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The Value of Electricity Reliability: Evidence from Battery Adoption. (2023). Muehlenbachs, Lucija ; Brown, David P.
In: Working Papers.

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  1. A-7 Figure A3: Impact of Outage Intensity on Storage Capacity by CalEnviroScreen Quartiles -.01 0 .01 .02 .03 -12-10-8 -6-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Months relative to outage (a) First CalEnviroScreen Quartile -.01 0 .01 .02 .03-12-10-8 -6-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Months relative to outage (b) Second CalEnviroScreen Quartile -.01 0 .01 .02 .03 -12-10-8 -6-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Months relative to outage (c) Third CalEnviroScreen Quartile -.01 0 .01 .02 .03 -12-10-8 -6-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Months relative to outage (d) Fourth CalEnviroScreen Quartile Notes. The dependent variables reflect watts of installed storage capacity. The coefficients are reported in the solid lines and are the estimates of β from our specification in (1) with quadratic zip-code-specific time trends, and the sample is separated by CalEnviroScreen quartiles. The shaded region reflects the 95 percent confidence intervals. We use California OEHHA’s (2018) CalEnviroScreen 3.0 environmental justice metric.
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  2. A-8 A.6 Additional Robustness Specifications Table A3 presents several additional model specifications. For comparison purposes, column (1) provides the results from our main specification over the full sample. Column (2) considers the results of our analysis when we compare zip codes that were first and only subject to PSPS outage events in October 2019 (reflecting 76 percent of treated zip codes) to never-treated zip codes. This comparison focuses on the most intensely treated zip codes and does not have variation in treatment timing.
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  41. Figure A4 demonstrates a two-by-two DID comparison between a treated and never-treated group that receives considerable weight in the identification of the overall DID estimate. This group reflects the October 2019 treated group compared to the never-treated zip codes. This is consistent with the fact that the majority of the treated zip codes in our sample (76 percent) were first (and only) treated in this month. Furthermore, these figures demonstrate that despite variability in the size of the DID estimate, the treated versus never-treated comparisons are all positive, as are their weights.
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  42. Figure A4: Goodman-Bacon Decomposition—Discrete Two-Way Fixed Effects DID Notes. This figure implements Goodman-Bacon’s (2021) Decomposition Theorem for the two-way fixed effects DID specification in Equation (A.1). The x-axis provides the weights placed on each two-by-two DID estimator, and the y-axis provides the corresponding DID coefficient estimate.
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  96. This likely arises because the majority of treated zip codes in our sample (76 percent) receive their A-10 first and only treatment in October 2019. Furthermore, the October 2019 outage events were the largest in magnitude and duration.
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  97. To understand the potential implication of the concerns raised in the literature on our main specification, we use the diagnostic tests developed by Goodman-Bacon (2021). This method isolates the DID estimate and weights for the two-by-two DID that uses already-treated zip codes as a control group for zip codes treated later in the sample. We demonstrate that the possible biases associated with using an already-treated zip code as a control group are minimal in our setting.
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