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Foreign competition and disintermediation: no threat to the German banking system?. (2000). Buch, Claudia ; Golder, Stefan M..
In: Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review.

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  1. Banche, territorio e sviluppo. (2003). Zazzaro, Alberto ; Papi, Luca ; Alessandrini, Pietro.
    In: Moneta e Credito.

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  2. Banks, regions and development. (2003). Zazzaro, Alberto ; Papi, Luca ; Alessandrini, Pietro.
    In: Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review.

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  3. Banks, regions and development. (2003). Zazzaro, Alberto ; Papi, Luca ; Alessandrini, Pietro.
    In: BNL Quarterly Review.

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  4. Foreign versus domestic banks in Germany and the US: a tale of two markets?. (2001). Buch, Claudia ; Golder, Stefan M..
    In: Journal of Multinational Financial Management.

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  5. Domestic and Foreign Banks in Germany: Do They Differ?. (2000). Buch, Claudia ; Golder, Stefan M.
    In: Kiel Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

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