- Editors:
Carver Mead
California Institute of Technology, USA
Mohammed Ismail
Ohio State University, USA
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About this book
This volume contains the proceedings of a workshop on Analog Integrated Neural Systems held May 8, 1989, in connection with the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. The presentations were chosen to encompass the entire range of topics currently under study in this exciting new discipline. Stringent acceptance requirements were placed on contributions: (1) each description was required to include detailed characterization of a working chip, and (2) each design was not to have been published previously. In several cases, the status of the project was not known until a few weeks before the meeting date. As a result, some of the most recent innovative work in the field was presented. Because this discipline is evolving rapidly, each project is very much a work in progress. Authors were asked to devote considerable attention to the shortcomings of their designs, as well as to the notable successes they achieved. In this way, other workers can now avoid stumbling into the same traps, and evolution can proceed more rapidly (and less painfully). The chapters in this volume are presented in the same order as the corresponding presentations at the workshop. The first two chapters are concerned with fmding solutions to complex optimization problems under a predefmed set of constraints. The first chapter reports what is, to the best of our knowledge, the first neural-chip design. In each case, the physics of the underlying electronic medium is used to represent a cost function in a natural way, using only nearest-neighbor connectivity.
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09 July 2020
Table of contents (10 chapters)
- John Harris, Christof Koch, Jin Luo, John Wyatt
Pages 27-55
- Eric A. Vittoz, Xavier Arreguit
Pages 57-83
- John Lazzaro, Carver Mead
Pages 85-101
- Steven Bibyk, Mohammed Ismail
Pages 103-133
- Paul Mueller, Jan van der Spiegel, David Blackman, Timothy Chiu, Thomas Clare, Christopher Donham et al.
Pages 135-169
- J. Van der Spiegel, G. Kreider, C. Claeys, I. Debusschere, G. Sandini, P. Dario et al.
Pages 189-211
- M. A. Mahowald, T. Delbrück
Pages 213-238
Back Matter
Pages 247-248
Editors and Affiliations
California Institute of Technology, USA
Carver Mead
Ohio State University, USA
Mohammed Ismail