- Lioestheria és un gènere extint de crustacis branquiòpodes que visqueren des del Carbonífer al Cretaci (360,7 a 99,7 milions d'anys enrere). S'alimentaven de detritus, eren molt petits i de moviment lent. Menjaven per filtració i es trobaven tant en ambients marins com d'aigua dolça. Es van identificar l'any 1912 (con Estheria), es van trobar a Alemanya , Hongria, Colorado, Nou Mèxic, Montana, Texas i la Xina. (ca)
- Lioestheria ('clam shrimp') are an extinct genus of crustaceans that thrived from the Carboniferous to the Cretaceous (360.7 to 99.7 Mya). They fed on detritus, being very small slow moving, nektonic organisms that filter fed as they floated. They have been found in both marine and freshwater environments. First identified in 1912, they have been found in Germany, Hungary, Colorado, New Mexico, Montana, Texas, Utah and China. (en)
- 에스테리아 (Estheria, Lioestheria)는 석탄기때부터 백악기(360.7 to 99.7 Mya)까지 번성했다가 멸종한 갑각류 속이다. 매우 작고 느리게 움직이는 자연 발생 쓰레기인 유영동물을 먹고 살았다. 해양, 민물 환경 모두에서 발견되었다. 1912년 처음 식별되었으며, 독일, 헝가리, 콜로라도, 뉴멕시코, 몬타나, 텍사스 중국에서 발견되었다. (ko)
- Lioestheria és un gènere extint de crustacis branquiòpodes que visqueren des del Carbonífer al Cretaci (360,7 a 99,7 milions d'anys enrere). S'alimentaven de detritus, eren molt petits i de moviment lent. Menjaven per filtració i es trobaven tant en ambients marins com d'aigua dolça. Es van identificar l'any 1912 (con Estheria), es van trobar a Alemanya , Hongria, Colorado, Nou Mèxic, Montana, Texas i la Xina. (ca)
- Lioestheria ('clam shrimp') are an extinct genus of crustaceans that thrived from the Carboniferous to the Cretaceous (360.7 to 99.7 Mya). They fed on detritus, being very small slow moving, nektonic organisms that filter fed as they floated. They have been found in both marine and freshwater environments. First identified in 1912, they have been found in Germany, Hungary, Colorado, New Mexico, Montana, Texas, Utah and China. (en)
- 에스테리아 (Estheria, Lioestheria)는 석탄기때부터 백악기(360.7 to 99.7 Mya)까지 번성했다가 멸종한 갑각류 속이다. 매우 작고 느리게 움직이는 자연 발생 쓰레기인 유영동물을 먹고 살았다. 해양, 민물 환경 모두에서 발견되었다. 1912년 처음 식별되었으며, 독일, 헝가리, 콜로라도, 뉴멕시코, 몬타나, 텍사스 중국에서 발견되었다. (ko)