Monday, July 08, 2013
Lucas Harrell’s Two Faces
Harrell noted that he leads the league with Felix with most starts of at most one (earned) run allowed. I don't know if it's true, but let's go with it. I'm not a fan of ER, preferring actual Runs allowed, but again, let's go with it.
In his ten starts, he has 9 ER in 63 1/3, or an ERA of 1.28. In his other nine starts: 49 ER in 40 1/3, or 10.93 ERA. I don't know what the league average would be if you split every pitcher's starts in two in this manner, but I would guess it would be around 1.50 and 6.50 as the ERA.
Good Felix is 6 in 73 2/3, or 0.73 ERA. And Bad Felix is 31 in 50 or 5.58 ERA. If someone out there wants to run it for other pitchers, go for it.?
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