Bainch Baja is a village in the Hoshiarpur district of Punjab, India. It is located five kilometers from the National Highway 1A. It has a population is around 5000; the electoral roll has around 3500 people. It is administered by Panchayat raj.
Bainch Baja is a village in the Hoshiarpur district of Punjab, India. It is located five kilometers from the National Highway 1A. It has a population is around 5000; the electoral roll has around 3500 people. It is administered by Panchayat raj. (en)
Bainch Baja is a village in the Hoshiarpur district of Punjab, India. It is located five kilometers from the National Highway 1A. It has a population is around 5000; the electoral roll has around 3500 people. It is administered by Panchayat raj. (en)