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Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Thursday, November 14

I Awaken and Rise....

 ... but too early for me to actually like it. This new med to help with the insomnia is doing it's job very well though. Last night I got about 7 hours sleep, and woke at 4:30a feeling rested and awake. YEs, I went to bed a little early last night (about 9p) so maybe I need to stay up later so I don't waken so early.

The Wife had Monday off work this week. Time for the yearly boob-squeeze (mammogram) which she wasn't really interested in doing. I don't think any woman does... But afterwards, she and the Youngest went out to the Discount grocery for food stuffs. I have no idea what all they got, but I got a couple bags of Dot's seasoned pretzels, and some Lay's Cuban sandwich flavored chips. I saw they got soda (for themselves) and when I asked, they weren't sure if I like Barq's root beer. Duh! While there, the Wife found some wi-fi type chargers for phones, and picked one up for herself. Her phone has gotten worn at the charging port, that it is super-sensitive about how the cord plugs in to charge it. Well, after the first night, she was impressed at how it charged on the new device. she asked me to pick up a handful more (I'm guessing for Christmas gifts). SO yesterday found the Youngest driving me out to the store. Picked up some more chips, and the Barq's was $0.69/2-liter bottle, so picked up several. Got like six of the chargers for the Wife, and a few other small things to use towards Thanksgiving dinner.

I was still sore a bit in the thighs, but with the assistance of the cart, made it through the store ok. Youngest and I then went to Red Robin, as I craved their bottomless salad. Then home where I spent the rest of the day on the computer playing games or watching shows. I had gone out Tuesday after the VFW meeting, and yesterday morning, I felt the effects. The new pill is what the NP called an alcohol inhibitor. I wasn't sure how that would affect anything, but it seems it makes me sleep more (slept in until the Son woke me around 10a) and makes me feel foggy-headed. I know it is these effects, because I really hadn't had that much to drink. So now I know. And everyone will be happy that d00d won't be drinking like he used too, unless I skip that pill at night.

Decided that I am going to wait until next Wednesday to get the materials for the rest of Thanksgiving dinner. Hope RM will have enough fridge space, as I plan to pretty much bring it all out there to make/bake/mix at her place that day. BTW RM, we have another addition: Youngest's GF. SO that brings it to eight of us total.

Welp, I did get a couple book reviews done this morning, and need to go see if there are anymore out there I want to read, plus check my glucose and stuff....


Tuesday, February 20

It's Just Money, Right?

 Just when you think things might be going okay, something always comes along. For me yesterday, it was my CPAP machine.

I had walked out of our office room, on my way to the restroom, when I smelled something off. That 'tang' of something almost burnt, but not like food burnt. I finished in the restroom, and began to walk the hall, sniffing the air, trying to determine where it was strongest. Turns out it was coming from the master bedroom (my room). I'm looking around, sniffing from different sides of the room, trying to track down just where was it coming from. I had decided at this point it was an electric-burning type of smell, and so I'm sniffing anything that is plugged in. I finally determined it was the power cord to my CPAP machine. It is one of those that has the wall plug cord that goes to a convertor, then another cord that goes to the machine. Well, the machine was displaying a message to check the 30/90 Watt cord and plug in to start. I unplugged it all, then waited a couple hours. The smell had started to dissipate, so I plugged it back in. The unit started up for like five seconds, then died, displaying the message again.

This was a replacement cord I had bought a few years back. Note, my machine is probably close to 10+ years old, and I know I have been told that they should be replaced about every 3 years... But I never followed up on it, as mine worked fine. Anyways, the convertor had burned out before, hence the replacement. So talking with the Wife last night, we decided I should just get a new machine after all these years. Of course the first place I go is Amazon....

Right off the top of the bat it shows two newer, more compact, user-friendly models running about $800. One has no reviews, and the other had a few, but most were mid-level. Then I tried just Google, to find other places to possibly purchase from. Well, turns out, you need a prescription for most types of CPAP machines. After my trip to the NP yesterday, there is no way I am asking her for one. I am sure she would make me do the whole damn sleep study all over again, and I am not dealing with that whole shenanigan if I can avoid it. Once was enough. I went back to Amazon and bought the $800 machine. It should be here Wednesday.

Hopefully, that one will work well enough for me to get by for another 10 years, so long as I am alive. After all, the NP said that according to their stats, I'm 34.5% chance of a heart attack in the next ten years. 

Go figure.


Wednesday, March 22

Wasted Effort

 I did get out yesterday. It was near noon when I motivated myself to get going to do the errands that needed done. Grocery store was first, where, yes, I did get more stuff than I really needed ( I was hungry) but also texted the Wife to get anything she could think of. Then it was off to Savers. They did not have any casual pants in my size that I wanted. Ended up choosing a pair of black jeans. As I was checking out, the lady assisting at the self-checkout (no actual cashiers here) came over and said something about a discount day. I know they have color-coded tags, and certain days a color gets 'XX' discount. As she finished putting in my 30% discount, she says "the senior discount is always nice."

Now I don't mind saving a couple bucks, but, really? So I say to her, that I am not a senior though. She looks at me, and glances at my beard, then back to my eyes, and softly says that she is sorry she made that assumption. I just smiled and said I'm only 51, but a discount is a discount. 

People always judging these days....

So, I was out last night to meet up with a buddy, when I got an email from the Court. Turns out my group was not needed today (YAY!) so no trip downtown today. Also, no need to buy the jeans (discount or not). Though I suppose I will keep them, in case.


Tuesday, March 21

Civic Duty, My Ass...

 Last month I received in the mail a little postcard "requiring my immediate response". Of course, it was that nasty Jury Summons that I was hoping to never see again. It's a "civic duty" to be called to serve on a jury. Bah! It sucks! Over the past 30 years, I have received this summons 9 times. I have served once, on a 2-day trial, been sent home from the courts 6 times, did not have to appear 1 time, and, yes I am publicly admitting that I broke the rules and could suffer penalties, but I refused to respond or acknowledge or even go for one of the summons. That last one was about 3 years ago, in the middle of moving between houses, so I figured I could claim it was sent to the wrong address. You would think, in the Valley of over a million people (combined living area/cities) that there would be more people to randomly select from, instead of me having to do it almost like every 3 years. The selection system sucks!

Either way, tomorrow is my "special day". Of course, I will call this evening after 5pm, to see if my group number is still needed to attend or not. Here's hoping I won't have to go. In the meantime, now they are FORCING me to go out and spend money. Huh, you ask? Well, I don't own any pants (aside from a pair of trousers for my wedding/funeral suit). The court 'frowns' upon shorts (even in Arizona) so I have to go out today and find a pair. Savers and Goodwill are first on the list to see if they have any in my size, preferred color(s), and in decent shape. 

Sigh. I really hate clothes shopping, even if it is for me.

On the plus side, I have put shopping off until closer to the noon hour so I have an excuse to get something to eat from somewhere. I'm thinking Popeye's, but have not decided. A sub sandwich sounds good, too. And while I am out, I should stop at the local grocery and see what kind of cheaper soda I can get (aka Big K brand). My usual Mtn Dew/Pepsi products are getting pricey, even at the dollar store. Maybe look at some snacks, too. Oh man, I better eat before I go to the store....

Anyways, welcome to my whiny day (thanks AZ courts).


Monday, February 20

Banker's Holiday

 President's Day. What a joke. Nothing more than a Federal government day-off, that Banks and many other companies use. Schools, too, as the Youngest is home today. I have never worked a job that got this day off.

I'm still a bit groggy this morning. Slept good though.

Had a good dinner out with the three boys last night. Went to Chili's. Wife got to see the car the Oldest has gotten.

The potato salad was good RM. It's all gone already. She was a bit upset (I'm reading into the comment she made) that I was not here when she came by though. But, my car needed a wash, and I had already made plans to be somewhere else. Sorry!

That's about all I got today. Got a good sale going on at the discount grocery (20% off my purchases with ad) so should probably finish getting ready to face the public. Need to stop by one of the other dollar stores and see about some new reading glasses - my last pair broke.


Wednesday, January 11

Getting Cheap

 Who doesn't like to save a buck? I know I don't mind saving some money when purchasing things - be it the item being on sale, or discounted for a multitude of reasons. The Wife (the frugal one of our relationship) has always been awesome at finding deals on things, etc. and it has helped us save money over the years. We shop at discount stores for food and clothes. We watch for things to go on sale. You get the idea of what I mean.

So yesterday, after wrapping up with the workday, I decided to run over to the 99 Cent store, as I needed to get some bread, some water flavoring packets, and maybe some soda. Oh, and reading glasses. I broke mine the other day. The one near our home is of a decent size. And there were empty shelves! I strolled down the soda aisle, and the only soda there were about three different flavors of Shasta, where they usually have several flavors, and brands. When I got to the water flavoring, there was only like five available flavors - and only 1 of the kind I like. Bread... oh my. No white bread, but I found one package of white hamburger buns. Are things so expensive now, that even the "dollar store" can't stock it's shelves?

Oh, and I found a pair of reading glasses there. They were stronger than the ones I had picked up before, and when I got home, they actually work better than the previous pair. Bonus.

I have a feeling I will break down and go over to WinCo this weekend. The one 2-liter of Shasta Lemon/Lime I got is last night is almost gone already. I do love my sodas. I know the Youngest has asked if we could get some soda for him as well.

Welp, I should get back to actually working.


Tuesday, January 10

A Reset Tuesday

 I play a large MMORPG game online called World of Warcraft. I have for years. Anyways, every day they have a reset - usually around 7am PST. Just a quick 'blip' and the "daily quests", dungeon locks, etc, all reset and freshen to a new day. Weekly, on Tuesday mornings, is the "Weekly Reset" - where the larger things (World Quests, Raids, Group Events, etc) do a reset. It is also the morning that they put in fixes for program issues, or adjustments to character attributes, and most important, add new features. This is usually an hour or more of time "down" as they add in the needed software changes, etc. Every Tuesday is the big one.

Today sort of feels that way for me. Woke around 6am, feeling fairly awake, and decided to just lay in bed until the Wife left around 630. Then got up for the necessities, and wandered into the office. I can start work at 7, but have been pushing it off until 730 just because I can. I really am not a fan of this type, and this particular, project. Supposedly it is to last through the end of February, and that feels like a long time for a project I don't like. Sigh. Don't worry, I'm sucking it up and just trying to do the best I can.

With school getting back into the swing of things, the Youngest now has to have Tuesday night practices. It is a percussion practice mandatory every Tuesday. Why? I have no idea. I am not happy about it - additional time we have to take out of our day to get him there on time, and pick him up...Hold on. Tonight's was an "optional" one as they were going to repair, fix, prepare the instruments for next week when they officially start this, but the Son just texted me that the "leader" isn't going to be there tonight, so he isn't going. Nice, for tonight. But they still have the even t going on the next several weeks (months?) that this has to be done. Sigh.

I guess I need to get out and do a little shopping this evening. Used up the rest of the bread yesterday having mayo and pickle sandwiches for lunch, then realized last night that the Wife had picked up more lunchmeat for lunches - but now I have no bread. I also broke my reading glasses. I had picked up a pair that matched my bi-focals, so I didn't have to lean my head back all day working at the computer. So now I need to see if I can find a couple cheap pairs at the dollar store or something. Need some more water flavor packets too, as the root beer ones I got for Christmas are gone already. Course, I like other flavors as well...

Reading has started off well this year. I think I am about 6 books in already. I was able to get about three read over the weekend, which was nice for a change. I see I got RM to get back on one of the sites I use (Goodreads.com) and she has set a goal for herself. I hope she will be able to keep it updated as she goes through books (and the year) whether or not she meets the goal she set. Reminder RM, even if you re-read a book, it counts - just add the additional date range you read it the second time!

Welp, I got about 30 minutes before I need to actually get to work, and I need to get a couple other things accomplished....


Saturday, November 26

Saturday Shenanigans

 Maybe I should change that title to "What kind of trouble am I able to stir up today?" as that is sort of the mood I am in. Mischievous. A bit Impish even (though I am not a small guy). <Shrug> Will have to see what happens around me to see what I am able to accomplish.

The Wife and I met up with RM & PT for breakfast this morning. RM had texted me yesterday, if I wanted the leftovers from their Friday Thanksgiving meal they had with friends. I said sure, and decided we should meet for breakfast for the exchange of food. Good breakfast, and I could only eat about half of it. Then the Wife and went went on down the road to the discount grocery we like. Around $200 later, we were finally leaving. Yeah, most of that was NOT groceries. They had a sale on a gamer chair colored blue (youngest Son's favorite color) so we bought it for him for Christmas. They also had some Amazon Mystery boxes - where there are items in it, but no idea of what type/cost/etc. For $50 I told the Wife I feel lucky, and bought one. Our cashier mentioned she had bought four of them that she is handing out as gifts this year. I thought that could be cool.... but I feel lucky and I want to open this one. A few months ago I tried one of those sites that you pay, say, $30 for a mystery item, and they ship it to you. I was lead to believe it was a box (like today) but it literally was one item. That was a waste. This looks like there are multiple items in it, but it could be good air packaging. We will see later today. Maybe I'll luck out and get something I am able to gift.

Craving tea bad today. The discount store did not have any, except individual personal bottles, which I did have on the way home. I did pick up a couple half-cases of Mtn Dew flavors - there are like 4 flavors of "energy" drink, and I thought I could try/share them with the Youngest as he likes that sort of drink. But that will be a couple hours as I can't stand warm soda.

Not sure what this afternoon will bring. Maybe some Warcraft. Maybe the VFW. Maybe a good crap and a nap. Well, the crap is happening no matter what of anything else. Speaking of, I should close this off....


Mystery Box Reveal!!!

There were quite a few items in the box, and overall I probably got the cost in items, though many I can't/won't use... but here is sort of a list (if I remember it all)

- 4 size 10 mens spinner rings - spinner is a chain design

- 4 some kind of mat to wipe your feet on  - door mat

- 5 XL black rayon dresses

- 4-5 mascara make-up stuff

- 1 nail kit

- 4-5 dog collars with Apple air tag holder (no air tag)

- 2 bicycle cleat sets

- 6 packages of balloons in Halloween colors

- about 6 packages of assorted Halloween decorations you hang

- 1 foldable baby bath

- annnnn-nnnddd onnnnnneeee Mariah Carey CD!

The stuff was packed in pretty tight. Not really much to give as gifts, but I will keep the rings, as it just so happens to be my size. The dog collars are for larger dogs, and I know a couple friends that have dogs I will offer to them. Even without the actual air tag (for tracking) the collars are seemingly thick and well-made. The mats... I may keep one, and hand out if anyone wants. Make-up and nail stuff will go to the Daughter probably, unless the Wife wants any. Decorations will probably get donated to a school, maybe the facility where the Wife works. Balloons, too, more than likely. The dresses - I don't know. Savers maybe? There might be a couple items I missed listing, but either way they aren't important. I think the rings, though probably fairly cheap, are the big win, as I figure they normally sell for at least $15 each ($60 total) so the box was paid for. The funniest part of it, was I think the Middle Son (who happened to be by dropping off the Youngest) was excited to open the box as I was! Best surprise was the CD... I mean, c'mon. Mariah Carey? I'm sure it is one of her older albums but I am not a fan of hers. At least it isn't that Christmas song she sings!

Monday, October 31

Making Plans to Sleep

 Yesterday pretty much wore me out, though it wasn't anything I really did for that to happen. I spent most of the day watching a couple football games with friends, then the Wife and I went out to dinner. I was in bed around 10pm, yet find myself wide awake at 3:30 this morning. I was planning on getting some errands done this morning, when places open, but I have a feeling I will be asleep, trying to make up for this morning's early wake-up.

Speaking of things needing to get done, I really need to get up to the cell carrier's store. I am due an upgrade, and I have been having issues the past couple weeks with my cell. Seems if it drops down to 40% power, it automatically will shut off and not restart unless it is has been charged for at least 30 minutes. Crappy Moto-X phone! Think I'll go with a regular Samsung this time. Oh, then the joy of transferring contacts, etc.... so not looking forward to that.

I was also hoping to get over to the 99 Cent store to get some more flavor packets for my water. If not there, somewhere I can buy some tea. For some reason I have been craving it quite a bit lately.

I was a bit displeased last night at the place the Wife and I had dinner at. It is a place called Longhorn, and is labeled as a 'steak place'. It is close to our house, which is nice. The Wife and I had ate there a few years back, and found it comparable to the steak places on either side of it - Texas Roadhouse, and Black Angus. Literally, these three steak competitors had restaurants right noext to each other! Of course, Black Angus went out of business some time ago, so now it is only the two, with an Outback on the other side of the freeway.

Anyways, this place looks 'poshier' than Texas Roadhouse, and the atmosphere is much quieter without all the singing/dancing from the waiters/waitresses. The menu is comparable to TR's, and is a little more procey, but sometimes worth it for the quieter atmosphere and quicker seating than the other place. So we are seated promptly, and get our orders in. They bring some complimentary bread/butter, where the bread was hard and cold, the bitter seemed to be frozen. When our meat dishes arrived the Wife found here's was rare (ordered medium) mine was medium (ordered rare) and we were only asked once about drink refills (at the time of them bringing the meat). I was quite dis-satisfied. I do get better table service and correct meal orders at Roadhouse, so I guess I am back to having to deal with the louder noises and dancing.


Sunday, April 17

So, I Went Shopping ...

 Yeah. Me. Shopping. Not the kind where I meander all over the place and look at everything (like some people I know). I went shopping, like a Man. I walked into that Toyota delalership knowing what I wanted, what I willing to pay, and they better have it. They didn't. But, as it turns out, they are due a shipment of vehicles 4/25-4/30 that actually has exactly what I want on the trailer. It's a 2022 Rav4 LE AWD, *AND* it is the same color as my old one. I didn't put a reservation on it ($3000) because that monies would not be applied to the pricing. In other words, throwing $3K out there just to secure it. Naw, I'll ltake my chances. So we talked a bit more, and I found out the price I would pay since I am not financing. All in all, a good afternoon. Just waitng the call when it comes in.

I'm still in pain. The cuts on my leg are healing well, for scratches/cuts. The swelling in my shoulder has gone down. Bruising is starting to slowly fade away. But my chest still hurts. Just below the neck area. Feels like the bone(s) are bruised. I wonder when the air bag deployed, either the force of it, or it and maybe an arm) was thrust so hard, that it feels this way. It has been slowly getting better, and I noticed rolling over in bed, etc, was not as painful this morning. But the pain is still enough it distracts me, even when sitting idle. Hopefully I will be mostly back to my normal here this week.

It is Easter Sunday. We haven't given out baskets of candy on this day for years. With most of the kids grown and out of the house, why bother? Though, I do admit RM still does stockings for us kids at Christmas. Either way, we haven't gotten together (my kids/families) for Easter since they started getting older and moving out. The Middle Son had texted the other day, his work was being closed today, and he wanted to know if we had plans. Yesterday I tenatively said if he and his older brother wanted to, we could go to Dennys for lunch today, thinking it would be one of the less crowded places. He is to get back to me this morning. I would not be surprised if I do not hear from him, or they turn it down.

I think I am going to relax most of the day. The Wife will be working on final tax figures this afternoon. She always waits until the last minute, and refuses to pay  (her words - waste) $50 for Turbo Tax, when she thinks she has to figure out the figures anyways to enter it into the program. <shrug> What do I know? The Wife has tkaen this on many years ago, though I don't remember why.

Doctor's appointment tomorrow. Based on the somewhat record I have kept of my BP readings, I thin khe may increase my HBP meds a bit in the dosage. Maybe another 5-10 milligrams. I know he will send me out for lab work again. Some of the numbers from the last one were just weird. My blood sugar and A1C were sky high, to the point it was ridiculous. Though I don't know why - I had to fast 8 hours before I went. Needless to say I expect to do them again. In fact, I need to stop now and set up an appointment time for Tuesday, so I don't have to wait forever as a walk-in. There, done!

The Wife and I went out to dinner last night. I was craving some steak, so we went to Texas Roadhouse. We expected a wait (told 35-45) and an hour later we finally got our seat. We did get our appetizer and drinks fast, but waited nearly 35 minutes for the food, which arrived somewhat just above room temperature. It was possibly our worst experience at this restaurant. I was a bit disappointed, but the food was still good, and both of us were taking home at least half, if not more, of the meal home. I just couldn't eat it all. Another good thing, as I am working on weight loss.

Welp, the day is wasting away, and I haven't done much as of yet, so I should get going.


Sunday, December 5

Resting Up

 Sunday has come around again, and this one finds me resting up for this next week. The Wife and I went out for a brunch yesterday, went to run an errand, and ended up shopping for a couple hours. We did complete much of our holiday gift shopping, yet I still need to go out for a couple more things. I also got the car washed and then spent part of the evening up at the VFW for some beer and karaoke.

Tomorrow it is back to work. This project (from what I was told) was to be about a week and half long, which means by the end of the week, it should be finishing up. Hoping they will be able to get into another quickly - I know for a fact that there are at least 4 other projects going on right now as well.

I do believe The Wife and I have finally figured out birthday and holiday shopping, in regards to/from each other, or from kids. While out yesterday, I saw her pick up an item and add it to the cart, I asked who that was for. She says, 'Me, it's from Youngest Son for my birthday this week'. Later on, I added an item, and said it was for me at Christmas from Youngest. She did finally give me at least one idea that I'll take Youngest out to select whatever design/color he likes for her.

Anyways, got nothing of importance to say today, and feel like I will just be ramblin' on ...


Sunday, December 6


 Oh, I am feeling the pain of the Commercial Holiday! Not just in the pocketbook, but in my back and legs. Yesterday. the Wife and I went out to try to finish up the shopping for gifts. At least, I was shopping for the remainder of the ones I was "in charge" of getting. I did pretty much get them all, except for one gift for the Wife. It is hard to buy for her, let alone when she is with me. We started at Wallymort where I knew one specific item could be gotten at a good cost. While there, found a few items for the older Sons' apartment, an item for the youngest, something for the RM, and even picked up the basic zip-up hoodie for me. I know, you're not supposed to buy for yourself, but I truly needed it. I used to have this nice lined flannel, but it was lost when they totaled out the car I got rear-ended in about a year + ago. I have a winter jacket, but it is for colder weather, and is a nice one I just don't to use everyday. I found a basic Fruit of the Loom for $10...and in my size even! It's not often I find clothing in my size and the standard box stores!

After there, we went to Fry's Grocery, for the gift cards. The 2x fuel points is nice when I get these all at once. I saw they now have Little Ceasar's Pizza cards, so will have to come back to stock up on them sometime. We eat from there often enough getting the fuel points would be an added bonus. I was going to buy a bottle of Crown Royal as well, so I would have the purple bag it comes in to use for the Santa Run (to hold candy canes, etc) but for some reason, they were out of it at this store. I figured there were enough people like me was the reason. Rather drink through the holiday versus celebrate it. I kept it limited to a small number of cards, and modest amounts applied to them.

I'm really starting to get hungry by this point, as I had skipped lunch. It had to be about 2pm. Next on the list was the 99cent store. It is never good to go there when you are hungry. Ended up getting a full cart of things, mostly food items, though I forced myself to limit the number of Snacky foods I picked out. Of course the Wife picked up several items for the Stocking Ball we started last year. It's a fun (and cheaper) way to do the stockings now that the kids are all older. Basically you take a roll of plastic wrap and start wrapping it in a ball, add in treats, small prizes - whatever fits. Last years was a bit bigger than a basketball when done. The kids rolled a die to find out who started, and one starts "unwrapping" the ball, being able to keep each item as it falls out. While he is doing this, the next in line is rolling dice to get a pair of 'snake eyes', which the person unwrapping has to stop. It gets to be humorous to watch (for Mom and I) and the kids really love it. In fact, I had to ask the youngest (playing on the computer next to mine) what the procedure was for the "game". He got excited about it. Anyway, there were some more items for under the "tree" gotten there as well. I didn't make it through check-out. My back was bothering me, and the Wife was kind enough to tell me to go sit in the van and she would finish up. She's too good to me!

It's after 3pm by this point. I'm tired. I'm hungry. I'm thirsty. I groan thinking we still have to carry all of this into the house yet. But one last stop to be made. Quik Trip. I had brought my refill mug - 52 ounces of drink. Then I grabbed a couple roller hot dogs, some cigarettes, and out the door on the way home we were. Managed to unload it all in three trips, thanks to loading up the bags along the arms like 10 at a time. Thankfully none were over loaded or too heavy.

I checked with the Wife about how easy accessible the wrapping paper would be in the storage room, and we should get some out so I could start wrapping on Sunday. As I was waking up, and groaning, I realized we forgot an important item yesterday - tape. I will see if the Wife will run out and pick a few dispensers of it at the drug store. A little more expensive than say Big Lotsa, but at least has more than 6 pieces per roll.... and sticks better. then maybe I can get some wrapping done. The packages I ordered are starting to fill up the footwell of my desk, not leaving me much room.

So, barring one gift I need to get yet, I believe I am done shopping for the holiday. A nice feeling. Usually it goes until near the end of shopping ability to get it done. I'm happy it is done.


Monday, March 23

It's Go Time!

I am about to take a huge risk this morning.... and go out into public. I have to do it. Not because I need TP or hand sanitizer. Not because my family is starving, or the water from our tap is no longer flowing because no one is working so no paychecks and bills didn't get paid. I'm out of cigarettes.

I know, this could be a good time to stop smoking. I don't think so. I have already had to put getting a job on hold, being out in public restaurants and bars... I am not giving up this bad habit just yet.

...and I need to get some AA batteries. Seems our thermostat likes to reset to 60 degrees consistently. I noticed it a few days ago, saw what sort of battery size was needed, then realized I don't have that size here. Plenty of AAA, but no AA. When I had my unfortunate, early morning wake up around 330AM this morning, it felt a bit chilly. Checked and it was close to 63 degrees in the house. I know, many of you are fine with that, and I am, but I knew the Wife would wake in a couple/three hours and complain about how cold it is. So I turned it up to our regular 72, did some Facebook, and laid back down for a bit. Up again at 7'ish, felt warmer. Awake again at 8 and it was cooling off again. Sure enough, temp had reset again.

Cigarettes. AA batteries. What else do I NEED? Nothing I can think of. Be nice to have some beer, but I think that can wait a bit. I think I shall pick up some carbonation in the form of soda though. I haven't hda a carbonated beverage in several days now. I'll run by the 99cent store and get some 2-or 3- liters of the cheap stuff the boys and I like. Check on some lunch meat if they have any... maybe see if they got more chicken nuggets or similar.

So, that's my plans for today starting around 10 this morning. Want to make sure that if the store has certain early hours for the elderly I just have to wait.


Saturday, November 2

November Has Arrived

Halloween is over. Thanksgiving is coming up. Christmas after that. In two months the year will be over, and I think back over what has happened this year, and how it has changed things. New house. One (newer) car. Three accidents, two damaged vehicles. My back has decided to start getting worse. I was off Friday since I couldn't hardly walk when I woke up. That's been twice in the last month. Today it is a bit better, but still not back to normal. At least the exercises from the PT, from my work comp injury two years ago) helps get that disc slipped back into place. It just takes an unknown amount of days and exercises. Took three weeks last time.

I haven't heard officially, but suspect the Middle Son and the band will be going to State this year for competition. They were to do the Senior Walk last night, but he refused to do it. The Wife had even made up a poster for the walk. He's stubborn like his father.... and more traits that I wish weren't shared.

I talked to the Boss at work last month about trying to find me a different position to work. The current job is getting too much physically for me to accomplish. Especially the way it is wreaking havoc on my back. He was "going to see" what could happen, but of course, like everything else there, it hasn't happened yet. Not sure if it will. So, I am still looking for another job. Not having much luck there either.

I need to start looking for gifts for the family for Christmas. I hate shopping. I think Amazon may get quite a bit of my purchases this year. That is if I am able to find anything for anyone. I've never been much of a people person and figuring out gifts for them. Usually I get the ideas from The Wife, and I just buy them. But, The Wife has a bday coming up as well, and the kids never get her anything, so I have to triple search for things for her, as gifts from the boys and from me. Yee Haw. Fun stuff.

Guess I should spend some of this down-time doing some shopping online. Though, I get distracted by books and playing Warcraft.


Tuesday, December 16

MFFF! I'm Full!

This morning I went and got my Christmas bonus from work. Basically, it was the Boss treating the West Side technicians to breakfast at a restaurant called, aptly, "The Place". I have had breakfast there before with PT, so was prepared for the portion-sizing they serve - which is humongous! I settled for what I thought would be a bit smaller, a chorizo omelet with hash browns and biscuits & gravy. I ate it all, but I will not be hungry until late today I am sure. For a Christmas bonus, it'll have to do. Last year we received $25 gift cards for Fry's Food stores. This year is breakfast for the West Side, and Thursday, they are ordering in Olive Garden for lunch for the East Side techs and our shop. The Bossman said I could do both, but I think I will be skipping the lunch.

I finished up nearly all my shopping I had in mind for the season. There is one other gift I know the Wife and I want to go see about, which will probably happen this weekend. I have to wrap anything, but at least I think I am done, aside from waiting for the delivery of a couple items I ordered online. I seriously doubt the Wife is done. She is one of the world's greatest procrastinators.

While out shopping last Saturday, I ran by Verizon. My bluetooth earpiece had lost the rubber cap piece - the one that goes on the part that goes into your ear. I was surprised they do not carry replacements. I would have to purchase a whole new earpiece, or the other option the rep said was to contact the manufacturer of the device. Really? As we were leaving though, he stepped outside and mentioned to check Radio Shack, as they sometimes carry the extra pieces. Instead, I went home and searched for the replacement pieces that came with it, and took a razor blade to one of the other pieces, that had extra thingies (I don't know what they are called) on it, supposedly to hold it in your ear. I use an ear clip so don't need them. Needless to say, it works.

Welp, I got some time before I need to go to work. I should spend some time int he reading room, so it won't bother me when I am rushing to get my drive done this evening.


Tuesday, December 6

I Think it is Finally Here

After about a week of lower temperatures, I think that winter has finally arrived here in the Valley of the Sun. After an extended period of time with the warmer weather, things have finally dropped down to just the 50's during the day. It will probably remain this way with few fluctuations, until March. The quilted flannel shirt, and winter comforter on the bed are sure making things more comfortable - even for me!

Oldest son's concert last night was good. Being the only French horn player, he had a couple small solo parts in the handful of selections they played. Afterwards, I found out he has been selected to go to All-State Band. There were only two students selected from his whole school. Next week the middle son will be debuting his trumpet skills for the first time with the elementary school concert.

I am feeling pretty tired this morning. Sleepy-tired, to clarify. I know I slept good last night, and even had retired at a decent hour. It's taking me a bit to wake up and feel motivated today. I have plans to meet up with Reverend Mother in about an hour, and the two of us go out to do some shopping. Mom is good at helping see ideas for things that I would normally pass over. Even if I decide to not do that idea. Especially when it comes to getting things for the Wife. I hope to get her birthday and Christmas stuff done today, and a couple things for the kids. We might even have lunch together. Either way, I know RM will like just being able to hang out with me (even if I ain't much fun).

Monday is my doctor appointment, and I have not hit my goal for the total amount of weight I had wanted to lose. As of a week ago, I only had 9 pounds to reach it, but have not pushed myself. I will be getting back into the gym hopefully tomorrow morning, and find out how bad the damage is (weight-wise). Either way, what I have lost is always good, and I know the Doc will be happy to see that.

Welp, I think I am going to call RM and head over to her place a little early. If I don't get off the computer, I know I will end up later than the time we planned to meet up.
