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- This short review reveals that, while the recent economic literature has significantly advanced our knowledge on the effects of birth weight on a variety of outcomes, it has also left unanswered questions. One key question is the following: is birth weight per se important, or is it a proxy for other prenatal endowments which differ among the twins, and which are reflected, for example, in differences in birth length or head circumference ? Almond et al. (2005) rightly point out that birth weight might not be in itself a relevant policy variable, and that “while some interventions may indeed succeed in both raising birth weight and improving health outcomes, others may only be effective in raising birth weights, with little or no effects on health".
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- Thus, “other methods of infant health assessment may need to be developed". Apart from the present work, we are only aware of two other papers which have explored alternative measures: robinson2013sound, who has studied symmetric and asymmetric growth restriction on neonatal anthropometrics (in particular head circumference) and Anand and Chen (2018), the only other paper we are aware of who has used fetal data 47 She also confirms the similarity in the cross-sectional relationship between birth weight and several outcomes across the singleton and twins samples already seen in Black et al. (2007). 48 Royer (2009) also reports suggestive evidence that parents offer more resources to the heavier twin.
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- We select our analytical sample as follows. First, we select only the white children born between 1975 and 2000, to enhance comparability with the SWS sample. Second, to minimise measurement error,51 we only keep those children for whom the birth length is reported as not being an estimate; we further remove a few outliers in birth weight and birth length using Tukey’s method.52 We then standardise birth weight and birth length for gestational age using the growth chart developed by Olsen et al. (2010) for the United States;53 we further remove those z-scores resulting in values less than-4 or more than 4 standard deviations.
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