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Monetary and fiscal policy in advanced and developing countries: An analysis before and after the financial crisis. (2017). Vieira, Flavio ; da Silva, Cleomar Gomes.
In: The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance.

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  1. Explaining macroeconomic fluctuations in Ethiopia: the role of monetary and fiscal policies. (2023). Hawitibo, Alemu Lambamo.
    In: Economic Change and Restructuring.

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  2. Carbon emission post-coronavirus: Continual decline or rebound?. (2021). Li, Shuyu.
    In: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics.

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    In: Applied Econometrics and International Development.

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  4. Monetary policy efficiency and macroeconomic stability: Do financial openness and economic globalization matter?. (2020). de Mendonça, Helder ; Nascimento, Natalia Cunha ; de Mendona, Helder Ferreira ; deMendona, Helder Ferreira .
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  5. Does the Mundell-Fleming Model apply to Poland?. (2019). Hsing, YU.
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References cited by this document

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