Raman Abdullah is a 1997 Indian Tamil-language comedy film directed by Balu Mahendra, starring Sivakumar, Karan and Vignesh. It is a remake of the 1994 Malayalam film Malappuram Haji Mahanaya Joji. The film was released on 22 August 1997.
Raman Abdullah is a 1997 Indian Tamil-language comedy film directed by Balu Mahendra, starring Sivakumar, Karan and Vignesh. It is a remake of the 1994 Malayalam film Malappuram Haji Mahanaya Joji. The film was released on 22 August 1997. (en)
Raman Abdullah is a 1997 Indian Tamil-language comedy film directed by Balu Mahendra, starring Sivakumar, Karan and Vignesh. It is a remake of the 1994 Malayalam film Malappuram Haji Mahanaya Joji. The film was released on 22 August 1997. (en)