- A lunar standstill or lunistice is when the moon reaches its furthest north or furthest south point during the course of a month (specifically a draconic month of about 27.2 days). The declination (a celestial coordinate measured as the angle from the celestial equator, analogous to latitude) at lunar standstill varies in a cycle 18.6 years long between 18.134° (north or south) and 28.725° (north or south), due to lunar precession. These extremes are called the minor and major lunar standstills. The last minor lunar standstill was in October 2015, and the next one will be in May 2034. The last major lunar standstill was in June 2006, and the next one will be in January 2025. Presently the northern lunistice occurs when the moon is in Taurus, northern Orion, Gemini, or sometimes the southernmost part of Auriga (as at the time of a major lunistice). The southern lunistice occurs when the moon is in Sagittarius or Ophiuchus. Due to precession of the earth's axis, the northernmost and southernmost locations of the moon in the sky move westward, and in about 13,000 years the northern lunistice will occur in Sagittarius and Ophiuchus and the southern lunistice in the area of Gemini. During a minor lunar standstill, tidal forces are slightly increased in some places, leading to increased amplitude of tides and tidal flooding. At a major lunar standstill, the Moon's range of declination, and consequently its range of azimuth at moonrise and moonset, reaches a maximum. As a result, viewed from the middle latitudes, the Moon's altitude at upper culmination (the daily moment when the object appears to contact the observer's meridian) changes in two weeks from its maximum possible value to its minimum possible value above the horizon, due north or due south (depending on the observer's hemisphere). Similarly, its azimuth at moonrise changes from northeast to southeast and at moonset from northwest to southwest. In a year of a major lunar standstill, solar eclipses occur in March at ascending node and in September at descending node, whereas lunar eclipses at descending node occur in March, lunar eclipses at ascending node occur in September. In a year of a minor lunar standstill the situation is reversed. The times of lunar standstills appear to have had special significance for the Bronze Age societies who built the megalithic monuments in Britain and Ireland. It also has significance for some neopagan religions. Evidence also exists that alignments to the moonrise or moonset on the days of lunar standstills can be found in ancient sites of other ancient cultures, such as at Chimney Rock in Colorado and Hopewell Sites in Ohio. (en)
- El lunasticio es un fenómeno astronómico que ocurre cada 18,6 años, relacionado con el ciclo de precesión lunar nodal. El lunasticio mayor ocurre cuando la declinación de la luna alcanza un máximo. Esto resulta, en latitudes altas, en una mayor altitud de la luna (en culminación , cuando cruza el meridiano). Este fenómeno parece haber tenido un significado especial para las sociedades de la Edad del Bronce que construyeron los monumentos megalíticos de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda, así como otras culturas prehistóricas. (es)
- 月球至點(lunar standstill或lunistice)是指月球在一個月內(特別是大約27.2天的交點月)到達其最北端或最南端。在月球至點時,天球赤道座標系統測量的赤緯(類似於地理緯度),由於月球的交點進動會以18.6年的週期,在18.134°(北或南)和28.725°(北或南)之間變動。這些極端值被稱為最大月球至點(major lunar standstills)和最小月球至點(minor lunar standstills)。 最近的一次最小月球至點是在2015年10月,最大月球至點是在2006年6月,下一次將在將在2025年4月。 目前,月球的北至點落在金牛座、獵戶座北部、雙子座,有時也會在御夫座,或者有時是御夫座的最南端(當最大月球至點之際)。月球的南至點在人馬座或蛇夫座。由於地軸進動,月球在天空中最北端和最南端的位置會向西移動,大約1,3000年後,月球北至點將出現在人馬座和蛇夫座,月球南至點將出現在雙子座的區域。 在最小月球至點期間,潮汐力在某些地方會略微增加,導致潮汐幅度新增和。 在最大月球至點時,月球的赤緯範圍,以及因此在月出和月落時的方位角範圍,達到了最大值。因此,從中緯度看,月球的高度在上中天(物體通過觀察者的子午線)時,位於 地平線上方正南或正北(取決於觀察者所在的半球)的最大可能值到最小可能值會在兩週內發生變化。同樣的,它在月出時的方位角從東北向東南變化,在月落時的方位角從西北向西南變化。在最大月球至點的那一年,日食發生在3月的升交點和9月的降交點,而月食在3月的降交點和在9月的升交點發生。在最小月球至點的那一年,日月食發生的情況就會逆轉。 對於在青銅器時代建造巨石陣的英國和愛爾蘭的社會來說,最大與最小月球至點的出現似乎具有特殊意義;。它對一些新異教徒的宗教也有意義。還有證據表明,在其他古代文化的古代遺址中也可以找到月球至點的月昇或月落路線,例如科羅拉多州的和俄亥俄州的。 (zh)
- El lunasticio es un fenómeno astronómico que ocurre cada 18,6 años, relacionado con el ciclo de precesión lunar nodal. El lunasticio mayor ocurre cuando la declinación de la luna alcanza un máximo. Esto resulta, en latitudes altas, en una mayor altitud de la luna (en culminación , cuando cruza el meridiano). Este fenómeno parece haber tenido un significado especial para las sociedades de la Edad del Bronce que construyeron los monumentos megalíticos de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda, así como otras culturas prehistóricas. (es)
- A lunar standstill or lunistice is when the moon reaches its furthest north or furthest south point during the course of a month (specifically a draconic month of about 27.2 days). The declination (a celestial coordinate measured as the angle from the celestial equator, analogous to latitude) at lunar standstill varies in a cycle 18.6 years long between 18.134° (north or south) and 28.725° (north or south), due to lunar precession. These extremes are called the minor and major lunar standstills. (en)
- 月球至點(lunar standstill或lunistice)是指月球在一個月內(特別是大約27.2天的交點月)到達其最北端或最南端。在月球至點時,天球赤道座標系統測量的赤緯(類似於地理緯度),由於月球的交點進動會以18.6年的週期,在18.134°(北或南)和28.725°(北或南)之間變動。這些極端值被稱為最大月球至點(major lunar standstills)和最小月球至點(minor lunar standstills)。 最近的一次最小月球至點是在2015年10月,最大月球至點是在2006年6月,下一次將在將在2025年4月。 目前,月球的北至點落在金牛座、獵戶座北部、雙子座,有時也會在御夫座,或者有時是御夫座的最南端(當最大月球至點之際)。月球的南至點在人馬座或蛇夫座。由於地軸進動,月球在天空中最北端和最南端的位置會向西移動,大約1,3000年後,月球北至點將出現在人馬座和蛇夫座,月球南至點將出現在雙子座的區域。 在最小月球至點期間,潮汐力在某些地方會略微增加,導致潮汐幅度新增和。 對於在青銅器時代建造巨石陣的英國和愛爾蘭的社會來說,最大與最小月球至點的出現似乎具有特殊意義;。它對一些新異教徒的宗教也有意義。還有證據表明,在其他古代文化的古代遺址中也可以找到月球至點的月昇或月落路線,例如科羅拉多州的和俄亥俄州的。 (zh)