- An unfinished symphony is a fragment of a symphony, by a particular composer, that musicians and academics consider incomplete or unfinished for various reasons. The archetypal unfinished symphony is Franz Schubert's Symphony No. 8 (sometimes called Schubert's Unfinished Symphony), written in 1822, six years before his death. It features two fully orchestrated movements. While it seems clear from sketches that Schubert set out to create a traditional four-movement symphony, this has been the subject of endless debate. Schubert wrote the symphony for the Graz Musical Society, and gave the manuscript to his friend Anselm Hüttenbrenner, in his capacity as its representative. However, Hüttenbrenner did not show the score to the society at that time, nor did he reveal the existence of the manuscript after Schubert died in 1828, but kept it a secret for another 37 years. In 1865, when he was 76 (three years before his death), Hüttenbrenner finally showed it to the conductor Johann von Herbeck, who conducted the extant two movements on 17 December 1865 in Vienna, adding the last movement of Schubert's third symphony as the finale. Music historians and scholars then toiled to "prove" the composition was complete in its two-movement form, and indeed, in that form it became one of the most popular pieces in the late 19th century classical music repertoire, and remains one of Schubert's most popular compositions. (en)
- 미완성 교향곡은 다양한 이유로 작곡가가 미완성으로 남긴 교향곡을 말한다. 전형적인 미완성 교향곡은 프란츠 슈베르트의 교향곡 8번 (슈베르트의 미완성 교향곡이라고도 함)으로 1822년 사망하기 6년전에 만들어졌다. (ko)
- 未完成の音楽作品(みかんせいのおんがくさくひん)では、「未完成交響曲」のニックネームがあるフランツ・シューベルトの交響曲第7番ロ短調D.759など、作曲者自身の手によって完成されることがなかった音楽作品について記述する。 未完成の音楽作品は、文字通り完成されていない音楽である以上、作曲者が自身の「作品」として発表することは基本的にはない。また、未完成である以上「作品」として演奏されることは、一部の例外を除いてまれである。むしろ、各々の作曲家を研究する上においての資料として扱われる場合の方が多いであろう。 (ja)
- 미완성 교향곡은 다양한 이유로 작곡가가 미완성으로 남긴 교향곡을 말한다. 전형적인 미완성 교향곡은 프란츠 슈베르트의 교향곡 8번 (슈베르트의 미완성 교향곡이라고도 함)으로 1822년 사망하기 6년전에 만들어졌다. (ko)
- 未完成の音楽作品(みかんせいのおんがくさくひん)では、「未完成交響曲」のニックネームがあるフランツ・シューベルトの交響曲第7番ロ短調D.759など、作曲者自身の手によって完成されることがなかった音楽作品について記述する。 未完成の音楽作品は、文字通り完成されていない音楽である以上、作曲者が自身の「作品」として発表することは基本的にはない。また、未完成である以上「作品」として演奏されることは、一部の例外を除いてまれである。むしろ、各々の作曲家を研究する上においての資料として扱われる場合の方が多いであろう。 (ja)
- An unfinished symphony is a fragment of a symphony, by a particular composer, that musicians and academics consider incomplete or unfinished for various reasons. The archetypal unfinished symphony is Franz Schubert's Symphony No. 8 (sometimes called Schubert's Unfinished Symphony), written in 1822, six years before his death. It features two fully orchestrated movements. While it seems clear from sketches that Schubert set out to create a traditional four-movement symphony, this has been the subject of endless debate. Schubert wrote the symphony for the Graz Musical Society, and gave the manuscript to his friend Anselm Hüttenbrenner, in his capacity as its representative. However, Hüttenbrenner did not show the score to the society at that time, nor did he reveal the existence of the manus (en)