Ann Meredith Perkins, RN, portrayed by Rashida Jones, is a fictional character in the NBC comedy Parks and Recreation. She is a nurse and Leslie Knope's best friend.
Ann Meredith Perkins, RN, portrayed by Rashida Jones, is a fictional character in the NBC comedy Parks and Recreation. She is a nurse and Leslie Knope's best friend. (en)
God bless you, Rashida Jones's agent, you know how to draw up an ironclad contract. Jones herself is never a chore to watch; far from it, and it can only be assumed she's equally charming to work with. [But] the Parks and Recreation writers are the smartest in the business, and even they seem at a loss as to what to do with Ann Perkins. (en)
Ann Meredith Perkins, RN, portrayed by Rashida Jones, is a fictional character in the NBC comedy Parks and Recreation. She is a nurse and Leslie Knope's best friend. (en)