- In Greek mythology, Hippodamia, Hippodamea or Hippodameia (/ˌhɪpɒdəˈmaɪ.ə/; Ancient Greek: Ἱπποδάμεια, "she who masters horses" derived from ἵππος hippos "horse" and δαμάζειν damazein "to tame") may refer to these female characters:
* Hippodamia, daughter of Oenomaus, and wife of Pelops.
* Hippodamia, wife of Pirithous and daughter of Atrax or Butes.
* Hippodamia, wife of Autonous and mother of Anthus.
* Hippodamia, daughter of who consorted with Zeus.
* Hippodamia, name shared by two of the Danaïdes, daughters of King Danaus of Libya either by the hamadryads, Atlanteia or Phoebe. One of them married and killed her husband Istrus and the other Diocorystes. These princes were sons of King Aegyptus of Egypt and an Arabian woman. Either of these two Hippodamia became the mother of Olenus by Zeus.
* Hippodamia, also known as Laodamia or Deidamia, daughter of the hero Bellerophon and Philonoe, daughter of the Lycian king Iobates. She was said to mothered Sarpedon by the god Zeus.
* Hippodamia, also known as Alcimede or Cleobule, the mother of Phoenix by Amyntor, and possibly of Asydameia and Crantor.
* Hippodameia, wife of Alcathous (the son of Aesyetes) and daughter of Anchises.
* Hippodamia, possible name for the mother of Guneus by .
* Hippodamia, an Athenian maiden who was one of the would-be sacrificial victims of Minotaur.
* Hippodameia, a.k.a. Briseis, the wife of a prince in Asia Minor at the time of the Trojan War (en)
- 喜波妲蜜亞(古希臘語:Ἱπποδάμεια、英語:Hippodamia)在希臘神話中可以指以下:
* 喜波妲蜜亞:比薩王后。
* 喜波妲蜜亞:又被稱為布里賽絲(Briseis),特洛伊戰爭中阿伽曼農與阿基里斯爭奪的戰俘。
* 喜波妲蜜亞:皮瑞蘇斯之妻。
* 喜波妲蜜亞:奧托諾斯之妻。
* 喜波妲蜜亞:達那俄斯之女。
* 喜波妲蜜亞:阿尼奇投斯(Anicetus)之女,與宙斯發生過關係。
* 喜波妲蜜亞:雅典少女,米諾陶爾的犧牲者之一。 (zh)