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Friday Schadenfreude Live Thread

You know what, this is just too damn entertaining.

The Atari 5200 and the Death of a Video Game Giant

The Atari 5200 was supposed to be the next step forward for an early video game giant. Instead, the company tried to pretend it never existed, even after selling a million consoles.

Schadenfreude Fridays

Nice Beer Tuesdays: Wait, what?

Up until Tuesday, every AoG alcohol taste test has involved some sort of horse poison. To celebrate a season with two bye weeks, we decided to change things up and give some of America's finest high-ABV craft beers a try.

Schadenfreude Mondays: The King Can Taste Test IV

The bye week is #BoozeWeek. We drank poison so you don't have to. Then, we branded some proper insults for said poison. Join us for another installment of the King Can Taste Test.

Schadenfreude Wednesdays: Know Your King Cans

Bye week is #Booze Week. Christian and Gumbercules return to review and discuss the best horse poison that you can buy..for $1.49. It's the King Can Taste Test, Part III; Icehouse, Steel Reserve, Twisted Tea, and more!

New Coke: Nearly Bad Enough to Destroy an Empire

Coca-Cola nearly caused an American uprising by changing its formula, then earned millions and millions of dollars by changing it back. People in the 80s clearly didn't have enough things to care about.

Schadenfreude Friday: McDonalds & the '84 Olympics

McDonald's loved American athletes so much that the company was willing to give away millions of dollars worth of food to support them in the 1984 Olympics. Of course, a Soviet boycott of those games certainly didn't help things.

Schadenfreude Fridays: The Worst Bar on Television

An extended look at the worst bar on television and Uncle Jesse's opus - the Smash Club. Let's delve into this dayglo nightmare of terrible music, horrible service, and a seemingly endless supply of poor decisions.

Schadenfreude Fridays: Michelob Beer

It's been around for more than a century, but no one under 35 drinks it. Behold, the latent crappiness of Michelob, a beer that was originally brewed for connoisseurs and now marketed to "Cool Dads" across America.

Schadenfreude Fridays: The Spruce Goose - An Engineering Marvel of Failure

After more than five years of development, it flew exactly once, for approximately one mile. Behold, the Hughes H-4 Hercules:

Red Lobster Underestimates Everything, Loses $$$

Red Lobster lost an average of $1.1 million per month over a short span in 2003, and it had one crustacean to blame for their losses - the snow crab.

Schadenfreude Fridays: Fast Food Failures

Schadenfreude Fridays: Adult burgers, Hulk Hogan, and abandoning the Meat'Normous. Wile away the summer days with us reflecting on some of the greatest American fast food failures of the past two decades.

Schadenfreude Fridays: The King Can Taste Test, Watermelon Edition

Schadenfreude Fridays: The King Can Taste Test, Watermelon Edition. We drink awful things and review them for your pleasure, all thanks to the dog days of college sports.

Schadenfreude Thursdays: Bobby Petrino's Texts to Jessica Dorell from Before the Arkansas/Vanderbilt Game

Schadenfreude Thursdays: Bobby Petrino's Texts to Jessica Dorell from before the Arkansas/Vanderbilt game. Did Coach Petrino end up wasted on Hpnotiq before the Vandy matchup?...we'll never know for sure.

Schadenfreude Fridays: The Alaska Class Cruiser

Schadenfreude Wednesdays: Miami's Screwed, Does That Mean the ACC is Vulnerable for a Raid?

Schadenfraude Wednesdays: Miami's screwed, does that mean the ACC is vulnerable for a raid? Will probable sanctions for the Hurricanes make the ACC's other teams more likely to jump ship to the SEC?

Non-Schadenfreude Fridays: Jordan Rodgers Is...

Non-Schadenfreude Fridays: Vanderbilt Quarterback Jordan Rodgers Is... A look at the junior QB's awesome Twitter feed.

Schadenfreude Fridays: The Ultimate Warrior

Schadenfreude Fridays: The Awesome Failings of the Ultimate Warrior

Schadenfreude Fridays: Failed Soft Drinks

Surge is returning to the US soda market. See where we ranked it amongst the greatest modern soft drink failures in America. OK Soda paved the way for Pibb Ice, which paved the way for Four Loko...

Featured Fanshot

Schadenfreude Fridays -- So hardcore they show up in search engines under "death row inmate blogs"....

Schadenfreude Fridays: The King Can Taste Test (Part I?)

Schadenfreude Fridays: The King Can Taste Test (Part I?). Colt 45, Camo Black Ice and something called 'Stack'. What you should and shouldn't drink before the Vanderbilt spring game.

Schadenfreude Fridays: Elite XC

Schadenfreude Fridays - a look at Elite XC's downfall. Was the MMA promotion more poorly managed than Vanderbilt football?

Schadenfreude Fridays: Jar of Hearts is the Worst Song in the World

Schadenfreude Fridays: The NES Edition (Part I)

Schadenfraude Fridays. Instead of reflecting on Vandy's loss to Northwestern, let's talk about some terrible video games to make us all feel better.

Schadenfraude Fridays: Worst Football Team Ever

Schadenfraude Fridays: A look at the Las Vegas Posse - either America's worst, or best, professional football team.

Schadenfreude Fridays: Action Park

Action Park killed six people in a decade. And yet, people still loved it.

Schadenfreude Fridays: The Ryugyong Hotel

Schadenfreude Fridays: The Terrible Items at the NCAA Vanderbilt Online Shop

The craptacular buys at the NCAA's Vanderbilt store. Come see what horrors $60 can buy.