Good Day New York is a morning show airing on WNYW Fox 5 (channel 5), hosted by Rosanna Scotto and Bianca Peters. It is a Fox owned-and-operated television station in New York City, owned by the Fox Television Stations subsidiary of Fox Corporation. It was the first morning newscast to air on a Fox-owned station, having launched on August 1, 1988. The program broadcasts each weekday morning from 4:30 to 10 a.m. Eastern Time. The 4:30–7 a.m. portion is a general news/traffic/weather format. The 7-9 a.m. portion still features news, traffic and weather, but also incorporates entertainment news. The 9-10 a.m. hour addition is entertainment segments including celebrity interviews, politicians etc., as well as feature segments, food, fashion and more.