- Cherry Point Refinery je největší ropná rafinerie v americkém státě Washington. Nachází se zhruba 11 kilometrů jižně od města Blaine a 13 kilometrů severozápadně od města Ferndale, nedaleko kanadských hranic, na pobřeží Georgijské úžiny mezi Březovým a Lummijským zálivem. Celkově se jedná o čtvrtou největší rafinerii na západním pobřeží Spojených států a o osmadvacátou největší v celé zemi. Byla postavena roku 1971 s kapacitou zhruba 16 tisíc m³ a momentálně zpracovává více než 35 800 m³ ropy denně, z čehož z 90 procent je vytvářen benzin, nafta nebo tryskové palivo. Rafinerie má rozlohu 13 km² a je provozována společností BP. Většina ropy, kterou rafinerie zpracovává, pochází ze severu Aljašky, odkud je sem přivážena skrz úžinu Juana de Fucy a ropnými tankery, které ropu vykládají nedaleko mysu zvaného Cherry Point, který patří do Georgijské úžiny. Zbytek přivážené ropy pochází z ropných ložisek na západu Kanady a dostává se sem potrubím. Vyrobené palivo bývá většinou rozváženo do různých čerpacích stanic ve Washingtonu a Oregonu buď prostřednictvím Olympijského ropovodu nebo cisternovými kamiony. Tryskové palivo z této rafinerie pak tvoří 85 procent paliva využívaného na letišti Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Dále se zde vyrábí pražený koks, jenž se vyváží do nedaleké výrobny hliníku společnosti Alcoa. V roce 1971 závod vznikl jako rafinerie společnosti , kterou však firma BP zakoupila v dubnu 2000. (cs)
- The Cherry Point Refinery is an oil refinery in the northwest United States, near Bellingham, Washington, north of Seattle. Owned by BP, is the largest refinery in Washington state (and was the 30th largest in the U.S. in 2015). The last refinery to be built from the ground up in the U.S., it is located about seven miles (11 km) south of Blaine and eight miles (13 km) northwest of Ferndale, a few miles south of the Canada–US border, on the Strait of Georgia between Birch Bay and Lummi Bay. Completed 51 years ago in 1971, its design and construction was overseen by George W. Glade, CEO and President of Parsons Constructors, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Ralph M. Parsons Company. It is the fourth largest refinery on the West Coast, and is the last major oil refinery built in the United States. The Cherry Point refinery supplies about 20% of the gasoline in Washington state. Originally an Atlantic Richfield (ARCO) facility, the refinery became a BP operation 20 years ago in January 2002, following BP's April 2000 purchase of ARCO. The refinery was initially planned to be built closer to Seattle, at Kayak Point, northwest of Everett, but Atlantic Richfield abandoned those plans in October 1968 and built the facility at Cherry Point. When first operational, Cherry Point had a capacity of about 100,000 barrels (16,000 m3); it currently processes over 225,000 barrels (35,800 m3) of petroleum (crude oil) per day, with 90% becoming gasoline, diesel or jet fuel. It covers about 3,300 acres (5.2 sq mi; 13 km2). Most of Cherry Point's crude oil is from the Alaska North Slope. It is brought in by petroleum tankers via the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Rosario Strait and delivered directly to the refinery via the facility's tanker pier near a minor headland called Cherry Point, on the Strait of Georgia. The refinery received the first oil through the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, transported aboard the ARCO Juneau, in early August 1977. The remainder of the crude comes from a pipeline connected to reserves in Western Canada. In January 2014 the refinery finished construction of a rail facility to import Bakken crude from North Dakota. The gasoline and diesel are primarily shipped to filling stations in Washington and Oregon via the Olympic Pipeline and over-the-road fuel trucks. Jet fuel from Cherry Point Refinery accounts for 85% of the fuel used by the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Significant quantities of calcined coke are also produced and shipped to the nearby ALCOA aluminium smelter. A fire in February 2012 caused the plant to be shut down for several weeks. A coal export facility known as the Gateway Pacific Terminal was proposed to be built here. The proposal was strongly opposed by the Lummi Nation, who argued that the proposal infringed on their rights under the Treaty of Point Elliott, and that it would have destroyed the local ecosystems of the local fisheries. The project was also opposed by the Sightline Institute and the Sierra Club's Beyond Coal campaign. On May 9, 2016, the United States Army Corps of Engineers denied a permit to the project, citing the Lummi Nation's treaty-protected fishing rights. On July 27, 2021, the Whatcom County Council voted unanimously to ban new refineries, shipping terminals, or coal-fired power plants at Cherry Point. (en)
- Cherry Point Refinery je největší ropná rafinerie v americkém státě Washington. Nachází se zhruba 11 kilometrů jižně od města Blaine a 13 kilometrů severozápadně od města Ferndale, nedaleko kanadských hranic, na pobřeží Georgijské úžiny mezi Březovým a Lummijským zálivem. Celkově se jedná o čtvrtou největší rafinerii na západním pobřeží Spojených států a o osmadvacátou největší v celé zemi. Byla postavena roku 1971 s kapacitou zhruba 16 tisíc m³ a momentálně zpracovává více než 35 800 m³ ropy denně, z čehož z 90 procent je vytvářen benzin, nafta nebo tryskové palivo. Rafinerie má rozlohu 13 km² a je provozována společností BP. (cs)
- The Cherry Point Refinery is an oil refinery in the northwest United States, near Bellingham, Washington, north of Seattle. Owned by BP, is the largest refinery in Washington state (and was the 30th largest in the U.S. in 2015). The last refinery to be built from the ground up in the U.S., it is located about seven miles (11 km) south of Blaine and eight miles (13 km) northwest of Ferndale, a few miles south of the Canada–US border, on the Strait of Georgia between Birch Bay and Lummi Bay. A fire in February 2012 caused the plant to be shut down for several weeks. (en)