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- The Spanish government decided to remove the support scheme for renewable electricity plants installed after January 2012. This drastic measure is not retroactive, however. Thus, since support for pre-existing plants is guaranteed at least for 20 years, electricity consumers will continue to pay the financial burden associated with such support. Indeed, if the removal of support continues, the annual savings for electricity consumers are estimated to be around 1,500€ in 2020, or about 14% of the 10,400 M€ which would have been paid without such removal (CNE 2012).
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- This is consistent with the finding of a survey of penetration of heating, air conditioning and electric appliances in Spain, recently carried out by the Ministry of Industry (IDAE 2011a). We also show the results of the estimation when the threshold values are 18C for HDD and CDD and 20C for CDD, reflecting the thresholds often considered in the literature.
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