The 2017 World Series of Darts is a series of televised darts tournaments organised by the Professional Darts Corporation. In 2017, there are 7 World Series events and one finals event.
The 2017 World Series of Darts is a series of televised darts tournaments organised by the Professional Darts Corporation. In 2017, there are 7 World Series events and one finals event. (en)
Die World Series of Darts 2017 war eine Serie von Einladungsturnieren der Professional Darts Corporation (PDC). Insgesamt fanden acht Turniere, inklusive der World Series of Darts Finals statt. Die Spieler führte diese Reise diesmal in die USA, Asien, Neuseeland, Australien und Deutschland. (de)
The 2017 World Series of Darts is a series of televised darts tournaments organised by the Professional Darts Corporation. In 2017, there are 7 World Series events and one finals event. (en)
Die World Series of Darts 2017 war eine Serie von Einladungsturnieren der Professional Darts Corporation (PDC). Insgesamt fanden acht Turniere, inklusive der World Series of Darts Finals statt. Die Spieler führte diese Reise diesmal in die USA, Asien, Neuseeland, Australien und Deutschland. (de)