Blog post
Nature Research Communities hosts the post on the interdisciplinary data sets released in open access for further analyses of researchers interested in air quality, attitudes, and school mobility (December 2024)
Final Conference on the „Applied Research Programme” included a panel discussion of the IdeaLab formula for developing transcdsciplinary research projects to which I was invited (November 2024)
Interdisciplinary conference Przełomy focused on resaerch results from IDUB programme, where I was able to share CoMobility team’s take on open data (October 2024)
We discussed the package of tools and methods developed in CoMobiliy on the conference organized by Izba Gospodarcza Komunikacji Miejskiej in Włocławek (June 2024)
A chapter with Beata Łopaciuk-Gonczaryk in the Report from
the Central European Social Survey in 2021-2022 is available here (April 2024)
Final conference of Co-designing Inclusive Mobility took place in Warsaw (March 2024)
I conducted a workshop sharing my experiuece as a scholar on how academia can cooperate with local governments and non-governmental organization at Lakes Connect meeting (February 2024)
Blog post
I show that political indoctrination at school has a lasting impact on children’s future prospects and why on LSE European Politics and Policy Blog (February 2024)
Research visit
During my study visit at Leibnitz IOS instute I worked with Olga Popova on the long-lasting effects of communist institutions (October 2023)
It was interesting to share first results from the two papers drafted in CoMobility project at 62nd ERSA Congress this year (August 2023) and chair entire session dedicated to the CoMobility research at the Faculty of Economic Sciences annual conference (September 2023)
Blog posts
I studied how Soviet communism affected familaristic preferences and wrote on the conclusions from this research on LSE European Politics and Policy Blog and VOX EU Columns (June 2023)
I got great feedback to my research on differential effects of compulsory education on health in formerly communist countries at the Essen Health Conference (May 2023)
I discussed regional challenges related to long-term care and presented my study results on the attitudes towards care in Szczecin, where CenEA organized „Demographic changes in Europe in a regional perspective” conference (March 2023)
Research visit
I had the opportunity to consult my research with Jorge Garcia Hombrados and advance on my work-in-progress during my visit to Autonomus University of Madrid (January 2023)
I presented first results from CoMobility project in the session on walkability at the „Warszawa w świetle badań naukowych” conference (September 2022)
I was happy to share the social sciences perspective on the mobility research in the panel discussion during the Modelling 2022 conference in Cracow (June 2022)
I had the pleasure to discuss public services’ role after pandemics in a panel during the conference „Życie w mieście – na co pandemia otworzyła nam oczy” organized by the City of Warsaw (May 2022)
Together with colleagues from DELab UW and WNE UW, we designed and conducted the workshop on the research process for the Municipality of Warsaw (January 2022)
For the first time EHPG workshop took place in Poland. We discussed challanges, opportunities and lessons learnt on digital health care (December 2021)
Together with Magda Kubecka from Fundacja „Na miejscu”, we invited businesspeople and municipality workers gathered in the Klub Innowacji to cooperate with our CoMobility team (October 2021)
4th IZA/Higher School of Economics Workshop: Thirty Years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain: The Contribution of Labor Market Adjustment to Transition and Convergence with the presentation Equal before luck? Well-being consequences to personal deprivation in planned and free-market economies
Applied Economics Conference: Labour, Health, Education And Welfare with the presentation The Lasting Consquences of Communist Indoctrination in School: Evidence from Poland (October 2021)
CoMobility team meeting in-person kicked-off the research process after long phase of careful planning and preparations (September 2021)
European Society for Population Economics (ESPE) Annual Conference 2021, June 17-18, Barcelona, Spain (on-line)
Warsaw International Economic Meeting 2021, June 24-25, Warsaw, Poland with a presentation on regime change and shocks
Impacts of COVID-19 in Europe: perspectives from the social sciences (May 2021)
A presentation at LSE Health Policy Seminar summarizing my research during NAWA Bekker fellowship (January 2021)
Working papers
New IZA and CESifo discussion paper on long-lasting effects of communism, and another IZA one on indoctrination effects in later life (December 2020)
Research project
Our project Co-designing inclusive mobility to be conducted in partnership with NILU, WUT, SGH, FNI, OSF and Lublin in tight cooperation with City of Warsaw was granted funding from NCBiR IdeaLab program (October 2020)
I started a study on the Effects of communist education on later-life health in the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange Bekker programme at LSE (August 2020)
Blog post
We wrote on The importance of financial and non-financial private transfers coming from beyond family and kinship on SHARE BLOG
IdeaLab ‘Cities for the future: services and solutions’. Our team developed the project Co-designing inclusive mobility (March 2020)
We summarized the 4EU+ webinar in a multidisciplinary group of students, tutors, and invited researchers from Denmark, Germany, Italy, and Poland (January 2020)
About the webinar, the project, and the seminar
Media: portal M. St. Warszawa, strona UW, Pismo UW 2/2019, 3/2019
NCN Opus (17th edition) granted for the project The role of institutions for health, attitudes and behaviours in later life
30th Aual Conference of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, 27-29 September 2019, Kazimierz Dolny
Member of the scientific committee of the inequalities programme
European Society for Population Economics (ESPE) Annual Conference 2019, June 20-22, Bath UK
NBER Summer Institute in Political Economy 2019, July 15-16, Cambridge MA, USA