- In Greek mythology, Ampyx (Ancient Greek: Ἄμπυξ) or Ampycus (Ἄμπυκος Ampykos means 'woman's diadem, frontlet') was the name of the following figures:
* Ampyx, also called Ampycus or Ampyce was a seer, the son of Elatus and possibly of Hippeia from Titaresia. He fathered Mopsus with the nymph Chloris or Aregonis. His son Mopsus joined the Argonauts after he was slain.
* Ampyx, father of the seer Idmon in some texts. Otherwise, Idmon was called the son of Abas or the god Apollo by Antianeira. Not to be confused with the above-mentioned Ampyx who was the father of another seer, Mopsus.
* Ampyx or Ampycus, an Ethiopian priest of Demeter (Ceres). He appears in Ovid's Metamorphoses and was slain by Phineus during a fight between Phineus and Perseus (see Boast of Cassiopeia), just before Phineus was turned to stone.
* Ampyx or Amycus, son of , was one of the Lapiths who fought the centaurs at Pirithous's wedding. Appears in Ovid's Metamorphoses.
* Ampyx, son of Pelias, descendant of King Amyclas of Laconia. Through his son Areus, Ampyx became the ancestor of Patreus who founded Patrae. (en)
- Ampyx (Grieks: Ἄμπυξ) of Ampycus (Latijn) is een figuur uit de Griekse mythologie, de zoon van de bloemengodin Chloris en de westenwind Zephyros. Hij was de broer van de ziener Mopsus en . Volgens sommige mythen was Ampyx de vader van Mopsus. (nl)
- Ampyx (Grieks: Ἄμπυξ) of Ampycus (Latijn) is een figuur uit de Griekse mythologie, de zoon van de bloemengodin Chloris en de westenwind Zephyros. Hij was de broer van de ziener Mopsus en . Volgens sommige mythen was Ampyx de vader van Mopsus. (nl)
- In Greek mythology, Ampyx (Ancient Greek: Ἄμπυξ) or Ampycus (Ἄμπυκος Ampykos means 'woman's diadem, frontlet') was the name of the following figures:
* Ampyx, also called Ampycus or Ampyce was a seer, the son of Elatus and possibly of Hippeia from Titaresia. He fathered Mopsus with the nymph Chloris or Aregonis. His son Mopsus joined the Argonauts after he was slain.
* Ampyx, father of the seer Idmon in some texts. Otherwise, Idmon was called the son of Abas or the god Apollo by Antianeira. Not to be confused with the above-mentioned Ampyx who was the father of another seer, Mopsus.
* Ampyx or Ampycus, an Ethiopian priest of Demeter (Ceres). He appears in Ovid's Metamorphoses and was slain by Phineus during a fight between Phineus and Perseus (see Boast of Cassiopeia), just before Phine (en)