aspects militaires et sociaux des attentats suicide, École des Sciences Politiques, Poitiers, France.

◆Visiting Professor:

・March 2008 visiting professor of epistemology at the Poitiers campus of the Ecole des Sciences Politiques de Paris.

◆Organisation of scientific meetings:

・With Reiko Gotoh organizes the international conference Identity and Alterity in Multiculturalism and Social Justice: "Conflicts", "Identity", "Alterity", "Solutions?" held at Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, on February 17 and 18, 2008.


・February 2007 "Nationalism and Culture", Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture17(3):133-140


生存学創成拠点調書 2007.2

ふりがな〈ローマ字〉  〈Paul Dumouchel〉
( 氏  名 ) Paul Dumouchel

(学位及び現在の専門) Ph.D. 科学哲学、倫理学、政治哲学

My main domains of research have been philosophy of science, ethics and political philosophy. My goal in pursuing research in these two domains simultaneously rests on the belief that questions concerning the common good require us to understand science, a force that has shaped and that promises to transform more and more the social and natural world. At the same time as I lead this historical and conceptual research into the theoretical and social foundations of modern science and of the modern world I endeavored to keep abreast of current political issues and debates. As a consequence violence and emotions two issues which are located at the interface of science (especially biology, but also anthropology) and politics have occupied an important place in my research activity. The main results that I have obtained to this date can be grouped into three categories: the foundations of economics, the theory of emotions and the history of science and philosophy. In L'Enfer des choses (1979) J.-P. Dupuy and I argued that modern market economy also plays a fundamental role in protection against social violence, a role somewhat similar to that played by the Sacred in traditional societies. In Emotions (1995) I proposed that emotions are fundamentally a means of intra-specific coordination that constitute the central element in the social bond and that they should be seen as expressive signals rather than as internal subjective states. In recent articles I have enquired into the consequences of this approach for our theories of moral sentiments. Finally in various articles on the history of philosophy (Hobbes) and of psychiatry (Pinel) as well as in articles on the concept of exchange and the importance of deception I have argued in favor of a social conception of rationality. My central claim has been that the subjective conception of rationality that has dominated reflection in the Occident has lead to insuperable difficulties, both practical and theoretical. Beyond the variety of interests that characterizes my research its main thrust may be described as an extension of the public domain. I have tried to show that central aspects of agency, like reason or emotions, are not really private and subjective but fundamentally public and inter-subjective and enquired into the consequences of this understanding of persons for our political and moral life.


My career has been rather international from the beginning. In 1982 after finishing my Master's degree in France I became with Jean-Pierre Dupuy and Jean-Marie Domenach founding member of the Centre d'epistemologie appliquée (CREA) of the Ecole Polytechnique (France) where I remained until 1984. From 1984 to 1987 I did my Ph.D at the University of Waterloo (Canada) and in 1987-1988 I was back in France doing post-doctoral studies at the CREA. I was hired by the Universite du Quebec a Montreal in 1988 where I remained until 2003. I became full professor in 1995 and was twice director of graduate studies. During that period I received funding from diverse research agencies in Canada and Europe totalizing over 600,000$ CND and was visiting professor in France (Ecole Polytechnique and Universite d'Aix-en-Provence), Austria (University of Innsbruck) and Japan (Kyoto University). In 2003 I was hired by Ritsumeikan University in the Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences.


Books (author)
(with Jean-Pierre Dupuy) L'Enfer des choses Paris, Seuil, 1979. Japanese translation 1990, German translation, 1999.
Emotions. Essai sur le corps et le social Paris, Synthelabo, 1995. Second edition 1999
Tableaux de Kyoto Presses de l'Université Laval, 2005.

Books (editor)
(with Jean-Pierre Dupuy) L'Auto-organisation de la physique au politique Paris, Seuil, 1983.
Violence et verite Paris, Grasset, 1985. English translation 1989.
(with Bjarne Melkevik) Tolerance, pluralisme et histoire Paris, L'Harmattan, 1998
Violences, victimes et vengeance Quebec, Presses de l'universite Laval, 2000
Canadian Journal of Law and Society " Exceptions, excuses, norms " (Guest editor Paul Dumouchel) Vol 21, No1, 2006.
Multiculturalisme et nationalisme en Asie, Paris: L'Harmattan, (forthcoming September, 2007).

Important (recent) articles
Qu'est-ce qu'une maladie?" in Philosophiques Vol 33, No1, pp. 19-36 (2006)
"Trust as an action" in European Journal of Sociology Vol. XLVI (3) pp. 417-428 (2005).[PDF]
Malheur moral, jus in bello et responsabilité morale" in Raison Politique 19: 161-171 (2005).
" Rational Deception " in Deception in Markets (C. Gerschlager, ed.) New York: Parlgrave/Macmillan, pp. 51-73, 2005.
(with Don Ross) " Emotions as Strategic Signals " Rationality & Society, September, 2004
(M. Kaufman & L. Soso?, eds.), (Berlin: Peter Lang, 2005), pp. 313-341
"Y a-t-il des sentiments moraux?" in Dialogue, Vol XLIII (3), pp. 471-489.
" Le terrorisme a l'age imperial " Esprit, Aout-septembre, 2002.
"Exchange and Emotions" in Expanding the Economic Concept of Exchange: Deception, Self-deception and Illusions (C. Gerschlager, ed.) Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
" Good Tricks and Forced Moved or the Antinomy of Natural Reason " in Dennet's Philosophy: A Comprehensive assessment (D. Ross, A. Brook & D. Thompson, eds.) MIT Press, 2001.

参 考(受賞及び受賞年度、国際会議発表状況

From June 2001 to June 2004 I was respectively Vice-President, President and Past-President of the Canadian Philosophical Association. In June 2003 I gave the Presidential Address to the Canadian Philosophical Association which can be found at www.acpcpa.ca . November 2001, I was keynote speaker at the annual meeting of Japanese Society for the History of Psychiatry, Kyoto University, Japan. In 2000 among the few non-French Nationals invited to give a conference in the millennium celebration L'universite de tous les saviors. In 1999 and in 2000 I was Chair of the Programme Committee respectively of the 44th and 45th annual meetings of the Canadian Philosophical Association. From 1997 to 2000 I was Vice-President of the Societe de philosophie du Quebec. Since 1980 I have been invited to participate in over 35 international conferences in Canada, France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, China, Japan, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, Austria, England, Brazil, and the United States. Member of the editorial board of the following journals: Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis and Culture (U.S.A.); Revue de philosophie economique (France); Rivista Portuguesa de Filosophia (Portugal)

生存学創成拠点調書 2007.2


Exception, Excuses and Norm(e)s, Canadian Journal of Law and Society, Vol 21, No. 1, pp. 1 - 133, (Guest Editor: Paul Dumouchel), 2006.

(2006a) "Qu'est-ce qu'une maladie? Pinel aliéniste et nosographe" in Philosophiques, Vol. 33, No. 1

(2006b) "Introduction: exceptions, excuses, norm(e)s" in Revue Canadienne Droit et Société, Vol 21, No.1, pp. 1-10.

(2006a) "La religione come problema politico" in Che Cos'e il Religioso? Religione et politica, Torino: Bollati Boringhieri, pp. 160 -174. Traduction italienne de "La Religion comme problème politique" (2003a).

(2006b) " Science, technique et histoire " in Culture et technoscience : des enjeux du sens à la culture (L. Vigneault & R. Blais, eds,) Québec : Presses de l'Université Laval, 2006, pp. 69-82.

(2006c) " René Girard " in Le dictionnaire des sciences humaines (S. Mesure & P. Savidan, eds.) Paris : P.U.F./Quadrige, 2006, pp. 510-511.

(2006) " Il était une fois Colombe et Faucon… " in Hors-Série Sciences et Avenir, juillet/aoùt 2006, p. 59.

Conferences :

During the year I participated in eight conferences related to my research on multiculturalism and on political violence which took place in Italy, Japan, China and France.

I gave three conferences in different cities in Italy: "Génocide et mimétisme", Université degli Studii di Parma, Parma; "Espace Politique et Espace Sacrificiel", Universita degli Studii di Messina, Messina; "The Territory as a figure of Political Space" Universita Cattolica di Milano, Milano; two in Japan "Multiculturalism in Canada", Konan University, Kobe and "Between Friends and Enemies", Kyoto University, Kyoto; and finally one in China and one in France: "Crimes against humanity" Tsinghua University, Beijing, China and "Terrorisme et anthropologie", at the École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France.

Together with Gotoh sensei we organized a two days international conference on the theme "Social Justice and Multiculturalism" with 13 participants from five different countries, including two of our doctoral students.

UP:20071121 REV:20080627 0805, 20090408, 0624, 0721, 20100219,0407, 0602, 20110721, 20120328, 20160529,20180706
Dumouchel, Paul (English)  ◇立命館大学大学院・先端総合学術研究科  ◇WHO  ◇生存学創成拠点 
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