- Bo (nickname for birth name "Ysabeau") is the protagonist of Lost Girl, the Canadian supernatural drama television series that premiered on Showcase on September 12, 2010, and ran for five seasons. Bo (aka Bo Dennis, surname of adoptive name "Beth Dennis", and Bo Jones, false ID name) is a superhuman bisexual succubus. The character is portrayed by Anna Silk. In the first episode of the series, It's a Fae, Fae, Fae, Fae World, Bo saved a young human woman named Kenzi from a rapist, and despite their differences the two quickly became friends. Confronted by the local Fae leaders with having to pick a clan, either "Light" or "Dark", Bo declared herself neutral, choosing to side with humans after Kenzi risked her life to find out where Bo had been forcefully taken and then helped Bo break free from a trance by calling out to her. Throughout the first season, Bo learns more about the Fae world and her supernatural nature, while searching for information about her origins. Along the way, Bo also develops romantic relationships with both Dyson, a Light Fae wolf-shapeshifter and police detective in the human police force; and Lauren, a human doctor and scientist in servitude to the Light Fae. In 2012, "Bo" was No. 35 in the AfterEllen list of Top 50 Favorite Female TV Characters; and in 2013, No. 10 in its Top 65 Kick-Ass Female Fantasy Characters. In 2014, "Bo Dennis" was named No. 92 in the British Film Institute list of the top 100 Best Sci-Fi Characters of All Time. (en)
- Bo (nickname for birth name "Ysabeau") is the protagonist of Lost Girl, the Canadian supernatural drama television series that premiered on Showcase on September 12, 2010, and ran for five seasons. Bo (aka Bo Dennis, surname of adoptive name "Beth Dennis", and Bo Jones, false ID name) is a superhuman bisexual succubus. The character is portrayed by Anna Silk. (en)