- في علم الفلك، تعد نظرية مركزية الشمس في المجرة هي تلك النظرية التي تقول إن شمسنا تقع في منتصف المجرة أو بالقرب منه. وأشارت ملاحظات ويليام هيرشيل في عام 1785 إلى أن درب التبانة كانت مجرة منفصلة لها شكل القرص وكانت الشمس تقع في مركزها. وعلى الرغم من إثبات عدم صحة النظرية بواسطة هارلو شابلي في عام 1918، فلقد مثلت خطوة إلى الأمام في تطوير النماذج الكونية حيث إن التكهنات بوجود مجرات أخرى مشابهة لمجرتنا في الحجم والبنية، تضع في موضعها الصحيح مقارنة ببقية الفضاء. (ar)
- In astronomy, galactocentrism is the theory that the Milky Way Galaxy, home of Earth's Solar System, is at or near the center of the Universe. Thomas Wright and Kant first speculated that fuzzy patches of light called nebulae were actually distant "island universes" consisting of many stellar systems. The shape of our own galaxy was expected to resemble such "islands universes." But "scientific arguments were marshalled against such a possibility," and this view was rejected by almost all scientists until Edwin Hubble's measurements in 1924. William Herschel's heliocentric model of the universe, which was regarded as the standard model of cosmology in the 19th century, was overthrown by astronomer Harlow Shapley's work on globular clusters in 1918. Shapley's research marked the transition from heliocentrism to galactocentrism, placing the Galactic Center of the Milky Way Galaxy far away from the sun, towards Sagittarius. Heber Doust Curtis and Edwin Hubble further refuted the heliocentric view of the universe by showing that spirals are themselves far-flung galactic systems. By 1925, the galactocentric model was established. The theory of galactocentrism was an important step in the development of cosmological models as speculation on the existence of other galaxies, comparable in size and structure to our own, placed the earth in its proper perspective with respect to the rest of the universe. Shifts from heliocentrism to galactocentrism and later acentrism have been compared in significance to the Copernican Revolution. (en)
- Segundo a astronomia, Galactocentrismo é a teoria de que a Via Láctea, galáxia onde se localiza o Sistema Solar, é ou está perto do Centro do Universo. As observações do astrônomo William Herschel, em 1785, sugeriram que a Via Láctea era uma galáxia em forma de disco onde o Sol ocuparia uma posição central. Embora defendesse o modelo heliocêntrico, as observações de Herschel foram a primeira tentativa de uma cosmologia observacional. Em 1918, a teoria heliocêntrica galáctica de Herschel foi derrubada pelo trabalho do astrônomo Harlow Shapley, o qual analisava a mecânica dos aglomerados globulares. A pesquisa de Shapley marcou a transição do Heliocentrismo para o Galactocentrismo, colocando o Centro da Via Láctea longe do Sol, em direção a constelação de Sagittarius. Heber Doust Curtis e Edwin Hubble refutaram ainda mais a visão heliocêntrica do universo, mostrando que as espirais são, elas mesmas, sistemas galácticos distantes. Em 1925, o modelo galactocêntrico foi estabelecido. A teoria do Galactocentrismo foi um passo importante para o desenvolvimento de modelos cosmológicos, pois a especulação sobre a existência de outras galáxias, comparáveis em tamanho e estrutura à nossa, colocava a Terra em sua perspectiva adequada em relação ao resto do universo. As mudanças de Heliocentrismo para Galactocentrismo, e posteriormente, Acentrismo, foram comparadas em importância à Revolução Copernicana. (pt)
- في علم الفلك، تعد نظرية مركزية الشمس في المجرة هي تلك النظرية التي تقول إن شمسنا تقع في منتصف المجرة أو بالقرب منه. وأشارت ملاحظات ويليام هيرشيل في عام 1785 إلى أن درب التبانة كانت مجرة منفصلة لها شكل القرص وكانت الشمس تقع في مركزها. وعلى الرغم من إثبات عدم صحة النظرية بواسطة هارلو شابلي في عام 1918، فلقد مثلت خطوة إلى الأمام في تطوير النماذج الكونية حيث إن التكهنات بوجود مجرات أخرى مشابهة لمجرتنا في الحجم والبنية، تضع في موضعها الصحيح مقارنة ببقية الفضاء. (ar)
- In astronomy, galactocentrism is the theory that the Milky Way Galaxy, home of Earth's Solar System, is at or near the center of the Universe. Thomas Wright and Kant first speculated that fuzzy patches of light called nebulae were actually distant "island universes" consisting of many stellar systems. The shape of our own galaxy was expected to resemble such "islands universes." But "scientific arguments were marshalled against such a possibility," and this view was rejected by almost all scientists until Edwin Hubble's measurements in 1924. (en)
- Segundo a astronomia, Galactocentrismo é a teoria de que a Via Láctea, galáxia onde se localiza o Sistema Solar, é ou está perto do Centro do Universo. As observações do astrônomo William Herschel, em 1785, sugeriram que a Via Láctea era uma galáxia em forma de disco onde o Sol ocuparia uma posição central. Embora defendesse o modelo heliocêntrico, as observações de Herschel foram a primeira tentativa de uma cosmologia observacional. (pt)