Illara Jothi (transl. The Light of the House) is a 1954 Indian Tamil-language film, directed by G. R. Rao and produced by Modern Theatres. The film stars Sivaji Ganesan, Padmini and Sriranjani. It was released on 9 April 1954.
Illara Jothi (transl. The Light of the House) is a 1954 Indian Tamil-language film, directed by G. R. Rao and produced by Modern Theatres. The film stars Sivaji Ganesan, Padmini and Sriranjani. It was released on 9 April 1954. (en)
Illara Jothi (transl. The Light of the House) is a 1954 Indian Tamil-language film, directed by G. R. Rao and produced by Modern Theatres. The film stars Sivaji Ganesan, Padmini and Sriranjani. It was released on 9 April 1954. (en)