Online ISSN: 2224-4433
Print ISSN: 2304-1455
Print ISSN: 2304-1455
Aim and Scope
The Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development (AJARD) provides a forum for innovative and scholarly research on agricultural geography, planning and development, agronomy and crop science, and soil and plant sciences.
Primarily, the journal aims to disseminate the research of agronomists and agricultural scientists engaged in the implementation of science and technology in such areas as agribusiness, crop science, plant genetics, and soil science. This research corpus comprises biology, chemistry, economics, ecology, agricultural genetics in the production of healthier food, and environmental monitoring. Consequently, it will contribute to the debate on the sustainable achievement of global economic and social development goals.
Articles are invited in the following four subject areas:
Agricultural Geography, and Planning and Development
Agricultural economics & finance
Agricultural R&D and extension
Agricultural and rural sociology
Businesses and financial risks affecting agriculture and agribusiness
Development of agricultural machinery and technology
Development of rural-related agricultural industries
Food systems
Geographical information systems (GIS)
Microfinance and microcredit for agriculture and rural development
Rural household behavior
Agronomy and Crop Science
Chemistry, biology, and genetics applied to agronomy
Crop breeding and genetics
Crop–livestock interactions
Crop physiology
Crop–soil interactions
Farming and cropping systems
Horticultural and floricultural crops
Industrial and bioenergy crops
Organic farming
Soil heath and plant nutrition for sustainable agriculture
Sustainable development of agronomy
Water management/irrigation in agronomy
Plant Science
Biotechnology for farming and plant breeding
Plant genetics
Plant morphology
Planting and silviculture
Soil Science
Physical, chemical, and biological processes and interactions in soils
Soil biodiversity and its functions
Soil chemistry and biochemistry
Soil fertility and nutrition
Soil function, development, and distribution
Soil and water conservation
From 2020, AJARD will publish four issues annually: March, June, October, and December.
The average time between submission and final decision is 35 working days; the average time between acceptance and final publication is 30–40 days.
Each article published in the Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development will be assigned a DOI. Click HERE for more details about digital object identifiers (DOI).
The journal is published Quarterly (4 issues per year: March, June, September, December).
Information & submission :