- Torre de Komtar, o Menara Komtar, es el edificio más alto de Penang y el sexto más alto de Malasia. Está situado en el centro de George Town, dominando el skyline de la ciudad. KOMTAR es un acrónimo de Kompleks Tun Abdul Razak. Cuando se coronó, era el segundo edificio más alto de Asia tras el Sunshine 60 de Tokio. Komtar fue el más alto de Malasia durante tres años hasta que fue superado por Menara Maybank en Kuala Lumpur en 1988. Komtar es un complejo multiusos que contiene comercios, estaciones de transporte y oficinas administrativas del Gobierno del Estado de Penang. Acrónimo de Kompleks Tun Abdul Razak, el nombre KOMTAR proviene de Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, segundo primer ministro de Malasia, quien ofició el pilotaje de la Fase 1 el 1 de enero de 1974. Tiene el mismo nombre que el Kompleks Tun Abdul Razak de Johor Bahru, construido en la misma época pero con una altura menor. El KOMTAR de Johor Bahru tiene solo 25 plantas. La torre tiene 232 m de altura y 65 plantas y es un prisma dodecagonal que se eleva por encima de un podio de cuatro plantas. El complejo contiene oficinas y comercios, así como instalaciones públicas y de ocio. Fue diseñado por Architects Team 3 (AT3) de Singapur. y construido con expertos locales. También contiene una cúpula geodésica diseñada por Buckminster Fuller. El arquitecto que diseñó la torre fue Lim Chong Keat, hermano menor de Dr Lim Chong Eu. La construcción de Menara KOMTAR comenzó en el año 1974, y, en el momento de su construcción, era considerado uno de los edificios más vanguardistas de Penang. KOMTAR fue idea del entonces Chief Minister de Penang Dr Lim Chong Eu para revitalizar el centro de George Town y estimular el desarrollo de Penang. KOMTAR ocupa una parcela de 11 hectáreas y es el proyecto de renovación urbana más ambicioso de la , la rama de desarrollo del gobierno del estado de Penang. El plan maestro está dividido en cinco fases para su construcción. (es)
- The Tun Abdul Razak Complex, (Malay: Kompleks Tun Abdul Razak; Chinese: 光大大厦; Tamil: கொம்டார் கோபுரம்); colloquially known by its Malay acronym Komtar, formerly known as the Penang New Urban Center and the Central Area Redevelopment Plan for Penang, is a multicomplex located in the city of George Town, Penang, Malaysia. The complex comprises retail outlets, a transportation hub, and a skyscraper, containing the administrative offices of the Penang state government. It was named after Abdul Razak Hussein, the second Prime Minister of Malaysia, who officiated the construction of the complex. The tower is the third tallest building in Malaysia outside of Kuala Lumpur, after The Astaka Tower B at 255.6 m (839 ft). The first phase of the construction of the complex started in 1974, and was completed in 1988. When the skyscraper topped out in 1985, it was completed with 65 floors and a height of 231.7 metres (760 ft). At the time of its completion, the skyscraper was the third-tallest building outside the Western Hemisphere (after Sunshine 60 in Tokyo and One Raffles Place in Singapore). The building maintained its status as the country's tallest skyscraper for another two years before being surpassed by the 243.5 m (799 ft) Menara Maybank in Kuala Lumpur in 1987. As of 4 December 2022, Komtar Tower's status as Penang's tallest skyscraper remains unchallenged. During refurbishments in 2015, 3 more floors were added on the skyscraper, raising the height to 248.7 m (816 ft). In addition, Komtar Tower is home to the Rainbow Skywalk, the highest glass skywalk in Malaysia, which has been installed at the top of the skyscraper, the skywalk is at the height of 247.9 m (813 ft) and it was launched in 2016. Further efforts to revitalise Komtar include the launch of The Gravityz, billed as the world's highest rope course, at the exterior of the skyscraper's 65th floor in 2018. Komtar is known for being one of the most notable uses of modernist and brutalist architecture in Asia. Komtar's legacy remains controversial: some noted it as an icon for Penang's post-industrialization prosperity after the 1970s; others represent the building with urban decay and the intentional destruction of local traditional heritage. The site from which Komtar now occupies was originally a stretch of the Prangin River, which ran through a swamp. Upon the outbreak of the Napoleonic Wars, the construction of a defensive stone canal began under probable directions from the British East India Company in 1804. The canal was approximately 50 to 80 feet (15 to 24 metres) wide. Its base was constructed with bakau pillars and shorewood, a common construction technique of the time in Penang, and was filled with granite blocks. The canal was meant for agricultural and commercial uses, and it marks the furthest boundaries of George Town. The location of the canal, being at the very end of the town, was first noted by the Malay population under the name Ujong Pasir, and was later remarked by the local Chinese population in Hokkien as Sia Boey, both coincidentally carrying the same meaning of the 'end of the village' (other historians suggested Sia Boey might also mean 'a place to sell scrap, or cheap sundry') The canal was narrowed during the 1890s to a width of 20 feet (6.1 metres) and a depth of 5 feet (1.5 metres). The region, populated since the mid-19th century, became a dense metropolitan area after the arrival of Chinese immigrants from the Hui'an region of Fujian, China. There were five major roads that occupied the site: Magazine Road, which runs within the city centre until the ; Penang Road, which runs from Farquhar Street to Brick Kiln Road (now Gurdwara Road); Prangin Road (now Dr. Lim Chwee Leong Road), which ran along the ; , the northernmost road of the ; and , which ran from the Magazine Circus, to the junction between Penang Road, Mcnair Street, and . In the 1880s, the Sia Boey Market was constructed, made of cast iron. A drinking fountain was also set up at the place. The region was also noted for the Magazine Circus (Magazine Junction), a roundabout converging on a f six roads, where the Gladstone Road, Macalister Road, Brick Kiln Road, Dato Keramat Road, Magazine Road and Penang Road coincide. The Malays called it Simpang Enam, carrying the literal meaning of 'the six-way junction'; the Chinese called it the Go Pha Teng, which means 'the five lamps', referring to the Municipal lamps set up at the middle of the junction. The junction was where the first traffic lights in Penang were set up in 1928. The area suffered great destruction during the Second World War. Between 10 and 13 December 1941, the city was bombed by Japanese bombers. The regions around Penang Road, which were filled with upturned rickshaws, were mistaken by the bombers as anti-aircraft guns; and thus were bombed heavily with serious casualties. A bomb in particular, scored a direct hit on the Sia Boey Market, which was by then the most populated market in Penang. (en)
- La Menara Komtar Complex est un gratte-ciel de Malaisie. La tour mesure 232 m pour 65 étages. (fr)
- 콤타 타워(영어: KOMTAR)는 말레이시아 피낭주 조지타운에 위치하고 있다. (ko)
- La Komtar (scritto anche KOMTAR) è un grattacielo situato nella città di George Town a Penang, in Malesia; è il grattacielo più alto di Penang e l'undicesimo edificio più alto della Malesia. Komtar è l'acronimo di Kompleks Tun Abdul Razak, dal nome del secondo primo ministro della Malesia. (it)
- Menara KOMTAR é um arranha-céu, actualmente é o 144º arranha-céu mais alto do mundo, com 232 metros (760 ft). Edificado na cidade de , Malásia, foi concluído em 1985 com 65 andares. (pt)
- 光大大厦(英語:KOMTAR Tower,馬來語:Menara KOMTAR,坦米爾語:கொம்டார் கோபுரம்,简称光大),位于马来西亚槟城州首府乔治市,为马来西亚第七高、槟城最高的摩天大楼,是槟州政府行政中心、大型购物商场与交通枢纽。 (zh)
- La Menara Komtar Complex est un gratte-ciel de Malaisie. La tour mesure 232 m pour 65 étages. (fr)
- 콤타 타워(영어: KOMTAR)는 말레이시아 피낭주 조지타운에 위치하고 있다. (ko)
- La Komtar (scritto anche KOMTAR) è un grattacielo situato nella città di George Town a Penang, in Malesia; è il grattacielo più alto di Penang e l'undicesimo edificio più alto della Malesia. Komtar è l'acronimo di Kompleks Tun Abdul Razak, dal nome del secondo primo ministro della Malesia. (it)
- Menara KOMTAR é um arranha-céu, actualmente é o 144º arranha-céu mais alto do mundo, com 232 metros (760 ft). Edificado na cidade de , Malásia, foi concluído em 1985 com 65 andares. (pt)
- 光大大厦(英語:KOMTAR Tower,馬來語:Menara KOMTAR,坦米爾語:கொம்டார் கோபுரம்,简称光大),位于马来西亚槟城州首府乔治市,为马来西亚第七高、槟城最高的摩天大楼,是槟州政府行政中心、大型购物商场与交通枢纽。 (zh)
- The Tun Abdul Razak Complex, (Malay: Kompleks Tun Abdul Razak; Chinese: 光大大厦; Tamil: கொம்டார் கோபுரம்); colloquially known by its Malay acronym Komtar, formerly known as the Penang New Urban Center and the Central Area Redevelopment Plan for Penang, is a multicomplex located in the city of George Town, Penang, Malaysia. The complex comprises retail outlets, a transportation hub, and a skyscraper, containing the administrative offices of the Penang state government. It was named after Abdul Razak Hussein, the second Prime Minister of Malaysia, who officiated the construction of the complex. The tower is the third tallest building in Malaysia outside of Kuala Lumpur, after The Astaka Tower B at 255.6 m (839 ft). (en)
- Torre de Komtar, o Menara Komtar, es el edificio más alto de Penang y el sexto más alto de Malasia. Está situado en el centro de George Town, dominando el skyline de la ciudad. KOMTAR es un acrónimo de Kompleks Tun Abdul Razak. Cuando se coronó, era el segundo edificio más alto de Asia tras el Sunshine 60 de Tokio. Komtar fue el más alto de Malasia durante tres años hasta que fue superado por Menara Maybank en Kuala Lumpur en 1988. (es)