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[1979] Lazear, Edward P (1979). Why Is There Mandatory Retirement? Journal of Political Economy, 87:1261-1284, December.
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- ~açpi~s American o oration, Seniority, and 9501 : Boyer, Marcel et Jean-Jacques Laffont, Environmental Risks and Bank Liability, janvier 1995, 46 pages.
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9404 : Dagenais, Marcel 0. et Denyse L. Dagenais, 0MM Estimators for Linear Regression Models with Errors in the Variables, avril 1994, 33 pages.
- 9405 : Bronsard, C., Fabienne Rosenwald ci Lise Salvas-Bronsard,, Evidence on Co orate Private Debt Finance and the Term Structure of Interest Rates, avril 9406: and ~ ~ and Henry Farber (1987). `Job Duration, Seniority, and i a, Americpn E no,mi view, ~ June 9407: Camp * ryan et dean- ane U our, xact Nonparametric Tests of ~ °h~ ~ lP94,r~rp~g~SRev-iew of Economic Studies, 54, Jtuly. 9408: (~~ar ~~jva~ W7~h~I~ ~ ~ December.
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- 9417: ReorganiZation Decision:NeW Evklence from Canadim Dath~ ao6t 1994, 21 pages.
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9422: Vogelsang, Timothy 3. em Pierre Perron, Additional Tests for a Unit Root Allowing for a Break in the Trend Function at an Unknown Time, novembre 1994, 57 pages.
- 9422: Vogelsang, Timothy 3. et Pierre Penun, Additional Tests for a Unit Root Allowing for a Break in the Trend Function at an Unknown Time, novembre 1994, 57 pages.
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9422: Vogelsang, Timothy 3. et Pierre Perron, Additional Tests for a Unit Root Allowing for a Break in the Trend Function at an Unknown Time, novembre 1994, 57 pages.
9423: Ng, Serena ci Pierre Perron, Unit Root Tests in ARMA Models with Data Dependent Methods for the Selection of the Truncation Lag, décembre 1994, 41 pages.
9423: Ng, Serena em Pierre Perron, Unit Root Tests in ARMA Models with Data Dependent Methods for the Selection of the Truncation Lag, décembre 1994, 41 pages.
- 9423: Ng, Serena et Pierre Perron, Unit Root Tests in ARMA Models with Data Dependent Methods for the Selection of the Truncation L.ag, décembre 1994, 41 pages.
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9424: Perron, Pierre, The Adequacy of Asymptotic Approximations in the NearIntegrated Autoregressive Model with Dependent Errors, décembre 1994, 37 pages.
- 9424: Perron, Pierre, The Adequacy of Asymptotic Approximations in the NearIntegrated Autoregressive Model with Dependent Errors, décembre 1994, 37 pages.
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- 9424: Perron, Pierre, The Adequacy of Asymptotic Approximations in the NearIntegrated Autoregressive Model with Dependent Errors, décembre 1994, 37 pages.
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- 9425: Ghysels, Eric et Pierre Perron, The Effect of Linear Filters on Dynamic Time Series with Structural Change, déccmbie 1994, 35 pages.
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9425: Ohysels, Eric em Pierre Perron, The Effect of Linear Filters on Dynamic Time Series with Structural Change, décembte 1994, 35 pages.
- 9425: Ohysels, Eric et Pierre Perron, The Effect of Linear Filters on Dynamic Time Series with Structural Change, décembre 1994, 35 pages.
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- 9426 : Boyer, Marcel, Jean-Jacques 1~Affont, Philippe Malienc et Michel Isloreaux, Sequential Location Equilibria Under Incomplete Information, décembre 1994, 38 pages.
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9426 : Boyer, Marcel, Jean-Jacques i~iAffont, Philippe Mahenc em Michel Moreaux, Sequential Location Equilibria Under Incomplete Information, décembre 1994, 38 pages.
9426 : Boyer, Marcel, Jean-Jacques l~iAffont, Philippe Mahenc et Michel Moreaux, Sequential Location Equilibria Under Incomplete Information, décembre 1994, 38 pages.
- 9427: Perr~n, Pierre ci Serena NO, Useful Modifications to Some Unit Root Tests with Dependent Errors and their Local Asymptotic Properties, décembre 1994, 41 pages.
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9427: Perron, Pierre ci Serena NO, Useful Modifications to Some Unit Root Tests with Dependent Errors and their Local Asymptotic Properties, décembre 1994, 41 pages.
9427: Perron, Pierre et Serena NO, Useful Modifications to Some Unit Root Tests with Dependent Errors and their Local Asymptotic Properties, décembre 1994, 41 pages.
- 9428 : Garcia, René em Pierre Perron, An Analysis of the Real Interest Rate Under Regime Shifts, décembre 1994, 42 pages.
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9428 : Garcia, René et Pierre Perron, An Analysis of the Real Interest Rate Under Regime Shifts, décembre 1994, 42 pages.
9501 : Boyer, Marcel em Jean-Jacques Laffont, Environmental Risks and Bank Liability, janvier 1995, 46 pages.
9501 : Boyer, Marcel et Jean-Jacques Laffont, Environmental Risks and Bank Liability, janvier 1995, 46 pages.
- 9502 : Margolis, David. N., Firm Heterogeneity and Worker Self-Selection Bias Estimated Returns to Seniority, décembre 1994, 29 pages.
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- 9502 : Margolis, David. N., Firm Heterogeneity and Worker Self-Selection Bias Estimated Returns to Seniority, décembre 1994, 29 pages.
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- 9502 : Margolis, David. N., Firm Heterogeneity and Worker Self-Selection Bias Estimated Returns to Seniority, décembre 1994, 29 pages.
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9502 : Margolis, David. N., Firm Heterogeneity and Worker Self-Selection Bias Estimated Returns to Seniority, décembre 1994, 29 pages. at 9501 : Boyer, Marcel em Jean-Jacques Laffont, Environmental Risks and Bank Liability, janvier 1995, 46 pages.
- d M n uette et Sophie Mahseredjian, Major 9419: ~ Undergraduate Concentrations and the Probability of Graduation, septembre 1994, 26 pages. - t ns to Some Exact Distributions in 9420: b~r~; ti~:~ Model with Dependent Errors, septembre 1994, 40 pages. - 9421 : Perron, Pierre, Further Evidence on Breaking Trend Functions in 9403: ~ 9404 : Dagenais, Marcel G. et Den se L D ` - Regression M d ls y . agenais, 0MM Estimators for Linear o e with Errors in the Variables~!f, avril 1994, 33 pages, 9405: Bronsard C F - J~r Private Debt Finance and the Ter StRate~V~ 9406: r~~m, Katherine and Henry Farber (1987\ J t.
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I994,srp~tsJ1eview~3jPkIuc~*sJt~aj,ç Cept~?(iIle Mo~réal (Québec) (~g~ar ~jE~s-a~ F~4l7~ ~ l01,~11 `5,December. -- ~- - ion papc~) ~,i, Eric et Joanna Jasiak, Stochastic Volatility and Time Deformation : an Application of Trading Volume and Leverage Effects, février 1994, 37 pages.