◇ "Deaf Identity development supporting program for high-school students of deaf schools in Japan" 7th European Congress on Mental Health and Deafness(The Netherlands),2007-09-11-14
◇ "Identity development supporting program for high-school level students of deaf schools in Japan:Through the analysis of episodes" 4th World Congress on Mental Health and Deafness(Australia),2009-10-29-30
◇ "The compare to change process of mothers who is children of Cochlear Implants and not Cochlear Implants in Japan: Through an attempt to group therapy" 21st International congress on the education of the Deaf (Canada), 2010-07-18-20
◇"日本における聴覚障害児をもつ家族への心理的支援" The International Program of the Global COE Program Ars Vivendi(Ritsumeikan University),2011?11-09
◇日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金・研究活動スタート支援 課題番号:22830133 課題名「聞こえない者のアイデンティティ発達における心理臨床的支援システム構築の基礎的研究」(2010.04〜2012.03)