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- RIF(w; qÏ , FW ) = qÏ + IF(w; qÏ , FW ) (A.5) The importance of this transformation lies in the fact that the expectation of the RIF is precisely the quantile qÏ . With this result, Firpo et al. (2009) show that we can model the conditional expectation of the RIF as a linear function of the explanatory variables. E[RIF(wt; qÏ , FW,t|Xt)] = X0 tγt (A.6) Moreover, if we apply the law of iterated expectations to Equation A.6, the end result is an expression that directly relates the impact of changes in the expected values of the covariates on the unconditional quantile qÏ . Note that this result is all that is required to extend the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition to quantiles, since the basic components of the method are all present in Equation (A.6).
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