- , “Beyond the Washington Consensus: an ECLAC perspectiveâ€, CEPAL Review, No. 66 (LC/G.2049-P), Santiago, Chile, December. Peres, Wilson (coord.) (1998), Grandes empresas y grupos industriales latinoamericanos. Expansión y desafÃos en la era de la apertura y la globalización, Mexico City, Siglo Veintiuno Editores. Peres, Wilson and Giovanni Stumpo (2000), “Small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises in Latin America and the Caribbean under the New Economic Modelâ€, World Development, vol. 28, No. 9, special, September. Polanyi, Karl (1957), The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time, Boston, Beacon Press. Rodrik, Dani (1999), Making Openness Work: The New Global Economy and the Developing Countries, Washington, D.C., Overseas Development Council.
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- , “Income distribution, poverty and social expenditure in Latin Americaâ€, CEPAL Review, No. 65 (LC/G.2033-P), Santiago, Chile, August.
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, América Latina y el Caribe: polÃticas para mejorar la inserción en la economÃa mundial, second version, revised and updated, Santiago, Chile, Fondo de Cultura Económica. An earlier English language version appeared in 1995, Latin America and the Caribbean: Policies to Improve Linkages with the Global Economy (LC/G.1800/Rev.1-P), Santiago, Chile. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.95.II.G.6.
- , Changing Production Patterns with Social Equity: The Prime Task of Latin American and Caribbean Development in the 1990s
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- , Desarrollo humano en Chile 1998: las paradojas de la modernización, Santiago, Chile.
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- , Economic and Social Progress in Latin America 1996-1997, Washington, D.C. ILO (International Labour Organization) (1999a), “Informe Final Reunión Regional Tripartita de la OIT con la colaboración de la OPS sobre ‘La Extensión de la Protección Social en Salud a los Grupos Excluidos en América Latina y el Caribe’â€, Mexico City, 29 November to 1 December.
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- , Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean, 19981999
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- , Foreign Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean. 1998 Report (LC/G.2042-P), Santiago, Chile, December. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.98.II.G.14.
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- , Foreign Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean. 1999 Report (LC/G.2061-P), Santiago, Chile. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.00.II.G.4.
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- , Foreign Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean. 2000 Report (LC/G.2125-P), Santiago, Chile, December. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.01.II.G.12.
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- , Has Globalization Gone Too Far?, Washington, D.C., Institute for International Economics (IIE). Schaper, Marianne (1999), Impactos ambientales de los cambios en la estructura exportadora en nueve paÃses de América Latina y el Caribe: 1980-1995, Medio ambiente y desarrollo series, No. 19 (LC/G.1241-P), Santiago, Chile, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
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- , Human Development Report, 1994, New York. UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) (1999a), GEO 2000, Global Environmental Outlook 2000, London, Earthscan Publications Ltd.
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- , Latin America and the Caribbean in the World Economy. 1998 Edition (LC/G.2038-P), Santiago, Chile, March. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.99.II.G.3.
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, October. Gligo, Nicolo (1997), “The public institutional system and explicit and implicit environmental policiesâ€, CEPAL Review, No. 63 (LC/G.1986-P), Santiago, Chile, December. Hofman, André (1999), Crecimiento y productividad en América Latina. Una visión comparativa a largo plazo (LC/R.1947), Santiago, Chile, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), December. IDB (Inter-American Development Bank) (1999), Economic and Social Progress in Latin America 1998-1999, Washington, D.C.
- , Open Regionalism in Latin America and the Caribbean: Economic Integration as a Contribution to Changing Production Patterns with Social Equity, Libros de la CEPAL series, No. 39 (LC/G.1801/Rev.1P) , Santiago, Chile. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.94.II.G.3. Equity, development and citizenship. Abridged edition 83
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- , Panorama de la inserción internacional de América Latina y el Caribe, 1996 (LC/G.1941), Santiago, Chile, 2 December.
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- , Panorama de la inserción internacional de América Latina y el Caribe, 1997 (LC/G.1978), Santiago, Chile.
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- , Panorama laboral, 1999, Lima, Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean.
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, Panorama laboral, 1999, Lima, Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean. IMF (International Monetary Fund) (1998), World Economic and Financial Surveys. World Economic Outlook, Washington, D.C., May. ECLAC Katz, Jorge (2001), Structural Reforms, Productivity and Technological Change in Latin America, Libros de la CEPAL series, No. 64 (LC/G.2129-P), Santiago, Chile, Economic Commission for Latin American and the Caribbean (ECLAC). United Nations publication, Sales No. E.01.II.G.22.
, Pasado y presente del comportamiento tecnológico de América Latina, Desarrollo productivo series, No. 75 (LC/L.1342/Rev.1-P), Santiago, Chile, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). United Nations publication, Sales No. S.00.II.G.45. Lahera, Eugenio and Mabel Cabezas (2000), Governance and institutional development of the Chilean economy (LC/R.1959), Santiago, Chile, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). Lora, Eduardo (1998), “Una década de reformas estructurales en América Latina: qué se ha reformado y cómo medirloâ€, Pensamiento iberoamericano, special issue, Madrid. Low, P. and A. Yeats (1992), “Do dirty industries migrate?â€, International Trade and Environment, Patrick Low (ed.), World Bank Discussion Papers, No. 159, Washington, D.C. Moguillansky, Graciela and Ricardo Bielschowsky (2001), Investment and Economic Reform in Latin America, Libros de la CEPAL series, No. 63
, Poverty and Inequality in Latin America: the Impact of Adjustment and Recovery in the 1980s, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press. Morley, Samuel, Roberto Machado and Stefano Pettinato (1999), “Indexes of structural reform in Latin Americaâ€, Reformas económicas series, No. 12
, Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean, 1998 (LC/G.2051-P), Santiago, Chile, December. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.98.II.G.15.
, Santiago, Chile, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). Ocampo, José Antonio (2000), “Agricultura y desarrollo rural en América Latina: tendencias, estrategias, hipótesisâ€, El impacto de las reformas estructurales y las polÃticas macroeconómicas sobre el sector agropecuario de América Latina, Bogotá, D.C, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)/ Alfaomega.
, Santiago, Chile, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). United Nations publication, Sales No. E.01.II.G.21. Morley, Samuel (2001), The Income Distribution Problem in Latin America and the Caribbean, Libros de la CEPAL series, No. 65 (LC/G.2127-P), Santiago, Chile, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). United Nations publication, Sales No. E.01.II.G.20.
- , Santiago, Chile, March. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.90.II.G.6. ECLAC/IIDH (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean/ InterAmerican Institute of Human Rights) (1997), La igualdad de los modernos: reflexiones acerca de la realización de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales, Santiago, Chile. Ffrench-Davis, Ricardo (1999), Macroeconomics, Trade, Finance: Reforming the Reforms in Latin America, London, Macmillan and St. Martin's Press. Ganuza, Enrique, Arturo León and Pablo Sauma (eds.) (1999), Gasto público en servicios sociales básicos en América Latina y el Caribe. Análisis desde la perspectiva de la Iniciativa 20/20 (LC/R.1933), Santiago de Chile, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)/ Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)/ United Nations Children’s Fund
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- , Social Panorama of Latin America, 1998 (LC/G.2050-P), Santiago, Chile. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.99.II.G.4.
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- , Strengthening Development: The Interplay of Macro- and Microeconomics (LC/G.1898/Rev.1-P), Santiago, Chile. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.96.II.G.2.
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- , The Equity Gap: Latin America, the Caribbean and the Social Summit (LC/G.1954/Rev.1-P), Santiago, Chile. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.97.II.G.11.
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- , The Fiscal Covenant: Strengths, Weaknesses, Challenges, Libros de la CEPAL series, N 47 (LC/G.1997/Rev.1-P), Santiago, Chile, November. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.98.II.G.5.
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- , The Social Summit: A View from Latin America and the Caribbean (LC/G.1802(SES.25/5)), Santiago, Chile, April.
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- , Trade and Development Report, 1997 (UNCTAD/TDR/1997), Geneva. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.97.II.D.8. UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) (1999), Human Development Report, 1999, New York.
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- , Trade and Development Report, 1998 (UNCTAD/TDR/1998), Geneva. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.98.II.D.6.
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, World Economic Survey, 1999, New York. Weller, Jürgen (2001), Economic Reforms, Growth and Employment: Labour Markets in Latin America and the Caribbean, Libros de la CEPAL series, No. 66 (LC/G.2121-P), Santiago, Chile, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). United Nations publication, Sales No. E.01.II.G.19. WTO (World Trade Organization) (1999a), “Informe Final. Reunión Regional Tripartita de la OIT con la colaboración de la OPS ‘La extensión de la protección social en salud a los grupos excluidos en América Latina y el Caribe (México, D.F., 29 de noviembre al 1 de diciembre de 1999)’â€.
- . United Nations (1999a), Towards a New International Financial Architecture. Report of the Task Force of the Executive Committee on Economic and Social Affairs (LC/G.2054), Santiago, Chile, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), March.
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