Ullam is a 2005 Indian Malayalam film, directed by M. D. Sukumaran. The film stars Suresh Gopi, Geethu Mohandas, Kalasala Babu and Tony in lead roles. The film had musical score by Kaithapram.
Ullam is a 2005 Indian Malayalam film, directed by M. D. Sukumaran. The film stars Suresh Gopi, Geethu Mohandas, Kalasala Babu and Tony in lead roles. The film had musical score by Kaithapram. (en)
Ullam is a 2005 Indian Malayalam film, directed by M. D. Sukumaran. The film stars Suresh Gopi, Geethu Mohandas, Kalasala Babu and Tony in lead roles. The film had musical score by Kaithapram. (en)