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Transmission of business cycle shocks between the US and the euro area. (2008). Schneider, Martin ; Fenz, Gerhard.
In: Working Papers.

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  1. External Influences on Business Cycle Synchronization in the Euro Area. (2012). Jones, Jason ; Sribnick, Lauren ; Collins, Nora .
    In: International Advances in Economic Research.

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  2. On the transmission of economic fluctuations from the USA to EU-15 (1960–2011). (2012). Papageorgiou, Theofanis ; Michaelides, Panayotis.
    In: Journal of Economics and Business.

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  3. Working Paper 150. (2009). Rheinberger, Klaus ; Breuer, Thomas ; Summer, Martin ; Jandacka, Martin .
    In: Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

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