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- Generating positive PDs is arguably a more important objective than getting positive liquidity compensations. As a consequence, Ã1 is taken higher than Ã2. We use Ã1 = 4 and Ã2 = 1 (see equation 25) for all countries except for Finland, for which we set these parameters to zero. With Ã1 = 4 and Ã2 = 1, we get positive and statistically signiïcant Finnish PDs in the early 2000s. It may be due to the fact that the liquidity of Finnish bonds has increased over the last decade; but in our framework, we can not increase the liquidity spreads in the early 2000s without producing deeply negative PDs in the late 2000s (penalized when Ã1 = 4). F Historical and risk-neutral dynamics of yt and zt 41 F Historical and risk-neutral dynamics of yt and zt Tab. 4: Parameters deïning the historical and risk-neutral dynamics (Part 1/2)
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