- Catalangate és un cas d'espionatge, perpetrat principalment amb el programa espia Pegasus de l'empresa NSO Group, contra el moviment independentista català, inclosos els quatre presidents de la Generalitat de Catalunya des del 2010, dos presidents del Parlament de Catalunya i altres càrrecs electes, fins i tot europarlamentaris, a més d'activistes, advocats i desenvolupadors informàtics i, en alguns casos, els seus familiars. L'informe que Citizen Lab en va publicar el 18 de març del 2022, identificava fins a 65 víctimes, consumades o intentades, xifra força més alta que en qualsevol dels casos que havien estudiat prèviament, superant els d'Al Jazeera (36 víctimes) i el d'El Salvador (35 víctimes). El terme «Catalangate» (que remet al cas Watergate) s'origina en el títol que portava l'informe en qüestió difós àmpliament el mateix dia pel setmanari The New Yorker que publicava en la portada un extens reportatge titulat How democracies spy on their citizens («Com les democràcies espien els seus ciutadans»), signat pel periodista d'investigació Ronan Farrow, del qual el cas català n'ocupava una setena part. (ca)
- CatalanGate is a 2022 political scandal involving accusations of espionage using the NSO Group's Pegasus spyware, against figures of the Catalan independence movement. Targets of the supposed espionage included elected officials (including the four presidents of the Generalitat of Catalonia since 2010, two presidents of the Parliament of Catalonia, and MEPs), activists, lawyers, and computer scientists; in some cases, families of the main targets were also purportedly targeted. The scandal was unleashed by the publication of an article in the New Yorker magazine, quoting studies by the University of Toronto's Citizen Lab, in which they examined the use of Pegasus spyware by different countries (Pegasus is only sold to governments who, according to Israel's own government, follow rule of law), and alleged to have found evidence of its use in phones owned by several Catalan separatist politicians and their entourage. The study completely overlooked the publicly-known fact that many of those politicians had recently been involved in (and tried for, and in some instances found guilty of) several crimes and misdemeanors, from embezzlement to sedition, and were in fact under judicially-approved government surveillance. The domain catalangate.cat was registered by Òmnium Cultural on 28 January 2022 - months before the espionage scandal which came to be known as CatalanGate came to light. and the "CatalanGate" name itself was coined by separatist politician Ernest Maragall, as reported by a book written by leading separatist activist (see quotes below) in which he relates how Citizen Lab produced tailored research to build judiciary evidence for large technology companies targeting NSO Group in the US courts; evidence of indirect funding by Apple and others has already been found. Together with alleged deficiencies in the research methodology (including the fact that the lead evidence gatherer on behalf of Citizen Lab was a known separatist activist, but also including deficient methodology), this has founded accusations from several instances (most notably the "Foro de Profesores" collective) that the scandal is essentially a publicity stunt to discredit the Spanish government's investigations into past and continuing criminal activity by the surveilled people, and to cover earlier surveillance by the regional secessionist government of opposition politicians. According to Spanish defense officials and to ex-president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont (himself the subject of a suspended Euro detention order for his alleged actions), he and his inner circle had been aware of CitizenLab's findings for over a year and pushed to release the findings (against the wishes of CitizenLab which sought to gather additional evidence before revealing their findings) to try to deflect attention from Puigdemont's ties with Russia and Putin as well as to influence the upcoming CJEU ruling regarding Puigdemont's immunity. The Citizen Lab report was published on April 18, 2022. The report identified up to 65 alleged victims, consummated or attempted. The number of targets exceeded previous cases of espionage studied by Citizen Lab, far surpassing those of Al Jazeera (36 victims) and El Salvador (35 victims). Citizen Lab did not definitively attribute the responsibility for the attacks to a particular perpetrator, however, it went on to state that circumstantial evidence strongly suggests the perpetrator to be the Spanish Government. The term CatalanGate was used as title of the Citizen Lab report. Despite the scandal's dissemination as CatalanGate, it also allegedly affected two prominent Basque pro-independence figures. (en)
- Independentisten espioitza auzia Espainiako espioitza kasu bat da, batez ere NSO Group konpainiaren Pegasus spyware programaren bidez egina Kataluniako mugimendu independentistaren aurka, eta 2022ko apirilean azaleratua. Zelatatutako katalanen artean ziren 2010az geroko Kataluniako Generalitateko lau lehendakariak, Kataluniako Parlamentuko bi lehendakari eta beste funtzionario hautetsi batzuk, eurodiputatuak barne, aktibistak, abokatuak eta informatikariak eta, kasu batzuetan, haien familiak. Arnaldo Otegi eta Jon Iñarritu euskal herritarrak ere jomugan jarri zituen. Eskandalua Compuerta Catalana izenaz ere zabaldu arren, aipatu bi euskal herritar buruzagi politikoei ere eragin zien. Torontoko Unibertsitateko Citizen Lab zentroak 2022ko martxoaren 18an argitaratu txostenean 65 biktima identifikatu zituen, gauzaturik edo saiaturik, eta kopuru hori nabarmen handiagoa izan da lehenago ezagutzen zen beste edozein espioitza kasu ezagunetan baino: Al Jazeera (36 biktima) eta El Salvador (35 biktima). Giroa areago bihurritu zen espioitzaren biktimak legegintzaldi horretako Espainiako Gobernuaren nahitaezko babesleen artean zeudelako eta gobernu horrek une horretan aurkeztu behar zituelako Ukrainako inbasioaren krisiari buru egiteko Espainiako urteko aurrekontuak. ERCren kontrako botoaz eta EH Bilduren babesaz, aurrekontu horiek aurrera atera ahal izan ziren. Luze gabe eta espioitza eskandaluaren biktimek erantzukizunak erreklamatu ahala, auziak ezusteko bilakaera bat izan zuen, Espainiako Gobernu horretako bozeramaileak adierazi zuenean urtebete lehenago Pedro Sanchez presidentea eta Margarita Robles defentsa ministroa (CNI Espainiako Inteligentzia Zentroaren erantzule gorena) Pegasus bidez zelatatu zituztela. Aditzera eman zen Marokoko zerbitzu sekretuak izan zitezkeela horren arduradunak. (eu)
- Le Catalangate est une affaire d'espionnage, exécutée principalement avec le programme d'espionnage Pegasus du groupe NSO, contre le mouvement indépendantiste catalan. Parmi les personnes espionnées il y a eu les quatre présidents de la Generalitat de Catalunya depuis 2010, deux présidents du Parlement de Catalogne et d'autres élus, même des députés européens, ainsi que des militants, des avocats et des développeurs informatiques et, dans certains cas, leurs proches. Le rapport publié par Citizen Lab le 18 mars 2022, a identifié jusqu'à 65 victimes, un nombre beaucoup plus élevé que dans tous les cas qu'ils avaient précédemment étudiés, dépassant ceux d' Al Jazeera (36 victimes) et celui du Salvador (35 victimes). Le terme « Catalangate », qui fait référence à l'affaire du Watergate, trouve son origine dans le titre du rapport en question largement diffusé le même jour par The New Yorker, qui a publié un rapport détaillé en couverture intitulé How Democracies Spy on their citizen (Comment les démocraties espionnent leurs citoyens), signé par le journaliste d'investigation Ronan Farrow, dont le cas catalan représentait un septième. (fr)
- Catalangate és un cas d'espionatge, perpetrat principalment amb el programa espia Pegasus de l'empresa NSO Group, contra el moviment independentista català, inclosos els quatre presidents de la Generalitat de Catalunya des del 2010, dos presidents del Parlament de Catalunya i altres càrrecs electes, fins i tot europarlamentaris, a més d'activistes, advocats i desenvolupadors informàtics i, en alguns casos, els seus familiars. L'informe que Citizen Lab en va publicar el 18 de març del 2022, identificava fins a 65 víctimes, consumades o intentades, xifra força més alta que en qualsevol dels casos que havien estudiat prèviament, superant els d'Al Jazeera (36 víctimes) i el d'El Salvador (35 víctimes). El terme «Catalangate» (que remet al cas Watergate) s'origina en el títol que portava l'info (ca)
- CatalanGate is a 2022 political scandal involving accusations of espionage using the NSO Group's Pegasus spyware, against figures of the Catalan independence movement. Targets of the supposed espionage included elected officials (including the four presidents of the Generalitat of Catalonia since 2010, two presidents of the Parliament of Catalonia, and MEPs), activists, lawyers, and computer scientists; in some cases, families of the main targets were also purportedly targeted. (en)
- Independentisten espioitza auzia Espainiako espioitza kasu bat da, batez ere NSO Group konpainiaren Pegasus spyware programaren bidez egina Kataluniako mugimendu independentistaren aurka, eta 2022ko apirilean azaleratua. Zelatatutako katalanen artean ziren 2010az geroko Kataluniako Generalitateko lau lehendakariak, Kataluniako Parlamentuko bi lehendakari eta beste funtzionario hautetsi batzuk, eurodiputatuak barne, aktibistak, abokatuak eta informatikariak eta, kasu batzuetan, haien familiak. Arnaldo Otegi eta Jon Iñarritu euskal herritarrak ere jomugan jarri zituen. (eu)
- Le Catalangate est une affaire d'espionnage, exécutée principalement avec le programme d'espionnage Pegasus du groupe NSO, contre le mouvement indépendantiste catalan. Parmi les personnes espionnées il y a eu les quatre présidents de la Generalitat de Catalunya depuis 2010, deux présidents du Parlement de Catalogne et d'autres élus, même des députés européens, ainsi que des militants, des avocats et des développeurs informatiques et, dans certains cas, leurs proches. Le rapport publié par Citizen Lab le 18 mars 2022, a identifié jusqu'à 65 victimes, un nombre beaucoup plus élevé que dans tous les cas qu'ils avaient précédemment étudiés, dépassant ceux d' Al Jazeera (36 victimes) et celui du Salvador (35 victimes). Le terme « Catalangate », qui fait référence à l'affaire du Watergate, trouv (fr)