- 95% confidence interval displayed in brackets are computed from 1000 bootstrap iterations. Single recipients of intra-family transfers, metropolitan France, except retirement pensions holders. For 2014 and 2015, marginal tax rates are computed assuming r = 0.5 in the “décote†formula. Tax files POTE 2008-2015.
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A. POISSONNIER Structural reforms in DSGE models: a case for sensitivity analyses G2016/08 Y. DUBOIS et M. KOUBI Relèvement de l'âge de départ à la retraite : quel impact sur l'activité des séniors de la réforme des retraites de 2010 ? G2016/09 A. NAOUAS -M. ORAND -I. SLIMANI HOUTI Les entreprises employant des salariés au Smic : quelles caractéristiques et quelle rentabilité ? G2016/10 T. BLANCHET -Y. DUBOIS -A. MARINO -M. ROGER Patrimoine privé et retraite en France G2016/11 M. PAK -A. POISSONNIER Accounting for technology, trade and final consumption in employment: an Input-Output decomposition G2017/01 D. FOUGÈRE -E. GAUTIER -S. ROUX Understanding Wage Floor Setting in IndustryLevel Agreements: Evidence from France G2017/02 Y. DUBOIS -M. KOUBI Règles d’indexation des pensions et sensibilité des dépenses de retraites à la croissance économique et aux chocs démographiques xii G2017/03 A. CAZENAVE-LACROUTZ -
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- An application to the E.C. Trade G 9203 I. STAPIC Les échanges internationaux de services de la France dans le cadre des négociations multilatérales du GATT Juin 1992 (1ère version) Novembre 1992 (version finale) G 9204 P. SEVESTRE L'économétrie sur données individuellestemporelles.
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- Another model could consider two types of taxpayers: a fraction θ would perfectly understand the effective tax schedule and choose his optimal allocation with respect to the true budget set featuring a notch at the TCT, while a fraction 1 − θ would only perceive the wrong tax schedule and locate at the TT kink. In such a framework, individuals are either completely right or completely wrong about the tax schedule. Gabaix [2014] explains that such an “all-ornothing †view on attention is a sub-model of the misperception model with a restriction on the attention function. Yet, conclusions are radically different, since there is no more “behavioral cross influenceâ€Â: taxpayers with an income level z should not respond to incentives with respect to the marginal tax rate at another income level z0 6= z. As a consequence, the observed distribution of taxable income would be the superposition of the distributions for the two subpopulations.
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- E Figures Figure 11: Share of online tax filers (in %) ◠◠◠◠◠2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Year Share of online taxfilers ◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠Sample near thresholds Sample Population Note: Tax files POTE 2008-2015. The sample is composed by recipients of intra-family transfers.
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- E. MAURIN Bis Persistence of inter-industry wages differentials: a reexamination on matched worker-firm panel data G 9506 S. JACOBZONE Les liens entre RMI et chômage, une mise en perspective NON PARU -article sorti dans Économie et Prévision n 122 (1996) -pages 95 à 113 G 9507 G. CETTE -S. MAHFOUZ Le partage primaire du revenu Constat descriptif sur longue période G 9601 Banque de France -CEPREMAP -Direction de la Prévision -Érasme -INSEE -
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- E. MAURIN Les transformations de la demande de travail par qualification en France Une étude sur la période 1970-1993 G 9504 N. GREENAN Technologie, changement organisationnel, qualifications et emploi : une étude empirique sur l'industrie manufacturière G 9505 D. GOUX -E. MAURIN Persistance des hiérarchies sectorielles de salaires: un réexamen sur données françaises G 9505 D. GOUX -
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- Estimation of this model provides very similar values for the elasticity ε and the degree of attention θ, but much different ones for earning responses. In particular, earnings responses at the TT kink ∆zk are 3 to 5 times bigger than in the baseline model and exceed earnings responses at the TCT notch ∆zn from 2012 to 2015. Table 7 presents the results of this estimation. This model faces major limits. First, it is very unlikely that taxpayers have knowledge of only one threshold when both of them are mentioned on the same sheet of paper (Figure 8).
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- F. GODET L'espérance de vie en retraite sans incapacité sévère des générations nées entre 1960 et 1990 : une projection à partir du modèle Destinie G2017/04 J. BARDAJI -B. CAMPAGNE -M.-B. KHDER -Q. LAFFÉTER -O. SIMON (Insee) A.-S. DUFERNEZ -C. ELEZAAR -P. LEBLANC -E. MASSON -H. PARTOUCHE (DG-Trésor) Le modèle macroéconométrique Mésange : réestimation et nouveautés G2017/05 J. BOUSSARD -B. CAMPAGNE Fiscal Policy Coordination in a Monetary Union at the Zero-Lower-Bound G2017/06 A. CAZENAVE-LACROUTZ -A. GODZINSKI Effects of the one-day waiting period for sick leave on health-related absences in the French central civil service G2017/07 P. CHARNOZ -
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- F. ROSENWALD Investissement et contraintes de financement : le poids du cycle Une estimation sur données françaises G 2000/06 A. FLIPO Les comportements matrimoniaux de fait G 2000/07 R. MAHIEU -
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- Figure 10: Taxpayers reporting intra-family transfers at reference points −4000 −2000 0 2000 4000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Taxable income Note: Tax files POTE 2012-2014 (pooled). Taxpayers with a taxable income within a 2000e interval around the TCT, reporting received intra-family transfers at reference point (maximal amounts of transfers for elderly relatives and adult children) for 2012, 2013 or 2014, meaning in the set: {3359, 3386, 5698, 3403, 5726}.
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- Figure 12: Misperception of the threshold where tax liabilities start Panel A: Äk < Än (2008 - 2011) Consumption c Taxable income z zk Slope = 1 - (1-θ)Äk Slope = 1 Slope = 1 - (1- θ)Äk - θÄn zk+∆zk zn+δzn zn+∆zn Én * Én min Ék *
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- Figure 9: Distribution of intra-family transfers for taxpayers close to the thresholds 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 Intra−family transfers Note: Tax files POTE 2013. Taxpayers with a taxable income within a 2000e interval around the TCT. Distribution of intra-family transfers by 50e bins. Bunching appears at round-numbers, as well as at the upper bound for transfers to adult children (5,698e) and to elderly relatives (3,386e). Interestingly, a thorough examination shows that, in the last case, some people report the previous year’s amount (3,358e).
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- GIANELLA Wages inequalities in France 1969-1992 An application of quantile regression techniques G 9906 C. BONNET -R. MAHIEU Microsimulation techniques applied to intergenerational transfers -
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- However, statistics on these reported intra-family transfers would provide a lower bound for truthful behaviors. In 2013, among the 72,074 tax filers of the sample whose taxable income lies in a 2000e interval around the TCT: 20,953 (22.5%) report intra-family transfers exactly equal to the upper bound for elderly relatives (3,386e or 3,359e depending on whether they consider the current or the previous year), 11,299 (12.2%) report transfers equal to the upper bound for an adult child (5,698e) and 12,819 (13.8%) report a multiple of 1000e, which is unlikely to allow them to bunch at one of the two thresholds. Overall, at least 48.5% of these recipients do not seem to consider firstly income taxation when reporting intra-family transfers and 34.7% stick to reference point, reporting the maximum amount allowed. Figure 9 shows the density of these transfers. Strong bunching appears at the maximum amounts of transfers for elderly relatives and adult children.
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- However, these taxpayers do not completely ignore the tax collection threshold. Figure B depicts the taxable income distribution of taxpayers reporting a transfer received equal to an upper limit (either for adult children or elderly relatives), pooling data for 2012 to 2014. Around the two thresholds of interest, this density is clearly smoother than the baseline one. Yet, the steeper slope in the region where tax filers start paying taxes indicates a global deformation of this density, resulting from a global bunching mechanism similar to Kosonen and Matikka [2015]. Taxpayers would be more likely to report the maximum amount of transfer if it does not triggers income taxes.
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- In the difference in bunching procedure, the distribution of taxable income for 2013 is taken as a counterfactual for the for the estimation of bunching at the kink from 2008 to 2011, while the distribution for 2011 is taken as a counterfactual for 2012 to 2015. This choice is arbitrary, but as shown in Table 8, considering respectively the distribution for 2014 and 2009 instead of the 2013’s and 2011’s ones leaves the results unchanged. Similar conclusions are in order when considering different values for the size of the dominated region ∆zD, the width of the estimation window, the order of the polynomial or the width of the bunching regions at each of the two thresholds (Table 9). The most unstable parameter is the elasticity ε, which is also the parameter the most imprecisely estimated.
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Saez, Emmanuel (2010), “Do Taxpayers Bunch at Kink Points?†American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2, 180–212.
- Table 7: A model with two types of taxpayers Year ε θ ∆zk ∆zn 2008 0.77 0.66 734 992 [0.7, 1.05] [0.63, 0.67] [668, 1001] [846, 1622] 2009 0.66 0.67 638 780 [0.64, 1.06] [0.63, 0.68] [610, 1019] [722, 1666] 2010 0.71 0.64 687 887 [0.67, 1.22] [0.58, 0.65] [650, 1183] [806, 2085] 2011 0.67 0.72 648 803 [0.62, 1.02] [0.67, 0.72] [604, 992] [709, 1599] 2012 0.54 0.72 1510 571 [0.51, 1.01] [0.65, 0.74] [1408, 2817] [498, 1744] 2013 0.56 0.75 1587 620 [0.5, 0.95] [0.56, 0.77] [1433, 2702] [506, 1852] 2014 0.53 0.75 1726 711 [0.49, 1.36] [0.46, 0.77] [1583, 4422] [607, 7591] 2015 0.51 0.82 1734 718 [0.48, 0.77] [0.79, 0.82] [1627, 2611] [640, 1407] Note: Parameters estimated from a model with two types of taxpayers. They are significantly positive at 1%.
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- Taxpayers are considered to locate near the two thresholds when their taxable income lies in a 2000e interval around the TCT. Individuals are recorded as online taxpayers when they are given an ADONIS number.
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- zI zn zd Panel B: Äk = Än (2012 - 2015) Consumption c Taxable income z zk Slope = 1 - (1-θ)Än Slope = 1 Slope = 1-Än zk+∆zk’ zn+δzn’ zn+∆zn zI zn zd Én min Ék * Én *
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