Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands (originally aired simply as Pokémon) is the second season of Pokémon, and the second season of Pokémon: The Original Series, known in Japan as Pocket Monsters: Episode Orange Archipelago (ポケットモンスター:オレンジ諸島編, Poketto Monsutā: Orenji Shotō Hen). It originally aired in Japan from January 28 to October 7, 1999, on TV Tokyo, in South Korea from June 15 to October 9, 2000, on Seoul Broadcasting System, and in the United States from December 4, 1999, to October 14, 2000, on The WB/Kids’ WB!, and it airing from January 8, to February 23, 2001, on Comedy Central. The show made its Indian debut on Cartoon Network from September 14, 2003, and ended its run in mid-2004.