The Wild Women of Wongo is a 1958 American adventure film directed by James L. Wolcott and starring Jean Hawkshaw, Mary Ann Webb, Cande Gerrard, and Adrienne Bourbeau. It features low budget, stereotypical portrayals of fictional tropical islanders.
The Wild Women of Wongo is a 1958 American adventure film directed by James L. Wolcott and starring Jean Hawkshaw, Mary Ann Webb, Cande Gerrard, and Adrienne Bourbeau. It features low budget, stereotypical portrayals of fictional tropical islanders. (en)
The Wild Women of Wongo – amerykański film przygodowy z 1958 roku. (pl)
The Wild Women of Wongo is a 1958 American adventure film directed by James L. Wolcott and starring Jean Hawkshaw, Mary Ann Webb, Cande Gerrard, and Adrienne Bourbeau. It features low budget, stereotypical portrayals of fictional tropical islanders. (en)
The Wild Women of Wongo – amerykański film przygodowy z 1958 roku. (pl)