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Shin'ya Tateiwa  Japanese / Korean / Chinese

Books  Articles & Speeches translated into English  2010-  2000-2009  -1999
Specialities: Sociology  ◆Curriculum Vitae

On Private Property, English Version 2016 On Private Property, English Version, Kyoto Books 10$→gumroad経由, Translation by Robert Chapeskie

◆2017/12/17 PA (Personal Assistance): Acquiring Public Expense and Seeking Self Management,Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Research of Disability Policy in China, 於:China(中国)・Wuhan(武漢)
◆2015/11/30 "PA (Personal Assistance): Acquiring Public Expense and Seeking Self Management", East Asia Disability Studies Forum 2015 at Beijing
◆2015/11/20 What is Locked in Locken-In Syndrome ?, The boundaries (limits, conditions, extensibility)of human beings (humanity), at Ritusmeikan University
◆2015/01/27 "How should we understand eugenics at the present ?", https://www.facebook.com/ritsumeiarsvi.en/posts/1526794590941521
◆2012/03/27 "Family/Gender/Capital: Sketches", Ars Vivendi Journal 2:28-49
◆2011/08/23 "On "the Social Model"," Ars Vivendi Journal 1:32-51 [HTML]/[PDF]
◆2010/11/23 "The Person Themselves and the Family / the Family and Society" [Japanese][Korean], Chung Ang University Graduate School, Seoul, South Korea
◆2010/01/25 "On "Undominated Diversity"",The Second Workshop with Professor Philippe Van Parijs [Japanese]
◆2010/01/19 "Issues We Need to Simply Push for / Issues to be Pursued Carefully", Special Education and Multi-Knowledge Convergence. Daegu University, South Korea [Korean]
◆2009/12/01 "Bioethics: Sharing Japan's Masterpieces with the World"
Japanese Book News 62:12-14 [PDF]/[HTML]/[Japanese]
◆2009/08/10 Decision on Ventilator?, Yumiko Kawaguchi & Momoe Konagaya (eds.) August 10, 2009 Pocket Guide of Using Ventilators at Home: Life and Support, Ishiyaku Shuppan, 212p. ISBN-10:4263235290 ISBN-13:9784263235294 2730  [Japanese][Chinese]
◆2002/10/31 Is No Disability Good?

私的所有論 弱くある自由へ 自由の平等 ALS 不動の身体と息する機械 希望について 良い死 唯の生 生の技法 所有と国家のゆくえ 流儀 (Ways) 生存権 税を直す ベーシックインカム 人間の条件 『Prelude to the Theory of Family and Sex Division of Labor』 『Differences and Equalities: Disability and Care / Paid Work and Unpaid Work』 『Narratives and Deeds on Life and Death No.1: The Bill on Death with Dignity, Resistance, and Bioethics』 『Ars Vivendi: Sociology of Disabled People Who Have Left Home or Institutions, Third Edition』 『On Private Property, 2nd Edition』 『To Rebel Is Justified: Toward the Modern History of Psychiatry』 Age of Autistic Spectrum The Way the Doctor Wearing Straw Sandals Has Come: Modern History of Democratic Medicine The End of Mental Hospital Regime: In the Age of Dementia 立岩真也・杉田俊介『相模原障害者殺傷事件――優生思想とヘイトクライム』表紙

◆2016 On Private Property, English Version, Kyoto Books Translation by Robert Chapeskie
◆2015 The End of Mental Hospital Regime: In the Age of Dementia (『精神病院体制の終わり――認知症の時代に』), Seidosha, 433p. ISBN-10: 4791768884 ISBN-13: 978-4791768882 2800+ [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆2015 The Way the Doctor Wearing Straw Sandals Has Come: Modern History of Democratic Medicine (『わらじ医者の来た道――民主的医療現代史』), Seidosha, 250p. ISBN-10: 4791768795 ISBN-13: 978-4791768790 1850+ [amazon][kinokuniya] HAYAKAWA Kazuteru, TATEIWA Shin'ya & NISHIZAWA Izumi
◆2014 Age of Autistic Spectrum (『自閉症連続体の時代』), Misuzu Shobo, 352p. ISBN-10:4622078457 ISBN-13:978-4791767441 2800yen + tax [amazon][kinokuniya]
◆2013 To Rebel Is Justified: Toward the Modern History of Psychiatry (『造反有理』), Seidosha, 434p.
◆2013 On Private Property, 2nd Edition(『私的所有論 第2版』), Seikatsu Shoin, 973p.
◆2012 Ars Vivendi: Sociology of Disabled People Who Have Left Home or Institutions, Third Edition (『生の技法』), ASAKA Junko, OKAHARA Masayuki, ONAKA Fumiya & TATEIWA Shin'ya, Tokyo, Seikatsu Shoin, 666p.
◆2012 Narratives and Deeds on Life and Death I: Death with Dignity Bill, Resistance, and Bioethics (『生死の語り行い・1』), TATEIWA Shin'ya & ARIMA Hitoshi, Seikatsu Shoin, 241p.
◆2012  Differences and Equalities: Disability and Care / Paid Work and Unpaid Work (『差異と平等』), TATEIWA Shin'ya & HOTTA Yoshitaro, Seidosha, 342+17p.
◆2011 Prelude to the Theory of Family and Division of Labor by Gender Role (『家族性分業論前哨』), TATEIWA Shin'ya & MURAKAMI Kiyoshi, Tokyo, Seikatsu Shoin, 360p.
◆2010 The Human Condition: There is no such thing, (『人間の条件』), Tokyo, Rironsha, 394p.
◆2010 Basic Income: Possibility of the Minimal State that Distributes (『ベーシックインカム』), TATEIWA Shin'ya & SAITO Taku, Tokyo, Seidosha, 329p.
◆2009 Repairing Tax (『税を直す』), TATEIWA Shin'ya, MURAKAMI Shinji & HASHIGUCHI Shoji, Tokyo, Seidosha, 350p.
◆2009 Sole Life (『唯の生』), Tokyo, Chikuma-Shobo, 418p.
◆2009 The Right to Live (『生存権』), TATEIWA Shin'ya, BITO Hiroki & OKAMOTO Atsushi, Tokyo, Doseisha, 141p.
◆2008 Ways (『流儀』), INABA Masaki, YAMADA Makoto & TATEIWA Shin'ya, Seikatsu-Shoin, 272p.
◆2008 Good Death (?) (『良い死』), Tokyo, Chikuma-Shobo, 374p.
◆2006 Future of Property and State (『所有と国家の行方』), INABA Shinichiro & TATEIWA Shin'ya, Tokyo, Japan Broadcast Publishing Co., Ltd, 301p.
◆2006 On Hope (『希望について』), Tokyo, Seidosha, 320p.
◆2004 ALS: Immovable Body and Breathing Machine (『ALS』)<, Tokyo, Igak-Shoin, 449p.
◆2004 Equality of Freedom: An Another Simple World(『自由の平等』), Tokyo, Iwanami-Shoten, 390p.
◆2000 Freedom to be Weak (『弱くある自由へ』) , Tokyo, Seidosha, 357+25p.
◆1997 On Private Property (『私的所有論』), Tokyo, Keiso-Shobo, 465+66p., 6000yen > Book Review
◆1995 Ars Vivendi: Sociology of Disabled People Who Have Left Home or Institutions, Enlarged and revised edition (『生の技法 第2版』), ASAKA Junko, OKAHARA Masayuki, ONAKA Fumiya & TATEIWA Shin'ya, Tokyo, Fujiwara-Shoten, 366p.
◆1990 Ars Vivendi: Sociology of Disabled People Who Have Left Home or Institutions (『生の技法』), ASAKA Junko, OKAHARA Masayuki, ONAKA Fumiya & TATEIWA Shin'ya, Tokyo, Fujiwara-Shoten, 312p.

■>Articles & Speeches translated into English(under construction, 2014/07/14:44)

2010-  2000-2009  -1999

◇2014/12/22 「立岩真也『自閉症的連続体の時代』(2014)の紹介」
 [Korean] https://www.facebook.com/ritsumeiarsvi.ko/posts/681263608658139
 [English] https://www.facebook.com/ritsumeiarsvi.en/posts/1508984802722500
◇2014/12/10 「安楽死・日本・障害者の運動(予告)――「身体の現代」計画補足・13」
◇2014/12/04 「Record of the Past Korea Japan Disability Studies Forums & Person and Family / Family and Society」
◇2014/11/27 「障害学国際セミナー 2014・他」
◇2014/04/15 "Message", Ars Vivendi E-mail Magazine No.119
◇2013/**/** "Book Review: Disabiliy in Japan by Carolyn S. Stevens", Disability and Society
◇2013/08/21 "Preface", Ars Vivendi Journal 5 [PDF]
◆2013/06/05 "On Boundaries", at Hallym University, South Korea
◇2012/06/15 "People should Receive Public Assistance even if their Family Has Money", Fonte 340(2012-6-15):3
◇2012/05/24 "We must Change the World to Make Living Possible: an 'Ars Vivendi' Scholar, Prof. Shin'ya Tateiwa Questions the 'Trend towards Hurrying Death'", Yomiuri Shimbun
◇2012/03/31, 2012 "Message", Ars Vivendi E-mail Magazine No.70
◆2012/03/27 "Family/Gender/Capital: Sketches", Ars Vivendi Journal 2:28-49
◇2012/01/05 "Happy New Year to All of Our Readers!", Ars Vivendi E-mail Magazine 40
◇2011/08/28 Opening Remarks, International Symposium "Experiences of Illness and Narratives:Possibility of a Narrative Approach as an Analysis Method", at Ritsumeikan University
◇2011/08/23 "On the Release of Our Founding Issue," Ars Vivendi Journal 1:1 [HTML]/[PDF]
◆2011/08/23 "On "the Social Model"," Ars Vivendi Journal 1:32-51 [HTML]/[PDF]
◇2011/05/31 "At the Time of this Disaster" [Japanese][Korean], Ars Vivendi E-mail Magazine No.50 (May 31, 2011)
◆2010/11/23 "The Person Themselves and the Family / the Family and Society" [Japanese][Korean], Chung Ang University Graduate School, Seoul, South Korea
◆2010/11/27 「社会サービス/所得保障/労働――日本の概要を紹介しつつあるべき方向を述べる」(講義)  [English]
◆2010/10/01 "Taking from the Big Pile and Adding to the Small - Giving to Those who Need More", Gekkan Komei 2010-10:42-47
◆2010/09/06 "Women: Disability Movement: Disability Movement / Studies in Japan 9" [Japanese][Korean]
◆2010/08/30 Relationship with "Bioethics" ; Disability Movement / Studies in Japan 8  [Japanese][Korean]
◆2010/08/28 With People in South Korea: Disability Movement / Studies in Japan 7 [Japanese][Korean]
◆2010/08/22 "In Kyoto: Disability Movement/Studies in Japan 6"  [Japanese][Korean]
◆2010/08/20 2010/08/20 "Disability Studies / Japan Society for Disability Studiese: Disability Movement/Studies in Japan 5"  [Japanese][Korean]
◆2010/08/19 "Notes on Direct Payments: Disability Movement/Studies in Japan 4: " [Japanese][Korean]
◆2010/08/17 "To Use Public Fund to Organize Services by Themselves: Disability Movement / Studies in Japan 3"  [Japanese][Korean]
◆2010/08/12 "The People: Disability Movement in Japan 2: " [Japanese][Korean]
◆2010/08/11 "xBeginning: Disability Movement / Studies in Japan 1" [Japanese][Korean]
◇2010/08/01 "Basic Income: Income Guarantee System which Provides the Same Amount of Money for Anybody", Chuo Koron 2010-8 Feature: The 50 Books to Understand this Summer's Trends (Tentative) [Japanese]
◇2010/06/30 "The disabled movement versus nursing care insurance - 2000~2003", Socail Policy Studies10:166-186 [Abstract in English]
◇2010/06/02 "Repairing the Axis Immediately: What has Happened And what Is to Come," Keynote Lecture, General Meeting of the Kyoto City Home Care Providers Association, Kyoto City Hito Machi Kouryukan  [Japanese]
◇2010/05/31 "Preface to the Korean Version of Ars Vivendi", Korean translation of Ars Vivendi [Japanese][Korean]
◆2010/05/28 "Fights over Limits: Analysis of the Past Decade in Japan", Korean Welfare Policy Conference. Location: Korea [Korean]
◇2010/05/27 Making income tax more progressive: Discussing what kind of society we should aim to create, Asahi Shimbun 05/27/2010  [Japanese]
◇2010/03/25 Translation supervisor, Pogge, Thomas W. 2008 World Poverty and Human Rights: Cosmopolitan Responsibilities and Reforms, second expanded edition, Cambridge, Polity Press. Japanese translation published in 2010 by Seikatsushoin . Translation supervisor: TATEIWA Shinya. Translators: ABE Akira, IKEDA Hiroaki, ISHIDA Chie, IWAMA Yuki, SAITO Taku, HARA Yusuke, MATOBA Kazuko and MURAKAMI Shinji.
◆2010/03/25 "Thoughts on the text+ Afterword", Pogge[2008=2010:387-408] [Japanese]
◆2010/01/25 On "Undominated Diversity", The Second Workshop with Professor Philippe Van Parijs, Ritsumeikan University  [Japanese]
◇2010/01/25 "Greeting", The Second Workshop with Professor Philippe Van Parijs, Ritsumeikan University  [Japanese]
◆2010/01/19 "Issues We Need to Simply Push for / Issues to be Pursued Carefully", Special Education and Multi-Knowledge Convergence. Daegu University, South Korea [Korean]
◆2009/12/01 "Bioethics: Sharing Japan's Masterpieces with the World"
Japanese Book News 62:12-14 [PDF]/[HTML]/[Japanese]
◇2009/09/26 "On the Occasion of Symposium "Talking about Support of Students with Disabilities in Higher Education": What We Are Doing Here", The 6th Annual Convention of Japan Society of Disability Studies, Ritsumeikan University  [Japanese]
◇2009/08/24 "Presenting "Ars Vivendi" Boldly in the Mood of Wishing for an Early Death (2)", AERA 22-37:87 [Japanese]
◆2009/08/10 Decision on Ventilator?, Yumiko Kawaguchi & Momoe Konagaya (eds.) August 10, 2009 Pocket Guide of Using Ventilators at Home: Life and Support, Ishiyaku Shuppan, 212p. ISBN-10:4263235290 ISBN-13:9784263235294 2730  [Japanese][Chinese]
◆2009/07/24 "Notes on Direct Payments" [Japanese]
◇2009/07/14 "Notes on Direct Payment" Points on Direct Payment: Asking Dr. Simon Prideaux, Ritsumeikan University [Japanese]
◇2009/06/20 "Address", The Forum for ALS Patients Treatment and Care, at Taipei Garden Hotel  Chinese[Japanese][Korean]
◆2008/06/07 For Comment after the Whole Discussion, Special Public Opening Symposium "Narratives, Trauma and Ethics: Welcoming Dr. Arthur W. Frank", Ritsumeikan University [Japanese]
◇2007/09/17 ANDO Michihito, HOTTA Yoshitaro, KAWAGUCHI Yumiko & TATEIWA Shin'ya "Reexamining the capabilities of ALS patients", Conference of the HDCA(the Human Development and Capability Association ): "Ideas Changing History"September 17-20, 2007 in NY
◇2006/12/12 "Disabilities / Disability Studies", Oba, Takeshi ; Inoue, Tatsuo ; Kawamoto, Takashi; Kato, Hisatake ; Kanzaki, Shigeru ; Shionoya, Yuichi ; Narita,Kazunobu eds. Encyclopedia of Contemporary Ethics(Japanese), Kobundo, 1100p. ASIN: 4335160402 21000yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya] (Japanese)
◇2006/07/07 Questions to Professor Philippe Van Parijs, Workshop with Professor Philippe Van Parijs, Ritsumeikan University
◆2002/10/31 Is No Disability Good?


Curriculum Vitae

■Specialities: Sociology

■Current Position:Professor, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University (2004-)

Director of Research Center for Ars Vivendi at Ritsumeikan University (2007-2012,2014-)

1995-2002 Associate Professor, School of Allied Medical Science, Shinshu University
2002-2003 Associate Professor, College of Policy Science, Ritsumeikan University
2003-2004 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University

■Date of Birth: August 16, 1960
■E-mail tae01303@nifty.ne.jp


◇1985-1990 Graduate School of Sociology, The University of Tokyo (All but dissertation)
◇1983-1985 Graduate School of Sociology, The University of Tokyo (M.A., Sociology)
◇1979-1983 The University of Tokyo (B.A., Sociology)


◇Occasional Member of the Editorial Board of Disability and Society (April 2011 -)
◇President of the Annaual Meeting of Japan Association for Bioethics (2012)
 http://ja-bioethics.jp/index.html (Japanese)
◇President of the Annaual Meeting of Japan Society for Disability Studies (2007, 2009)

■Intensive Courses Offered/Part-time Lecturer:

◇Graduate School of Human Culture, Ochanomizu University

◇Graduate School of University of Tsukuba

◇Graduate School of University of Tokyo

◇Graduate School of Social Design Studies, Rikkyo University
◇Graduate School of Social Well-being Studies, Hosei University
◇Graduate School of Letters/Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University

◇Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
◇Graduate Course of Disability Sciences, University of Tsukuba
◇Graduate School of Medicine, Oita Medical University

◇Graduate School of Sociology, Shukutoku University (Speaker)
◇Nagano University (Speaker)
◇Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Oita Medical University
◇Flexible Advance Course, Law School, Kyushu University
◇Kanazawa University (Graduate School)
◇Graduate School of Human Culture, Ochanomizu University
◇Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mie University

◇Ochanomizu University (Graduate School)
◇Aichi University of Education
◇Faculty of Letters, Chiba University
◇Shinshu University

◇Center for General Education, Shinshu University
◇University of Tsukuba
◇Faculty of Letters, Chiba University
◇Department of Education, Ochanomizu University

◇Faculty of Humanities, Toyama University

◇Faculty of Humanities, Toyama University

◇Chiba University
◇Joint Researcher, International Research Center for Japanese Studies

◇Faculty of Sociology, Toyo University
◇Department of Sociology, Japan College of Social Work
◇Joint Researcher, International Research Center for Japanese Studies
◇Institute of Social Medical Technology

◇Faculty of Sociology, Toyo University
◇Faculty of Economics, Yokohama National University
◇Department of Education, Yokohama National University
◇Joint Researcher, International Research Center for Japanese Studies
◇Institute of Social Medical Technology

◇Faculty of Sociology, Toyo University
◇Faculty of Economics, Yokohama National University

◇Faculty of Sociology, Toyo University

◇Tachikawa Nursing School (Sociology)
◇Faculty of Sociology, Toyo University

◇Tachikawa Nursing School (Sociology)

◇Tachikawa Nursing School (Sociology)

REV:..April 7, 2007/January 28, 2008/May 18, 2008/September 4, 2008/January 20, 2009/March 30, 2009/September 2, 2009/September 17, 2009/April 7, 2010/August 4, 2010/August 23, 2010/April 7, 2011/April 28, 2011/May 16, 2011/July 20, 2011/December 21, 2011/January 13, 2012/January 31, 2012/June 11, 2012/November 13, 2012/November 27, 2012/February 4, 2013/June 6, 2013/December 9, 2013 ... July 13, 2014/October 8, 2015/November 2, 2015/September 23, 2017 .. 2017/12/16
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